2-min walk from Exit H, Central MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
19:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
19:00 - 00:00
*Reservations only
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (9)
To summarise:1. Wrong location instruction in open rice map2. All carbs normal food, took a long time to cook but the taste… well.. very so so3. When they claimed Italian authentic…they don’t even serve bread… how authentic?4. Cosy, good for gathering pairing with wines. 5. food, no way! they only stuff you with carbs. No variety and creativity, but they won’t forget to charge to premium of course.Overall experience, ok. but won’t come back again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-29
Dinner. No obvious signage, with “Art Gallery” facade. Here’s what we had. Plate of cold cuts. Chef gave us a sample of a special cheese that he had aged himself for 4 years.Eggplant parmigiana, something like a vegetarian lasagna, using thin slices of eggplant instead of pasta, layered with tomato sauce, zucchini, mozzarella and parmesan etc.Lasagne with sautéed clams on the side.Meatball stuffed with mushrooms, cheese etc with tomato sauce. Very rich flavors. Strawberry sherbet as palette cleanser. At this point, chef had transformed into a DJ, playing various songs he loved and singing along heartily. Highlight of the nite: strawberry tiramisu. No alcohol was added; very rich but light. Loved it. CoffeeIn summary: family style; hearty portions. Good for rowdy crowds to book out the whole place and party with the chef. Didn’t love the menu tho: items were all baked; and the first 2 courses were similar. For $1,000 per head, would prefer finer items eg more seafood etc. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-17
竟然俾我發現到呢間私房菜!(Private dinner set HKD 980 + 10% service charge)呢間餐廳每個月餐單都會轉,由主廚採購時令食材 再創作餐單🤤重即場可以睇住主廚用咩食材同埋點煮😚即刻開始講下餐牌有咩先📝🧡今次我哋試嘅前菜係一個用左鮮蝦🦐同煙肉🥓做主要材料既番茄凍湯🥣,入口要好香濃既番茄味同忌廉味,仲有煮到已經係容既質感既番茄但仍然有少少口感,至於嗰蝦味好濃好新鮮,蝦嘅肉質好靚。成道頭盤都好開胃🍅💚進入了主菜首先係一味義大利既平常青醬螺絲義大利麵🌿,但係廚師加左一種好特別嘅香料,真心 第一次食到呢種味,重要遠聞同近聞係有唔同 超神奇😂 好似身在義大利食到一道正宗既義大利麵,成道主菜食完都唔會膩反而更加開胃。🖤第二道主菜係廚師主打既大型墨魚同墨汁義大利麵,超大型超誇張嘅墨魚🐙墨汁義大利麵係現場由主廚即製,新鮮整嘅意粉係真係有唔同🍝,而八爪魚亦都係由入座起睇住佢慢煮左起碼兩個鐘,出鍋嗰刻,香氣撲鼻,然後廚師會再煎香嗰八爪魚,食落好彈牙好好味!🤎最後一道主菜係一道用牛肉主打既菜式🍖,牛肉包住一啲廚師準備既香料同材料例如薯泥,之後就用一大塊牛油去煎熟塊牛肉🧈,成個過程有好濃郁既香氣,然後出碟嗰陣就要廚師自製既芥末醬同一啲新鮮既菜果做擺盤。🥩牛肉煎得啱啱好,加上裡面既餡料令到牛肉好有層次,沾埋芥末醬都好夾,超好味!🧆🤍最後到甜品係好正宗既tiramisu,奶油同蛋糕既比例啱啱好,完全唔膩,加上濃郁既咖啡味,成個蛋糕好出色。另外,咁啱現場有人慶祝生日,廚師都準備左一個超大既芒果蛋糕,裡面有一層超多芒果肉,好清甜,好滿足。❤️‍🔥主廚好識帶動氣氛係尾聲準備左以義大利人沖調方式嘅咖啡俾我地品嚐,最後最後亦都準備左一shot甜酒作為結尾,用既亦都係義大利人每卡每戶都有既甜酒。總結係一餐體驗義大利當地美食既體驗。🇮🇹- continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
✨Private dinner set HKD 980 + 10% service charge呢間義大利風情既Fine Dine餐廳只提供一份menu,挑選最時令既食材用心烹調,每月既精選菜式都可以係佢地既網站上面瀏覽架🥰🔹 Starter Caprese style gazpacho, Burrata and pecorino sauce, pink prawns, Parma ham, pistachio crumbs呢個凍湯既冷盤酸酸甜甜,加左大大隻既生蝦同埋巴馬火腿,配搭得出奇新鮮特別😍🔸PastaUncle Giovanni's Moscardini octopus spaghetti with Piennolo Neapolitan tomatoes "Luciana" style Gaeta and cerignola olivesThis is the BEST PASTA IN TOWN!🤩🤩🤩呢個意粉真係不得了!佢個番茄sauce唔知用左咩魔法(其實廚師一路煮一路有講,但係我掛住影相無聽到)隱約聽到係用左好有心思既手法處理,所以d sauce先會咁香濃,你食左一啖係會發現同好濃郁既蕃茄湯有層次既分別🤣🤣 呢碟意粉真係有101分😍😍😍 🔹PastaFusilli pasta, hazelnut sauce, on Puglia styleBroccoli cream呢個青醬螺螄粉好特別,加左hazeluts既碎粒,口感好豐富💋💋🔸Main CourseBeef rib eye rolls stuffed with cheeses and Italian herbs, smoked pancetta呢個牛肉卷超級香,裡面包左d經過調味既薯蓉,又特別又好味🤤🔹DessertLive-made orange and basil sorbet呢個雪葩加左d橙絲,食落去有陣陣清新橙味,完美地結束呢張美味無比既精緻義大利菜🥰🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-20
前幾日去咗位於中環嘅呢一間正宗意大利餐廳食晚飯。第一個印象就係覺得佢真係超級難搵,行左幾條街,來回行左幾次都完全搵唔到,原來係因為間餐廳個門面係寫住art gallery,如果下次你哋去就可以醒啲啦!入到去環境幾好,真係非常Private,一班朋友去食飯啱晒。食物感覺非常正宗,意大利人煮嘅意大利菜,食到嘅carbonara唔喺香港好creamy and cheesy嗰種,而係用蛋黃醬!不過前菜同主菜嘅味道就OK啦,個人認為冇乜特別。廚師非常talkative,一路煮嘢食都會一路介紹我哋食嘅嘢,同埋話我地知平時食到嘅港式意大利嘢係有幾唔authentic. 最後就係甜品,平時唔鍾意食甜品嘅我竟然好鍾意佢呢個黑森林蛋糕。一來鍾意佢完全唔甜,二來我親眼見到佢倒咗成支紅酒落去,一路食會一路飲醉,好啱我style😝😝 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)