Exit A1, Hang Hau MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 21:15
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 21:15
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 21:15
Public Holiday
11:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 21:15
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 21:15
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (54)
Level4 2025-01-26
老公喜歡上海菜,自從得知坑口開了「上海婆婆」,我就決心要帶他去,就今晚吧!餐廳裝潢簡約優雅,燈光柔和,感覺很舒適。設有多張闊落的卡座,坐得舒適,服務質素亦佳。餐簿精美,非常清晰。選擇不少,有蟹粉系列、涼菜、湯羹、蔬菜、河海鮮、豆腐、豬牛肉、雞鴨、飯麵、拉麵、點心、甜品和飲品等。******************************先上一客麻辣口水雞($88/例),舖了香脆的花生粒和甘香的芝麻,沾上紅辣油,看來很火辣。雞皮爽肉嫩,夾雜少許油脂,既滑溜又不太肥,香辣惹味,佐飯一流!******************************我一直都很想吃松子大黃魚($188),其賣相和味道都一流,推介!魚大條肉厚,很有份量,已起骨𠝹花,炸至金黃香脆,用心之件!魚肉外脆内嫩,沾上酸咪咪醬汁,吃落好開胃。配料很豐富,有蝦仁、三色椒、紫洋蔥、菠蘿、松子仁等,全部都得美味,通通吃清,一點也不留。******************************老公最喜歡吃小籠包($45/4隻),即點即蒸,新鮮熱辣。皮薄饀靚,一咬便爆出鮮美的湯汁,肉饀飽滿,吃時蘸上酸咪咪的薑絲醋汁,更添美味!******************************最後來一客涼拌茄子($55),入口微涼,茄子肉嫩,淋上大量醬油膏,很有風味!------------------------------老公對今日上海菜之夜非常滿意,看來他很快便要再來。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
If you like Chinese cuisines, and you’ve never checked Shanghai PoPo, this is your spot. Newly opened with modern decors, eye-catching pink walls and cat-themed paintings. The menus offer a wide range of Shanghainese and popular Chinese cuisines. 桂花蜜汁火方、脆炸腐皮、青瓜:Beautiful Chinese dry-cured ham glazed in a dazzling osmanthus honey. Each slice was perfectly cut, with both meaty and fatty parts. The savoury ham paired so well with the sweet floral honey, together you put the deep fried beancurd sheet and cucumber inside the wrap. Voilà and you have the most luxurious pocketful of authentic flavours. 宮廷炒飯:Essentially a rich version of Fujian-style fried rice, a delicious brown braised sauce cooked with chicken dices, juicy shrimps, green beans, and a pair of huge abalones. The egg fried rice was fully enrobed in this delicious sauce. 京蔥牛肉包:Petit panfried buns stuffed with minced beef and leek. Both sides of the buns were fried to a crispy golden brown. The stuffing was yummy. Help yourself to a cup of hot Chinese tea or a glass of iced soy milk, and leave with a happy tummy. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-02-27
今日同朋友去咗一間上海餐廳食飯,真係食得好滿足!首先講吓個蟹粉小籠包,嘩,真係不得了!一咬落去,啲湯汁即刻爆出嚟,鮮味十足,蟹粉嘅香味同豬肉嘅鮮甜完美結合,皮薄餡多,食完一隻仲想食多隻,真係停唔到口!一籠4隻,每一隻都係精華!跟住就係個蟹粉炒年糕,呢個都係我嘅至愛!年糕炒得啱啱好,軟糯得嚟又唔會太黏,蟹粉嘅香味完全滲入晒年糕入面,每一啖都係滿滿嘅蟹香,仲有啲蟹肉碎,真係食到舔舔脷!不過如果份量可以再多啲就好啦,因為真係太好食,食完仲想再食多啲。再嚟就係手撕包心菜,呢個菜就比較清爽,食完啲濃味嘅蟹粉菜式之後,食返啲清淡嘅包心菜真係好舒服。菜炒得脆脆哋,蒜香味好出,但又唔會太油膩,食落去好爽口,同其他菜式形成咗好好嘅對比。最後就係個淮揚酸辣湯,呢個湯真係暖胃又開胃!酸辣味啱啱好,唔會太酸或者太辣,飲落去好順喉。湯入面有好多配料,例如豆腐、木耳、筍絲等等,口感好豐富。飲完之後成個人暖笠笠,好舒服。每一道菜都有佢嘅特色,蟹粉小籠包同蟹粉炒年糕嘅鮮味令人回味無窮,手撕包心菜同酸辣湯就平衡返成餐飯嘅口感。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-02-24
約咗老友到將軍澳坑口聚餐,選擇到上海婆婆,叫番幾款一併分享啊。凉拌茄子🍆,醬汁微酸,茄子柔軟,健康有益的前菜。鮑魚大蝦粉絲煲,鮑魚、大蝦都調味可口,煮到恰到好處,爽彈又有益,粉絲吸盡鮑魚同大蝦的精華,用上XO醬帶點辣,很入味且不覺得油膩。腰果雞丁,腰果香脆可口,雞丁切得大小適中,入口柔軟,份量都唔少啊!青菜🥬煨麵,內有小棠菜同菇類,麵質煙韌有彈性,湯味香濃可口。#將軍澳美食 #香港美食 #香港必食 #香港探店 #香港打卡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
💡 好味的上海菜🌶今日約左屋企人食飯,知道屋企人鍾意食上海菜,當然要搵抵食啲上海婆婆啦。🍜排骨擔擔麵醇厚的擔擔醬搭配香嫩的排骨,麵條滑順,再撒上一點花生碎和蔥花,好滋味。🍜雞絲拌粉皮嫩滑的雞絲搭配Q彈的粉皮,淋上花生芝麻醬汁,食起來超爽口,絕對是開胃的小菜!🦀蟹粉小籠包小籠包裡滿滿的蟹粉,咬落去湯汁四溢,香氣撲鼻,好好味。🐔麻辣口水雞🌶️呢道菜麻辣過癮,雞肉大件又鮮嫩,淋上香辣醬汁,好惹味! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)