
To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

This shop is operated by a family. It serves Indian vegetarian dishes with special sauces that taste nice. You can enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner here. continue reading
Opening Hours
08:30 - 23:30
Mon - Sun
08:30 - 23:30
Public Holiday
08:30 - 23:30
Public Holiday Eve
08:30 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (75)
Level3 2024-12-09
依間嘢第一次食,因為平時食開尖東嗰間。尖東嗰間偏貴又要加人,咁我咪試吓依間。依間座位都算舒服,唔似地下嗰層嗰啲街檔,但唯一不足係冷氣唔夠,同埋夥計冇咩笑容。不過算啦。今日叫咗個芝士咖喱,一個蒜蓉烤餅,同埋一個dosa 。佢嘅味道同尖東嗰間都差唔多,但價錢起碼平三成,因為佢唔需要加人一。蒜蓉烤餅食得出係新鮮整嘅,芝士咖喱好夠芝士,唔似有啲餐廳係得三四粒。會推介比朋友食。到最後食完埋單,都發生咗件搞笑事,明明佢要找$5俾我,點知走咗$6 ,我同佢講找多咗一蚊。佢仲話本身個一蚊係我手。但其實我隻手上面根本咩都冇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-09-08
芝士煎餅$65香脆可口,好大塊,好岩一家人一齊食,配埋醬汁一齊食好夾!牛油烤餅$35去印度餐廳必叫,大人細路都好岩食!就咁食已經好濃味,可以加上其他醬汁或咖喱一齊食。炸薯仔薄餅$75侍應送來嘅時候,小朋友好開心,因為好特別嘅兩個大波波😂脹起咗,脆卜卜!飲品叫左3杯:鮮榨西瓜汁$40足料,超清甜,好消暑!鮮榨芒果汁$40酸酸甜甜,正常!凍奶茶$35爸爸話完全唔同平時飲嘅港式奶茶!可以一試!芝士菠菜$85有少少辣,濃濃芝士味加上菠菜,配搭上烤餅,味道好味!印度素菜,不錯嘅體驗! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-09-05
每次經過重慶大廈,樓下都好多人派VIP卡,深感榮幸😂而且啲哥哥仔,都好熱情,係咁拉你去自己間餐廳。不過今次我哋係有目標嘅,因為我哋係想食素菜,知道印度嘢好多素菜都好出色,所以搵咗一間素食。間嘢其實好容易搵,喺重慶大廈一入去有條垂直樓梯行上去一樓轉左手邊就係啦,侍應非常熱情。我哋嗌咗幾樣嘢,買單都唔使$300重點係食唔晒。印度球球呢個係每次睇社交平台印度嘢食片都會有介紹嘅,佢有兩款嘅,我哋今次試咗有乳酪嗰隻先,餐牌幾好喎,有中文。叫做乳酪炸米餅粒。個球球好鬆化,入邊塞咗滿滿嘅乳酪仲有石榴做點綴,成件事好味喎。原味煎餅跟住我哋見到隔籬枱食咗個好長嘅煎餅,覺得幾得意,我哋都嗌咗個。Plain Dosa,佢配咗馬莎拉汁同埋應該係鷹嘴豆醬。個煎餅入邊仲包咗薯仔。鹹鹹地又脆脆地,啲薯仔同啲汁好夾,所以會不停搣黎食。炸素菜咖喱角呢個係平時就算經過樓下都想買嚟食嘅samosa ,炸到好鬆脆,入邊包住薯仔蓉同埋一啲雜菜。熱辣辣,一份有三隻,食一隻都已經好飽。🫶🏻茄汁牛油燴芝士其實係有少少Butter Chicken嘅味道,我哋原先諗住配煎餅都應該夠,但係真係太香口,入邊啲芝士好軟熟,配上個汁,我哋嗌多咗個蒜蓉餅去餸。另外仲嗌咗兩杯嘢飲,一杯係Mango Lassi 同Salted Lassi ,如果唔係好接受到鹹嘅乳酪,記得唔好嗌Salted,芒果乳酪一如既往都係好味同埋濃郁!雖然餐廳冇豪華嘅裝修,但係冷氣係舊嘅,如果想食素菜嘅咖喱可以去試吓。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Chicken Tikka Masala? Tandoori Chicken? Curry Chicken? Naan Bread? Yawn... That's probably all that HongKongers know about Indian Cuisine, and it's ONLY North Indian food. First of all I don't think there are too much restaurants in Hong Kong authentic South Indian dishes, except an Indian chain store which has its last shop closed in 2020... Well I guess SARAVANA is here to save the day! Idli 蒸米糕 (HKD $50)My favorite non-sopicy South Indian comfort food- soft yet dense texture that resembles a Chinese steam bun, paired with 3 kinds of seasonings here: The brownish "sambhar", the flavoury, soupy lentil stew; tomato and coconut "chutney", a dipping sauce made of grounded fresh and sometimes pickled ingredients. Just refreshing!Paneer Paratha 芝士烤餅(HKD $40) Cheesy, cheesy, cheesy. Hot. Fresh. Soft. Amazing. Tastes good on its own and even better with Masala sauce.Too hungry to devour the whole thing instead of taking pictures of its stringiness cheese that resembles a pizza. The highlight of the meal! Paneer Tikka Masala 印度烤芝士 (HKD $100) Can't get even more cheesy with this! Packed with paneer cubes, chopped veggies and varies spices! Especially LOVE the pepper aroma! It's unlike any other paneer dishes I've had else where. The chefs there don't go easy on spiciness which I really appreciate (rest assured, no bellyache afterwards)Mango Lassi, Strawberry Lassi 芒果奶昔, 士多啤梨奶昔 (HKD $40 each) Kesar Kulfi 印度番紅花杏仁雪糕 (HKD $52)This ice cream is like the ethinic attire and makeup of most Indian ladies- glam, bold and sweet! Full of sweetness of almond and milk! 🧆Dahi Puri 乳酪炸米餅The kind manager gifted us with this deep-fried Mumbai snack with peas or potato fillings, seasoned with pomegranate , yoghurt, and mint sauceP.s. for the price and portion, the CP value is indeed really high in TST area. 2 ladies like us were totally full and contented after the meal. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-09-04
食正印度菜去邊度好?梗係去印度餐廳夠集中嘅尖沙咀重慶大廈啦!今次仲要係食印度素菜🫓芝士薯仔薄煎餅 好大一塊嘅煎餅,質感似蛋pancake,夾心有芝士同薯仔粒可以蘸呢三款醬汁食:Sambar辛辣豆湯/椰子Chutney/紅辣椒Chutney 🫓蒜香薄餅 附有薄荷Chutney/甜辣醬其實唔洗蘸醬汁都好食,好香蒜味,薄餅夠鬆脆🥔香炸素菜咖喱角 大大件立體咖哩角,內有薯仔粒,咖哩味較温和,啱晒食鐘意輕口味嘅朋友🥕雜菜湯 細切雜菜保留口感,辣味較重,連唔食得太辣嘅媽媽都話好飲🍅蕃茄炒飯賣相類似意大利燉飯,蕃茄味唔係好強烈,內有花生增添口感瑪莎拉鹹奶昔獨特嘅鹹奶昔,口味好似芝士乳酪,我媽幾鍾意飲🍉鮮榨西瓜汁🍊鮮榨橙汁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)