Exit E, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
來自日本關東木県的迥轉壽司店,自2005年進駐香港,供應「江戶前」手握壽司,更從日本引入全港首創的「新鮮度監測系統」,保證食材新鮮度。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
大金槍魚腩碎伴紫菜 炙燒大金槍魚腩壽司 金槍魚刺身 金槍魚壽司
Review (84)
Level1 2014-07-10
I know this is a Sushi chain, so nothing to be that excited about – however, I’ve always been very happy to go there as the fish is good and the prices are reasonable.The only challenge is that the place can be very busy. If you go to the one in the hysan and it is lunch or dinner hour, you can queue for 45 minutes to get a seat, as the number of seats is very limited. So we tend to go either in the afternoon (during the weekend) or for a late dinner.The best places are those at the conveyor belt, just because you can see all the fresh sushi – but of course, we always end up picking some additional ones from the a la carte menu, because we are too hungry to wait or someone else has picked the last marinated tuna from the belt. Also some of our favourites like the spicy salmon battleship (that’s what they call it!) are never on the conveyor belt when we are there and others like the fried prawn roll really need to be fresh and crunchy (I hate it when it goes soggy).<div style="line-height: 1.6;">The prices are average – a little more expensive than Genki sushi, but then the quality (I feel) is better. It is still cheap compared to a proper Japanese restaurant or sushi place, so I won’t compare it to that. But for me personally Sen-ryo is a good choice if we are passing the Hysan and want to eat some fresh fish. What I like about Sen-ryo is that they have a few additional dishes (like this octopus salad which is very yummy) and some not-so-typical sushis. I found out that I like the seared olive flunder muscle sushi really a lot, I’ve never had it before.Green tea is free (as in all these places) and once we satisfied our hunger for sushi, we quickly get up and pay at the till. Someone else will already be waiting for our seat. Normally, the two of us eat for around 600 HKD together, so that’s fairly reasonable. I don’t want to think what sushi of this quality would cost us in Europe, definitely lots more. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-06-29
今日黎叫左個海鮮刺身定食,又咁岩見到迴轉個邊有D又靚又新鮮的壽司,首先就攞一碟柑味油甘魚,依個真係好食,佢個柑味好清新食落好正,加埋油甘魚既鮮甜,非常好味,之後個海鮮刺身定食就黎左喇,刺身都非常之新鮮,不過個冷烏冬差少少涷,不過用芝麻醬又幾清新既都埋幾開胃,雖然同之前個沙律重複左個汁的感覺當然唔夠食,之後當然食多少少野,有依個香蔥呑拿魚腩軍艦、帆立貝、同埋炙燒左口魚背。依舍香蔥呑拿魚腩軍艦入口非常香,不過差左D紫菜唔夠脆口。帆立貝真係特大喇,一啖一定食唔哂,不過真係夠哂口感一定要推介既就係炙燒左口魚背入口即溶,魚油夠哂多最後就叫左個綠茶糯米糍。綠茶雪糕配糯米糍,絕對唔比甜品鋪差,綠茶雪糕唔會太甜幾好味,個糯米糍又夠軟又有咬口!正  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-06-27
It was super hot today so felt like sushi. Since this was the closest place and I didn't feel like walking, I ate here.Sen-ryo is a popular conveyor belt sushi restaurant from a major chain, Genki Sushi. This is their higher end line of restaurants. You basically see whatever sushi you want that rotates by you, grab a plate, eat. When you're finished, they count the number of plates and you are charged the value according to what color the plate is.However, at lunch hour, they have lunch sets ranging from $78 to $132. I ordered the sashimi with green tea noodles set. It included miso soup and salad.Assorted sashimi included prawn, tuna salmon scallop, black fish roe and white fish. Sashimi was fresh though tuna was a bit tasteless.Green tea noodles were very strange in texture. Definitely not made from buckwheat. They were springy in texture. They tasted more like shirataki noodles. Anyways, it was refreshing to have them cold on this hot afternoon.Salad was ok. Fresh greens. Light dressing of yuzi.Miso soup was flavored with prawn shell and daikon which was quite goodNot bad lunch sets for mainstream audiences. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-05-19
高級版元氣--千兩可以話係連鎖迴轉壽司店最好一的間,自問食過不少迴轉壽司店,都覺得無一間可以媲美.咁有呢種質素,都係反映係價錢上.爭鮮係香港既出現,令到壽司熱潮更瘋狂.但係有時候食剌身食壽司,最緊要係食材新鮮,唔係便宜就得.雖然元氣都唔錯,唔一定要食高級版元氣,但係元氣唔同分店質素差別極大,所謂最穩陣都係去千兩,而且千兩款式更多.$55 松葉蟹.蟹腳味道鮮甜,但肉汁不多,總係覺得有點乾身.$36筋子,魚子飽滿帶咸無異味,份量夠多十分滿足$??吞拿魚醬油漬,吞拿魚質素只屬一般,魚味很淡,醬油也提不了味.基本上如果想食到魚味濃既赤身,都係要去別處.$42/1件 特大帶子,完美的一件,鮮甜具彈性,新鮮的才會有這種帶少少爽既口感,而且SIZE巨大淡淡肉很爽呢.$20 三文魚腩,肥肥的魚脂充滿魚味,脂肪入口溶化.腩位就是如此吸引$20/1件 油甘魚腩,魚油同樣豐富,不同之處就係品種不同,油甘魚魚味更鮮$?? 牛蒡醬油漬,爽實既牛蒡加上濃厚咸中帶酸味道,令人食過不停.伊佐木,價錢約$250,肉質有點似鯛魚,肉質較軟身,清甜既魚味,魚脂較少,要細嚼才能品嚐到呢種鮮.但其實食呢類魚沾酸汁未必係好方法,應該配薑蔥和醬油才對叫左一堆比較貴價既,係時候食番點大眾化款式$12 槍魷魚,一整條小小的魷魚,味道比較清而軟身$32 他他牛,0.5成熟既牛肉肉味濃郁,冷凍既溫度而輕輕燒過既邊皮更能特出牛味,加上薑蔥既提味,又一完美之作.如想更完美,只能食和牛$20 榮螺,很甜,甜得似係調過味,但應該無.質感彈牙食原條既魚剌身有樣野好,就係魚骨都要用埋,咁先夠抵食.呢度OFFER炸同煮湯,但煮湯要加$20,所謂都係炸左佢食.香脆口可,骨頭大部份都可以食埋,送酒一流,加點檸汁減少油膩感更佳.2個人食左約$600,質素算係比上不足比下有餘,起馬不會失望.千兩咁受歡迎總有原因.要食最好的,還是壽司店,要食平既,去爭鮮.想食比較好又唔想用好多錢,千兩都算係個不錯既選擇.而我對千兩又愛又恨,原因只有一個,因為要等位,仲要等仲成7個字,我本身唔會等位既,今次又屈服 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-04-12
今日朋友k正日生日。我同k都想吾到食咩好。突然想試下千両。去到九點左右等左20分鐘有位。因為都知佢貴少少...點知一去到見到綠茶粉。超開心。但淡左少少我地叫既都係12蚊至58蚊7碟壽司卷物加各人一手卷和炸蠔不可不講真係超新鮮好食三文魚腩真係抵,20蚊有嘩新鮮厚肉既質量日本帶子32蚊也驚喜。厚肉同甜美反而顯得炸蝦卷普通整體我地2個都飽。都係300蚊。堅好食又抵喜出望外(當初想一人大約230蚊落樓) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)