Exit B2/ N1/ N2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon-Tuh: 11:30am-3:00pm; 5:30pm-12:00mn Fri-Sun: 11:30am-3:30pm; 5:30pm-12:00mn
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
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回味雞煲皇 極品牛皇鍋
Review (31)
Level3 2015-03-03
食物---食野最緊要安全, 所以叫d大路野一品鍋: 好足料, 眼見的, 有豬骨, 雞腳, 粉腸, 豬手(好多骨髎原), 咸菜, 粟米, 番茄…牛柳粒:係安格斯牛柳粒,入口即溶, 口感厚實,一D都唔"鞋", 鞋口即係虐待自己個口,佢唔鞋, 抵讚。肥牛好薄同埋新鮮!其實如果厚, 我不如食牛扒,使乜打邊爐..而薄,正正係要碌一碌即食得個陣效果, 所以, fit!美國大桶蠔: 好大隻, 唔錯~鈴: 好有豆香, 入口唔會成口油, 呢個真係抵讚!!服務方面好唔錯,佢地會自動波加水,食全餐都未試過乾塘, 全程夠水碌, 比起好多唔識自動波要人叫先醒水, 呢間真係典範又會幫你撇油!!!食牛一定好多油, 食到咁上下, 成個湯底都變左啡啡黑黑咁, 但呢一間野, 夠膽搵人來幫你撇油, 將d牛油撇走晒, 食慾都返晒來。  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-02-24
同朋友一行十人去食打b爐,有幾個湯底都好特別,左簡右簡下最後簡左個以牛尾牛腩做的湯底,湯底唔錯,好濃味,食物就一般,同普通火鍋無分別,點知埋單要每人360,好貴的一餐打b爐!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-02-09
本來打算去食拉面, 點知勁多人排隊, 就過左隔離間野打邊邊。坐左埋去, 選好食咩先發覺侍應d速度勁慢, 揮極手都無人睇到, 嬲嬲地打算走人先有人見到我點左個椰青雞同埋d牛肉海鮮。個椰青雞係倒d椰青汁入去保, 幾得意, 之後會放埋d鮮雞入去煮驚喜ge係係個湯底了, 原來保椰青汁都真係幾正, 加埋d雞肉真係幾match, 有雞湯ge味道又有椰青個種甜味, 以後可以係屋企試下用椰青保雞了LoL而且打邊鍋雖然有水, 但係都幾熱氣, 佢地用椰青做湯, 飲落去會涼涼地的, 夏天食呢個都應該可以接受其他食材例如海鮮同埋牛肉都係正常野啦, 如果鍾意食豬肉ge可以試下, 撈埋個湯都幾夾ge敗筆係食完d雞就開始無咩湯係個保度了, 叫伺應加湯佢地就加水...加左水之後個湯底就唔得了, 如果可以加返椰青汁就會好dd囉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
It was a Sunday.  The 5 of us walked pass this place and we decided to give it a try.  It was around 8pm and there were plenty of free tables. This restaurant does only a la carte. Menu has both Chinese and English.We ordered a dual soup base. Better quality soup base with more soup ingredients were also avalible.  Tea, finger 'snacks' and the buffet assorted dipping sauce tray were extra.  As for food, we got a seafood plater, 2 kinds of beef (one thin cut and one in cubes), squid paste, assorted balls (not the factory produced bouncy ping pong ball ones), dual dumplings, hand made noodles, fried bean curd roll (响鈴), a few kinds of vegetables and a couple of cans of Cokes.Thin cut beef was yum but the cubes were a little tough. Squid paste and the assorted balls tasted very nice and last but not least, the seafood plater... definately exceeded out expection... the seafood were exceptionally fresh.  Some were still moving!  Service was ok. All in all, the food & experience were exceptional. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-11-08
一行5個人, 加上涼涼地, 最好打邊爐~ 朋友之前食過依間覺得幾好食, 我就第一次黎, overall 都唔錯, 食物質素中上, 係每樣餸嗌既睇過食評大家推薦椰青雞煲, 咁特別梗係試一試。誠如大家所講, 侍應會係你面前開2個椰青再加少少水, 刮埋椰子肉做湯底, 滾起就加雞塊成為雞煲。食落去似食椰青燉雞, 好滋潤咁, 個湯都甜, 顛覆咗以往食雞煲既印象 (朋友入面有2個第一次食雞煲, 就以為平時雞煲都係咁哈哈哈) 但雞塊多肥膏, 肉就少 😞雞煲食定嗌咗其他餸, 特別既係牛肉拼盤, 有肥牛, 牛, 牛柳粒, 牛脷, 有牛既油香同牛味其他餸如餃子, 菜呀菇呀就不過不失啦餐廳地方大, 好坐, 有電視, 十幾個人黎都唔怕, 都可以坐好耐。價錢有少少偏貴, 多d人黎可以食多d, 除番開又抵d, 一大班人就最好~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)