7-min walk from Exit A2, Sham Shui Po MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Tue
12:00 - 17:30
19:00 - 00:00
Thu - Sun
12:00 - 17:30
19:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Cash FPS
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (17)
見廚師好後生,應該去咗日本或者香港高級餐廳學藝😂 好有心機煮,慢慢煮,非常肚餓就唔好食啦,因為都要等四個字至半個鐘。有張吧枱,同兩三張枱喺室內,有冷氣。食煙嘅可以坐出面啊,有兩張枱。自己一個人食咗五樣嘢都$2xx頭,平均每碟$40 ,拍得住中環蘭桂坊上樓梯嗰間😂 但係優勝在研究過,設計過食材,味道,而且係好食嘅。仲要燒咁耐,唔賣貴啲都對唔住自己啦。店舖提供預訂食材,例如一啲海鮮。呢個豆腐真係好好食,最特別係佢個汁,用米整嘅口感就似日本小碟蘿蔔蓉。啲豆腐好入味啊外脆內軟,夾上手唔會散。鴨串,仲有嚿蔥添,擺得好睇,有啲汁同啲粉點綴,慢火煮鴨保留水份脆口肉味Q彈濃雞蛋串,睇相都知OK丫茄子好入味白鱔,普遍餐廳都係得兩舊,其實唔夠喉,其實比四嚿都唔過分。。$4x一碟喎 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
放假夜晚同男朋友過黎食串燒chillchill~ 🍻 環境係工業風Café,有野食,有酒飲,都幾relax☺☺$158 牛他他 中規中矩 個汁咸左少少🤏安康魚肝,唔腥,幾好味,魚味再濃啲就更好😛Blue cheese 大啡菇 – 味道好夾 一齊食唔會好重口味😋$48 冇平時出面食果啲味噌茄子咁勁咸,佢甜甜地,有啲牛油味,幾好味👍🏻雞軟骨串加生雞蛋,正常發揮紫蘇葉雞腿肉 (off menu),冇哂特別,舊肉燒到有啲乾牛臀蓋肉,燒得幾好,不過$38x份,唔夠喉🙌🏻🙌🏻適合女士飲的清酒$580/支,好易入口,飲到兩條友醉左,飲到我地行路都差啲跌。建議有4人先好飲,太多了😂呢個唔記得菜式名,正常發揮仲有白鱔煲仔飯,不過冇影相,要預先訂。做得好好味,啲飯好彈,啲鱔好肥美,肥嘟嘟好好味,有機會可以一個人隊一煲。😋整體服務好好,店員好有禮貌,會服務每一枱客人,同埋感受到廚師用心製作食物☺☺🫶🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Had an amazing evening at this restaurant. Firstly the staff were all so welcoming and patient in explaining the dishes and when we had questions they took time to answer us even though the restaurant was super busy.We ordered a couple of skewers overall above average. Highly recommend the tsukune which you could really taste the smokiness from the grill, slightly charred but adds so much flavor and the sauce balances the fattiness. Pity they didn’t have rice or we would have demolished the sauce!Chicken skewers was cooked perfectly still very juicy. Only exception would be the duck which we felt was a little dry. If I had to be picky I would say the beef tongue also had a few tendons which didn’t really feel it was the center parts as stated.The Lamb picanha isn’t gamey so would recommend for those who is afraid of the gamey taste.The clams were big, while the broth was decent personally I felt could be skipped cause you have to preorder in advance and everything, not worth the hassle.The price for this area may be expensive but the quality is exceptional which I think is worth this price. Better than many other restaurants in central or tst for similar/higher price. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
路過一家咖啡店「Saloon」時,店員(可能是老闆😚)向我介紹今日有特別的午餐 Pop Up,我倆便決定嘗試一下。店員提供了牛丼🥩、雞丼🍗或牛雞丼三種選擇,於是我們牛和雞各點了一份來試試。飲品方面,我們選擇了清新不甜的烏龍茶和香茅綠茶。☕️🍵在等候期間,我們在店內打卡。店內裝潢格調十足,走黑色簡約時尚風格,牆上還有大型手寫字體,非常適合拍攝打卡。📸食物方面,牛肉丼的牛肉本身有濃郁的牛肉香氣,牛肉汁的味道也非常濃郁,即使像我這樣不喜歡汁拌飯的人,也忍不住用牛肉汁來配飯。🥩🍽️雞丼的雞肉外表酥脆,內裡卻非常嫩滑。配上西蘭花及椰菜花,味道不錯。不過相比牛肉汁,配雞肉照燒汁就顯得相對遜色一些。🍗🥦香茅綠茶亦值得介紹,香茅味道香氣淡雅、清新,幫助消除油膩感。🍵聽說店舖晚上是串燒店,有機會要再來試試晚間的美食,試試他們的咖啡。☕️🍢整體來說,這次午餐 Pop Up 體驗非常不錯。總消費$200。既有美食,環境也很有特色,是很值得一試的好去處。🍽️🍵環境:🏅🏅🏅🏅味道:🏅🏅🏅🏅性價比:🏅🏅🏅🏅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-06-13
拿拿食評系列 #沙龍SALOON星期六下午約了朋友去Café Chill Chill, 原定既Coffee Shop太多人排隊,於是決定試一試附近的Café,朋友就擇左呢一間SALOON~門面系工業風既裝潢~ 老闆都系後生仔~ 幾有個人風格~坐低開始擇咖啡既時候,老闆好熱心錦講解唔同咖啡豆既特式,好專業~~~我本人系拿鐵控,但因為朋友叫左Latte,我就諗住可以叫一杯唔一樣既試一試,最後我擇左Macchiato with Apple Pied~ 咖啡師就系我個位面前,睇住佢沖比我,視覺已經覺得好吸引~ 佢沖完放埋Apple Pied上去裝飾,呢一杯真系好有顏值!除左咖啡,我地重叫左3種甜品try try~ 焦糖布甸同2個果撻,焦糖布甸好食既,但唔系太驚豔,而2個果撻,分別系士多啤梨吉士同香蕉拖肥2個口味,食完好意猶未盡,好有衝動想食多一件,哈哈~B1 Ethiopia (74112) Macchiato, Apple PiedHK$75焦糖布甸HK$48士多啤梨吉士果撻HK$58香蕉拖肥果撻HK$58如果第一次去,建議坐Bar枱位置,experience會更好~ 同埋聽老闆講佢地夜晚會賣串燒,如果冇興趣食tea,可以try try佢地晚市,以2位老闆錦有heart,相信都會好好食~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)