2-min walk from Exit C, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
The British restaurant, which is helmed by Michelin's two-star British chef, is decorated in a modern and comfortable environment. It specializes in fine British cuisine, and the ingredients are mostly delivered directly from the UK. For example, the Soda Bread and Cultured Butter, is decorated with oatmeal. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2020-24), Michelin Green Star Restaurant (2023-24)
Opening Hours
Mon - Tue
Wed - Sun
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 21:00
*Lunch Last Order: 14:00 Dinner Last Order: 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (2)
另外一間 Lee Garden 迎來的新餐廳就是之前舊店在銅鑼灣信和的 Roganic ,這餐廳我大約一年多前有post過,當時的體驗只屬一般滿意,因為那餐set lunch真心唔飽,食完要直接去下午茶。今轉落戶在更高級數的商場,多多少少還抱有點期望。結果何只不負眾望,直情喜出望外。第一個comment是:抵食,真抵食!用「抵食」去形容一間米芝蓮星級餐廳似乎不十分合適,因為星級餐廳的出色之處不應該落在「抵食」上面,但也正因如此,更突顯餐廳的出色之處!星級餐廳,色香味俱全是理所當然吧,抵不抵食不應該是重點。而這間Roganic新店,那個花盡心思及本錢的格局,食材的一絲不苟,菜式的設計、味道、獨特調味配方,全部一等一,我食完已經很期待何時可以再食多次,再回想價錢,一個$520 (+10%) 的lunch set, 一頭盤三味主菜一甜品,份量剛好,味道不會只是青蜓點水。至於各樣食物的出色之處,已經超出了我這等對烹飪毫無認知的食客所能形容,大就家就看我的相和menu分析吧。不過,齋睇意思真係不大,訂位自己去試一試,我相信你不會失望。如果你有去過舊店,我大膽以個人體匯總結一句:新店比舊店,各個層面,都好了10倍! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
餐廳終於重新裝修喺利園重開❤️真係期待已久,所以我哋一早book定開幕就即刻試吓,新裝修真係好靚,用咗本地回收木材,仲要係成舊木吊上餐廳,勁打卡😙Lunch Menu 有兩個前菜、三個main Dish同埋兩個甜品🤓💛Maitake mousse, Wagyu ox tongue, pickled shimeji, ramson oil💛Pumpernickel bread, cultured yeast butter, roast onion broth and lemon thyme💛Raw Blue fin Tuna in kohlrabi, kombu, apple and apple marigold juices💛Dry aged Guangdong duck, roasted in 100 flower honey and braised leg with pickled walnut💛Maitake mushroom, miso butter, grains, 3 yellow soft yolk and burnt chives💛Aerated Perfume lemon, buttermilk, lychee and Douglas fir💛Warm 61% Conspiracy chocolate, artichoke and malt我哋仲開咗兩支酒,sommelier 好helpful👍🏼大家唔使驚可以同佢傾吓了解吓飲咩酒好~新餐廳仲要用咗open kitchen,廚房入面勁多人,大家都各司其職,睇住佢哋煮嘢食好賞心悅目😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)