Shark's Fin City Restaurant famous on offering Shark fins, they try to import the raw material and used to do the tasty dishes for the customer in the restaurant. Shark's Fin City Restaurant very concern about the service and they try to open a new generation about eating Shark’s Fin in Hong Kong.
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Good For
Business Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 23:00
10:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
誠意點心,值得推介。市面充斥大量劣質點心,大可盡錄。觀乎魚翅城,則盡顯其誠心!以燒賣為例,坊問多以胡蘿蔔、人造蝦子作topping。該店則不吝以元貝碎飾之;蝦餃以吹彈可破之澄麵裹以,內裡蝦肉若隱若現,何其誘人?反觀坊間,爆皮、即叮、來貨者甚眾,何以茶樓酒家淪喪至此?三時入座,理應為落場時候,其間侍者雖顯心焦,亦未遇不禮對待,可喜!批曰:客人如遇落場時候,自應識做,切忌賴死,如犯慎之! 非主打項目亦如斯出眾,可見飲食業何其難撈,共勉之! 反觀上市集團出品日見差劣,應起聲討之!切勿姑息!
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媽媽六十大壽, 在魚翅城擺2圍慶祝. 部長間了一間有大窗的房比我, 每位已放好紅色餐巾及金色大碟. 個牆仲貼了電腦介字, 再加張麻雀台. (免費)食物如下:雞湯中鮑翅 - 即場翻熱, 每位分上, 翅是一排排的, 湯清清地, 但同d翅好夾原汁海參花冬菇 - 每位一份, 原條海參, 又入味又 "林", 我阿嫲都食到頭抽翡翠蝦球 - 淡了點, 但蝦好算大隻沙律海鮮卷 - 每人2條太多, 炸粉太多, 又不是用威化紙做, 雖然味道ok, 但太油膩了碧綠花姿蚌清蒸雙石班 - 好味!! 好滑嫩口, 2條約一斤重的石班不大不少, d豉油好好味花膠條扒時蔬 金獎炸子雞 - 得獎菜. 好味, 雞肉嫩滑, 皮乾脆唔油膩, 但比較細隻仲有伊麵 + 炒飯 + 紅豆沙 + 生果盤 + 壽包.$ 4500 全包. 可加$300一位. 但部電視好細好舊.個個都食得好開心!! 希望媽媽身體健康!! 人人都開心!!
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Came here for a yumcha with hubby. Usually we had family yumcha and dinner here. The food was nice and service was not bad. That was why we kept on patronizing here.Today we had some business to do around lunch, so had to come here at around 3pm. There were only less than 10 tables around. We ordered a 鮑汁鵝掌伴生麵, 蝦餃, 燒賣 and 脆皮燒腩仔.鮑汁鵝掌伴生麵: We ordered one serve for each of us. The serve came in a nice white plate. The鵝掌 looked very nice. It was braised thoroughly with the abalone sauce, so The Chinese noodle did not have any 鹼水味 at all, which has passed my requirement. I really hate those Chinese noodle which has strong鹼水味.蝦餃: The蝦餃 were very fresh. The skin was very tender and thin. The shrimps were fresh and chewy and there was only shrimp and a bit of bamboo shoots inside the蝦餃. Very nice. Much better than the ordinary蝦餃 you found from local restaurants!燒賣: I do not remember starting from when, I begin to love燒賣. The燒賣 here was particularly nice. It had some Chinese mushroom and also you could taste that the pork inside was not those simply minced meat. Perhaps they were those hand-chopped one. The燒賣 was topped with some dried conpoy, giving them a more appealing outlook. In fact, they were tasty enough.脆皮燒腩仔: This one was hubby’s favourite. Somehow I would wonder how the Chef make such crispy skin! The skin was very very light and crispy, has got no fat at all, that was good for us who are relatively more health conscious. The 腩仔 was cut in bite size and nicely presented. Delicious!
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今天是Sunday, 同老公去Timesquare飲茶, 看了評分, 以為鱼翅城好正.叫了8 個点心, 份量 細吾 緊要, 但 九成D waiter 目無表情, 送 上点心又吾出声, 通常會講 比客人知係mud, 然後多謝.... 好似 死魚 面ロ, 冇誠意, 見外 面lunch 都冇人排隊就知佢差最鬼激氣我吔有3個点心要打包, 叫waiter包起佢, 佢求其比個盒我自己入, 還將盒掉咗落地下就走開 . 有咩service?本人下星期想同家人來吃魚翅餐, 但見佢Dservice 同waiter的面ロ, 以後吾會返來, 外面service好的酒樓大把, 如果系timesquare都咁 差好難生存.個toilet又冇睇, very dirty!
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前幾日, 同埋公司d 同事中午去飲茶, 覺得d 點心水準唔錯耶, 唔會好油膩之前覺得起三湘大廈既富聲好好味, 點心精緻, 不過同魚翅城比, 反而油左少少好欣賞佢個蝦餃, 所以叫左2籠.另外個荷葉飯都唔錯, 雖然d 料係少左d (只蝦同海蔘), 不過d 飯乾濕恰到好處, 不俗!5人埋單 380 , 比想像中要平!
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