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Review (20)
worst Korean food I've ever had. Instant noodles for the 짜장면 (their menu mistakenly says 자잠민) and for the first time ever in my history of Korean eating, no kimchi or 반찬. No sauce on th chicken.stay away unless you're ok with really bad fake Korean food. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-03-24
以前耐唔耐都會上黎美食廣場食飯但近年啲餐廳真係愈做愈差好似呢間韓國餐廳咁一入去帶位既侍應已經好粗魯枱同枱中間迫到行唔到入去坐重點其實係間鋪根本唔full枱面未抹乾淨,地下好多垃圾想話算啦,比呢個價錢又係屋村落單嘅時候侍應姐姐再一次不耐煩芝士飯卷好快黎到,算係最好味。我地仲嗌左個炒牛肉烏冬嘩!未見過咁多汁,食落好咸!烏冬仲太淋帶點酸個泡菜煎餅直頭唔知食緊乜好似食緊粉槳咁又咸又酸完全無泡茶味真係唔明白原本好地地既餐廳變成咁員工質素差,食物更差,無下次 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
畀呢個餐廳嘅名字吸引到, 一間好有韓式餐廳特色嘅名字。 我諗大家對韓國其中一樣最熟嘅應該係running Man。雖然畀呢間餐廳嘅名字吸引到, 外表光鮮之下, 食物味道卻麻麻, 泡菜嗰啲嘅味道得個鹹字, 好明顯未發酵夠時間。大失所望。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-05-08
午市性價比高30-40蚊就有一個餐 包野飲但d野食水準一般 因為唔係正宗韓國風味 但還可以接受炸雞都幾抵食 就算凍左都脆 39 蚊有6舊雞包一個芝士麵(正宗不倒翁芝士麵)/辛辣麵食服務員都好有禮貌環境好好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-12-14
今日是我們家工人姐姐生日所以叫了這店外賣送到家裡。期望應該會好吃但無一碗食物值得提最不知所謂的是芝士海鲜炒年糕!我將原隻蝦放入口一咬之後全吐出來蝦肉是「梅」的!年糕炒到一嚿嚿硬到筷子來弄不開!芝士紫菜飯卷一夾就散魚蛋湯全碗是油我吃了一件韓式燒牛仔骨肉質很硬之後無人肯吃牛仔上放了一堆泡菜其他東西無人肯試其他東西不說也罷!我老公和仔說早知這麼難吃不知叫KFC。我也相信KFC的炸雞也會好吃過那碗韓式炸雞 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)