3-min walk from Exit A1, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
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Review (20)
端午節就快到!又是食糭的好時機嘞!最近,我有幸獲邀出席貴網,嚐試好幾款新推出的特色端午糭的活動! 實在有口福!首先,嚐試了<老三陽> 的蛋黃咸肉鮮肉糭! 然後,嚐試 <聖安娜餅屋> 的姬松茸家糭!姬松茸家糭這款糭走健康路線,材料包括:姬松茸、泰國糯米、湖南湘蓮、自製叉燒、鹹蛋黃及花生等,適合鍾意傳統家鄉風味嘅人!糯米軟熟而調味恰到好處, 配料較為足料,口感相對豐富! 姬松茸爽口卻清淡!美中不足是鹹蛋黃偏乾而淡! 整體已是不錯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
The Okinawan sugar roll looked delicious because it was filled with okinawan sugar mousse, okinawan sugar jelly and purple potatoes so decided to get it.The box reminded me of Anna Sui!As you can see, there are chunks of jelly, sweet potato and mousse in the centre.I ended up eating half of the roll because it was not too sweet and the roll was soft and light with fluffy light mousse and bits and pieces that gave it an interesting mouthful. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-01-19
今天經過聖安娜餅屋,看到有蒸的食品賣,所以入去買了一個清香荷葉飯。打開清香荷葉飯的荷葉,有荷葉的香味傳出來。清香荷葉飯的飯都算濕潤而且有荷葉香, 而荷葉飯的材料有冬菇絲、豬肉、雞蛋、蝦仁 。我認為聖安娜的清香荷葉飯鹹淡味道都算適中,夠熱和有荷葉的香味,值得購買。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-12-29
臨近十二月,想必很多人和dada1025一樣,金錢如青春小鳥一樣一去不返...(恨)X'MAS 買禮物(同事,朋友),買一兩盒化妝品、和朋友約過節、去下旅遊(一年只有X'MAS假期會想去旅遊,因為天氣穩定),結果看著錢包,只好在中午飯省一下吧! 由於和朋友出外,都大吃大喝,因此今天胃口不大。雞肉玉米荷葉飯餐,飲品是黑豆漿。打開荷葉,有一陣清香。雞肉不是雞扒,是肉餅,肉餅不含骨碎,令人放心。肉餅有彈牙口感,已打至起膠,味道不錯。玉米是罐頭的,沒有什麼香甜的玉米汁。份量足夠,吃一個已飽,只是相當油膩,飯身多油,吃完咀唇會有閃閃發光。幸好有一盒黑豆漿。低糖的山水黑豆漿,雖從冰箱拿出來,不是超冰凍,但適合怕冷的我。如果想留意最近dada1025大吃大喝了什麼,或者最近如何省錢吃中午飯,可以看我其他文章,謝謝   continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
芝士火腿潛艇一向很愛吃這款麵包,麵包的質感很特別~一咬下去,餡料有很多凝固的芝士融化在整隻潛艇內!!還有卷狀的火腿佔據整隻潛艇內呢!!同時可enjoy火腿的口感及不用怎樣咀嚼,也可enjoy濃濃的芝味!!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)