3-min walk from Exit C, Shek Mun MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
*Last Order: 21:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
即係咁,你營業時間去到夜晚10點鐘我20:40入到去冇staff企係門口我隨便揾個位坐低你話我阻住你清潔我轉第二個位你都係話我阻住你做清潔再轉去第三個位一直無人畀qr code我落單終於等到有個staff經過,問佢可唔可以畀張qr code我,佢回應我ok再過咗好耐,有第二個女仔反住白眼dump張紙畀我即係我距離你閂門嘅時間仲有超過一個鐘你嫌我阻住你收工可以直接同我講由入咗到有張qr code落單等咗7分鐘咁我咪遲7分鐘落order你遲7分鐘收工囉上菜又黑面就咁劈兜面落枱收銀又黑口黑面好似我乞求你咁P.S. 一直都係個女staff嘅問題
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I came to this place expecting decent italian fusion food for its price. However, I soon realized how nasty and disgusting the food was. The risotto had zero taste, and looks very unappetizing. The waiter is also very rude and throws the food on the table. I was able to steal drinks easily without the knowledge of the staff. (just kidding) Overall, really disappointed with the below average food. Even kids in africa wouldn’t want to eat this shit.
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話說哩間店經常離幫襯講真 食佢已經唔係好似人地咁講咁平2個人 次次食都二三百哩日點咗碟西蘭花 一上到枱 我望住碟嘢OL咗我都知薩利亞啲嘢愈來愈貴 啲嘢愈來愈縮但 喂 大佬呀 圖片與現實不符都算碟嘢啲菜平鋪都遮唔晒個碟底之餘啲西蘭花仲要粒粒超細棵成碟嘢好似人地唔要啲菜頭菜尾煮好 再食剩 先上枱想點呀 會唔會太過分呀 咁都上得枱話唔滿意 可以另外上多碟補多返啲份量比我 WHAT?!肯補即係自己都覺得好有問題正常真係冇問題嘅 應該已經大我話個份量就係咁 吹佢唔脹仲要話分開另碟補個份量OL到冇朋友
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