3-min walk from Exit C, Shek Mun MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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🍛焗咖喱豬扒薑飯 $62 (😸😸😸😸😸)呢個焗咖喱豬扒薑飯係我哋每次嚟都必點嘅!因為真係好好食!😻飯底仲可以轉炒飯😝每次新鮮熱辣焗出嚟,咖喱汁好足夠,淋埋入炒飯入面,食落去好重味!🔥炒飯炒到香噴噴,配埋咖喱汁更加加分!😋薯仔亦煮得腍,豬扒唔會韌,$62真係性價比高到無得輸!💯🍞金牌西多 $28 (😸😸😸😸)熱辣辣而且厚身😝可以揀金牌西多或者招牌鴛鴦西多($30)~仲可以揀花生醬、牛油、煉奶或者果占作為餡料☺️我哋今次揀咗花生醬,花生醬份量十足🍯再係面上鋪上蜜糖加牛油,口感香滑,食落去真係好滿足!😋
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Went there for a quick lunch. Ordered double-filling toasted sandwich and hot lemon tea. The sandwich tasted very fresh, the tomato pieces very succulent and the cheese savoury and rich. The hot lemon tea was also a pleasant surprise. There were 4 full pieces of fresh lemon inside ! How generous! It seems that this small joint is serious about the quality of its food. The bill came to $38. With such quality, it was very good value for money.
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好耐冇返嚟石門呢邊食野 以前沙田友同丸記係分開兩間鋪嚟 唔知點解依家變埋咗一間🤣 唔通佢哋一直係同一個老細? 依家夾埋變咗一間之後裝修靚咗大咗 坐得舒服啲講返先 以前呢兩間都成日食 因為質素都幾穩定 放lunch 諗唔到就食呢兩間 今次就食返個牛腩麵先 同之前冇乜分別 個湯幾清 牛腩肥瘦適中 但好似蘿白細舊同俾小咗:(
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