Exit B2, Tseung Kwan O MTR Station continue reading
3417 4597
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 20:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Other Info
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (7)
Level4 2015-08-06
之前有朋友送我聖安拿餅卡,下午茶肚餓就去拎d西餅嚟食下!買左幾件,選了香橙甜心,迷醉香芋,班蘭旋轉樂!首先香橙甜心,外表普通,食落都有香橙味,又吾會太甜,不過不失,但三款嚟講,最一般就呢件!其次係迷醉香芋,呢個比較特別,有棉花糖係表面,不過食落冇咩香芋味,只係外表幾得意!最後 班蘭旋轉樂,呢個係三款之中最好,班蘭味重,甜度適中,可能因為我喜歡斑蘭,所以覺得最好呢款!其實好多人都話聖安拿吾好食,但咁嘅價錢,仲想點?! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I was intending to get the fruit roll but they didn't have it so I got this new Crispy chocolate roll which was big and cheap costing $34!!It seems that the rolls are inconsistent because the amount of cream is different in every roll.The one I got had too much cream in it.The roll was really good because it was soft and chocolately but the jelly tasted weird because it was sour and didn't quite match the taste.The taro cake was also too sweet but hope to see them come up with a taro roll or pandan roll.@@ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-09-14
正為著今年生日買咩蛋糕煩惱這幾天經過蛋糕店都格外留神而最吸引我的莫過於這期聖安娜所推出的五層脆脆蛋糕(真實名字我忘記了)$48蛋糕設計雖然簡單,但卻隱藏了一份優雅感覺外層並不是普通忌廉,而是慕絲,口感不錯而且不粗糙第一層是香芋味(紫色),口感比其他層粗糙第二層是蛋白味(白色)第三層是朱古力脆脆,真係好脆口架,而且為蛋糕增加多一層口感第四層是草莓味(粉紅色),味道不算太濃第五層是綠茶味(綠色),味道比較濃第六層是海綿蛋糕,好有蛋香味總括黎講都算又平又正 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-03-26
朋友生日,提早三天到聖安娜餅屋訂蛋糕,選了近日陳豪賣廣告的比利時朱古力蛋糕。店員說可以選五十度或七十五度的朱古力濃度,我們選了後者。另外,用恆生信用卡會有八五折,折扣後一磅的蛋糕只需$151,價錢合理。如要加一個寫有壽星名字的祝賀牌,要加$10,我們為了省錢,只要了一張卡紙,自行書寫再插到蛋糕內。取蛋糕前再致電確保蛋糕已送到,接線店員態度有禮。到達店舖,無需等侯,效率亦佳。隨蛋糕附上蠟燭一包,每枝都很幼、很長,比平時的蠟燭美觀。拍照、吹蠟燭、許願過後,終於可以試試蛋糕的味道喇!蛋糕比預期軟滑,但朱古力味道不夠濃,感覺不到有七十五度的濃度,不太甜,卻很易吃膩,四個人分享都覺得太多,好像超過一磅。內層的香蕉不多,反而有不少脆脆的薄片,頗有嚼頭。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-11-30
去朋友屋企,他竟然買左今期流行的聖安娜朱古力蛋糕!!!更驚喜既係,佢怕75%會苦,未能迎合大家口味,而預備了這個55°!!早前已食過75°的我,好想試埋個55°的分別架!其實分別唔大,做法和成份一樣,只係朱古力濃度唔同。如果唔係兩款一齊食,根本好難分。只係心理上,知道/覺得70-75%係朱古力最好食的百分比,所以潛意式都會覺得55°那個甜D。不過有句真係分別,係55°那個好似無咁多脆脆,同埋mousse無咁Truffle feeling。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)