Good For
Family Style Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
10:30 - 23:00
Public Holiday
10:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
牛扒 羊扒 意大利雪吞 蘆筍火腿意大利粉
Review (28)
Level4 2016-04-04
一連三日的周末及清明節假期,我男朋友來到西貢走走。到了晚飯時間,我不太想吃海鮮,因為我腸胃近來不太好,所以我們在附近找間西餐廳吃飯。原本我們正在地圖上找一間意大利餐廳,但走著走著時,發現了另一間西餐廳正在做7折優惠,他們廣告牌上的食物照片很吸引,於是我們決定光顧這餐廳。 這裏有dinner set可以選擇2 course or 3 course。我們選擇了兩個2 course set:煙三文魚沙律+炭燒美國頂級豬扒,新西蘭西冷扒燒蒜子什菌汁+紅酒蜜糖煮梨配雪糕,另外點了一杯hibiscus honey iced tea。 煙三文魚沙律的蔬菜新鮮,配橄欖油和醋,比沙律醬健康。 炭燒美國頂級豬扒份量很多,我男朋友十分滿意,菜單上說醬汁是onion and mustard,但我們沒嘗出mustard味,反而覺得像是濃郁的忌廉汁,混入了洋蔥和醃漬酸瓜粒,味道味味的,又很creamy,醬汁令酸瓜汁也帶著甜味,酸瓜的味道則令醬汁少了油膩感。豬扒很厚,但肉質柔軟,和醬汁味道很夾。 新西蘭西冷扒燒蒜子什菌汁令我驚喜,牛扒煎得半生熟,很柔軟,肉汁多。醬汁很香,蒜味和牛肉很合得來,如果磨菇能再多一點會更好。 雖然主菜令我們十分滿意,但甜品和飲品太強差人意了⋯⋯紅酒蜜糖煮梨煮得不夠久,梨不夠入味,質地也不夠軟滑。紅酒味道是很便宜的那種,只有劣質酒精味,沒有酸味或甜味,用這紅酒燉梨完全沒有味道,只有不香純的酒味而已。雪糕是牛奶公司的,本身質量已是平平,配以那難吃的紅酒汁也不能有所改善。另外hibiscus honey iced tea只有微微的酸味,完全沒有蜜糖味。 雖然甜品和飲品都很差,但主菜分數很高所以我今次會給笑臉。但如果下次再光顧,我會選擇不吃甜品,而飲品可能選擇啤酒之類會比較穩陣。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-02-23
年宵節去下西貢輕鬆下,行左一段時間都諗唔到食咩..見到呢間環境唔錯,見到有小食任食都係$198一位..都有十幾樣野食..人又唔多加埋飲品同加一2個人都係500蚊到第一輪叫左 薯角,青口,炸魷魚圈,焗Brie芝士+蒜子,吞拿魚扒6成熟,焗Brie芝士+蒜子 好特別,好有特色而且好好食,Brie芝士同焗蒜子好夾,其他野食都真係幾出色...比起叫1個SET黎計,唔係好想食扒的話,呢個真係唔錯另吞拿魚扒可以一讚,加點鹽同黑椒 真係好好食又飽肚第二輪叫左"炭燒西班牙乾腸",好咸,呢個真係麻麻,"炭燒田園蔬菜"都唔錯,唔係乾,翠肉瓜燒得好好食環境靜而且任置唔太差,出面有仲火爐唔怕坐出面太凍,幾貼心.. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Looked around to treat family post valentine's day.. We should have seen the warning signs: few diners. Ordered four dishes: (1) risotto; (2) focaccia sandwich; (3) steak and Burger lunch sets.. The soup of the day was carroty soup but it tasted like warm evaporated milk with a light orange colour.. The ice lemon tea was scooped up with a ladel (I saw it) and the lemons squeezed.. Made me think the lemon were reused.. The risotto dish was ok (passable). The focaccia sandwich was ok.. The sirloin steak was so below standard we suggest you eat at café De coral or YLK if you really want one.. last is the beef burger - it was only better looking than a McDonald quarter pounder but the McDonald tastes better. Like my review says: I recommend avoiding this place.. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-09-07
雖然天氣三十多度,還是不滅我要去西貢(扮中產?)的熱情~~~ 海鮮意大利飯 ($88)是Cream Sauce的,意大利飯一粒粒,是台灣人經常笑的「不生不熟的米飯」,但意大利飯就是這樣啊!青口有沙,蝦仁則不錯!羊肉串拼沙拉 ($98)看到旁邊有人吃這個,香氣四溢,於是點一個!羊肉以香料醃製,沒有膻味,配合烤包,十分飽肚。沙拉菜少量,沒有什麼醬汁~檸檬茶&冰咖啡檸檬茶超冰凍,在炎熱環境下十分可口!冰咖啡大推介!沖得很好味,咖啡味重而奶量合適!侍應服務良好,會主動介紹食物。另外,看到我的紙巾被風吹在地上,馬上換一新的給我,體貼! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-08-17
見隔離jaspas 滿座,諗住試下新野,點知中招!叫左波菜omelet. 出左碟波菜煎蛋,阿媽叫左意大利反,賣相奇差,反又硬!雖然歺反吾貴,但難得星期日食個brunch, 好掃慶,可以既話謓入! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)