9-min walk from Exit C2, Cheung Sha Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:30 - 21:00
12:30 - 21:30
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 21:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 21:30
Public Holiday Eve
12:30 - 21:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (29)
店員整嘅野飲出色,相比啲S字頭嘅野飲大店舖更好飲,個人認為店舖嘅珍珠最好食。雖然唔多人買,但水準一直冇變。今次試左少甜嘅芒果綠茶,估唔到芒果綠茶加珍珠都唔會太甜,甜度岩岩好,茶同芒果味都好夾,真材實料。其他野飲都會想試吓,野飲嘅款式多,不時都有啲特飲推出,款式種類唔會輸比啲大店鋪,最緊要都係個味道,雖然個位置唔係話好方便,但有時想飲都會特登行過去買,紅日好似會休息,所以平日收工買返支黎飲都幾滿足。The drinks prepared by the staff are excellent, and they are even better than those from the popular chain stores. Personally, I think the pearls in this store are the most delicious. Although not many people buy them, the quality has always been consistent. This time, I tried the less sweet mango green tea, and surprisingly, the combination of mango green tea and pearls is not too sweet. The sweetness is just right, and the tea and mango flavors blend well together. It's made with high-quality ingredients.I would like to try other drinks as well. They have a wide variety of options, and they frequently introduce special drinks. The variety is comparable to that of larger stores, but what matters most is the taste. Although the location is not very convenient, sometimes I would purposely make a trip there to buy a drink. It seems like they might be closed on Sundays, so on weekdays, I feel quite satisfied when I buy a drink to enjoy after work. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-03-04
📢召喚所有草莓控~平時去手搖飲品店, 最鍾意就係飲黑糖珍奶。今次港島小毒毒出省城, 就決定要去試吓唔同既飲品, 就揀咗 士多啤梨芝士奶蓋🍭🍓🍓 同水果茶💬士多啤梨芝士奶蓋🍓固定冰 $33@中杯開頭對於固定冰有點失望, 至怕融冰變得淡哂,意外地融冰後甜度都足夠, 滿滿既士多啤梨味加埋奶香, 成個人都少女哂(甜), 而且仲有芝士奶蓋分開飲/之後拌勻就有唔同既層次。本身係奶類製品愛好者, 對於依杯飲品既抵抗力係0, 又有鮮奶又有芝士奶蓋, 加上滿滿少女心既外觀(開心仔) 😋😋😋😋😋💬水果茶 $30@大杯入口果味適中, 茶味就唔太特別, 但都勝在唔澀, 最後仲可以食入面既水果, (貪心的我)如果再多啲會更好 yeah! 😋😋😋😋如果喜歡果奶既你, 值得去試試🥰店鋪入面都有一堆💛💛產品售賣, 店員仲好好送咗小禮物俾我哋 💕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-01-13
同朋友參加附近活動,就專登搵咗間台式飲品去試。嗰陣我哋去到大約三點,點知佢3:30先開,咁就唯有喺附近行吓等佢開門再試啦~~去呢間舖頭嘅時候感覺唔太顯眼,要行少少斜路先見到😂但去到見到環境都幾靚行😍嗰日有幾個朋友一齊去,發現買兩杯會送一包小禮物,入面有個和風小袋子裝住一啲日本飾物或者貼紙,就好似去旅行買手信咁😆都真係幾驚喜~~🇯🇵芝士奶蓋綠茶奶蓋細滑,厚厚嘅一層都幾香濃,有淡淡的芝士味。加埋清新嘅綠茶,中和左啲奶蓋嘅厚重,飲落感覺冇負擔😆紫薯芝士奶蓋呢杯真係有好足料嘅紫薯,紫薯味好重反而牛奶佔嘅比例就唔算太多。因為紫薯都幾細滑好容易同牛奶融和一體,都幾香滑,幾好飲,仲好飽肚添!勉強講佢都有少少漸變嘅,可能因為坊間嘅打卡紫薯牛奶太多,如果攪一攪個底部,仲多一個賣點,吸引打卡添!士多啤梨芝士奶蓋同水果茶就係朋友叫嘅,聽佢哋講士多啤梨芝士奶蓋好有驚喜,士多啤梨同奶蓋莫名其妙地好夾,而且士多啤梨味都幾香濃!水果茶入邊都有啲水果,飲完之後可以食埋水果都幾唔錯😆雖然佢嘅位置唔多顯眼,但係為咗支持小店,都好值得推介!!!👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-06-18
呢期 OpenRice 做promotion ,外賣自取仲可以減$5, 今日行得成身汗,上OpenRice 找有咩飲,就選擇了這間。Oreo芝士奶蓋,上面的奶蓋比較少,無咩奶味,飲品味道比較一般,但絕對對得起呢個價錢,如果下次有機會,也會來幫襯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-06-05
我發現用’拎得lingduck🐤’ app落單有九折!!!!!!佢係一個屬於香港人嘅外賣自取平台 當你放工放學返屋企搭緊車時禁定然後返到樓下俾錢就即刻攞得!佢幫好多小店做優惠 所以真係好值得支持 雖然我呢粒小薯仔冇收錢但係都好想幫佢promote🤣有優惠之餘仲會留意到有更多小店添!💟芋頭鮮奶(中杯 微糖25%) [$30->$27]飲芋頭鮮奶最怕佢甜耶耶 嗌左呢間嘅微糖芋頭鮮奶就一啲都唔會太甜 仲食到粒粒細嘅芋頭粒 有口感得嚟都同奶blend得好夾 芋頭鮮奶DAEBAKKKKK!!!🤣🤣🤣對於芋頭控嘅人 佢芋頭味唔係好重 但對我來講就幾好 嗌少甜的話佢整個感覺唔會好漏好飽 咁樣先會令我食嘢嘅時候會想配佢飲美中不足嘅地方係佢啲冰太碎 我會不停飲到啲碎冰入口同啲芋頭一齊嚼 咁樣會令芋頭味更淡聽講佢嘅芝士奶蓋同炭焙烏龍茶都好出色佢地堅持用台灣原材料des! 不過真係唔建議嗌珍珠 我覺得佢個黑糖珍珠鮮奶嘅珍珠非常硬🙊lee circle circle的珍珠暫時是最好的🤪 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)