Opening Hours
07:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (20)
Level4 2025-01-06
The start to vacation and we came here for breakfast at the airport before our flight. I noticed a new place that served Korean breakfast sets. Not familiar with what Koreans have for breakfast, I decided to get something here.Menu is in English and Chinese. There is no 10% service charge as it's part of the food court. When we were there is was  7 AM but the menu that was available at 7 AM was not available. So, I could only choose the items from the 6 AM menu.I had the Beef with Soybean Paste Soup Noodles ($68). This was basically instant noodles with beef and reminded me of the satay beef noodles you get at a cha chaan teng. This wasn't very good. The instant noodles were soggy. The beef was too salty.It also came with appetizers of shredded carrots, spinach and kimchi. The kimchi wasn't very spicy. The spinach and carrots had no flavour.  The sets came with  soft drink which I didn't know we couldn't upgrade to something else. I hate soft drinks in the morning.This place was very bad and for a breakfast spot at airport, I definitely won't be  back. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-12-29
嚟到機場過咗海關之後要醫肚,其實大部份人應該會選擇去美食廣場。嗰度都有好多餐廳揀,有漢堡包,日式魚生刺身飯,日本拉麵同埋泰國海南雞飯。我嘅選擇係韓式飯卷,揀咗呢一間餐廳,係因為佢有泡菜芝士牛肉韓式飯卷。貪佢夠快捷方便,因為如果食碗熱麵,會食到成身熱辣辣,食韓式飯卷又飽肚又快脆。比完錢之後,收銀員已經即刻俾咗個飯卷我,外表用一個紙盒包裝,裏便用一張好似包漢堡包嘅紙包住飯卷。由於可能喺個盒入邊太耐,外型唔係咁吸引,但係食落味道非常好,裏便有腌菜蘿蔔、泡菜、牛肉同埋芝士,芝士味道唔會太濃。呢一個卷飯卷都幾夠飽,有好多舊,食完隔一陣再食飛機餐,時間啱啱好😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-01
登機前小小肚餓,打算食埋下午茶先上機,見到有韓國菜可以食,打算一試。嗌左辣豬肉泡菜石鍋拌飯,出餐亦算迅速,十分鐘唔到已經有得食。不過端上黎feel到鍋已經溫溫地,唔夠熱氣,拌飯入面既菜都唔算好熱。有菠菜,豬肉,胡蘿蔔,泡菜,芽菜同埋煎蛋。不過我自己呢碗豬肉味道怪怪地,有陣騷味,冇咩點食,泡菜味道不錯,飯都好足份量,不過因為唔算熱辣辣所以都應該只能叫拌飯而唔係石鍋飯。一餐88蚊,同等價錢機場附近亦有更好選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
搭廉航上機出發前,當然要食飽飽,先有力開始旅程。入左機場禁區後,周圍行左個圈,見呢間韓國小店價位大眾化,無話因為係機場就特別貴。見好耐未有機會食韓國野(利申:今次係去九州),所以就叫左3樣野食兩個人share醫下肚。機場Staff仲有優惠。睇menu感覺飯卷、粉絲同埋芝士拌麵幾吸引,於是就各叫一款黎試下。飯卷同拌麵唔洗5分鐘就有得拎,幾岩時間有限趕上飛機既旅客。由於我地時間有鬆動,所以就叫埋即炒需要多少少時間既海鮮炒粉絲。傳統飯卷$78咩都有d,無論口感味道都好豐富,飯量恰好,夠凍感覺幾Fresh,包裝仲好方便takeaway,臨上機趕時間既好選擇。韓式炸雞配卡邦尼汁芝士拌麵$78估唔到炸雞都幾juicy,同芝士拌麵幾夾。雖然望落好似有d飽膩,但食落又Ok喎。海鮮炒粉絲$118賣相顏色豐富,即炒幾有鑊氣,粉絲唔油膩又幾彈牙,值得一試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-15
我好耐無飛過,終於有得去旅行,緊張到早咗好多去到機場😂,都好嘅可以休閑食埋個lunch先上飛機,美食廣場好多位置,好乾淨,係美食廣場有得食韓國菜,有飯卷有湯飲有石窩飯仲有炸雞。最後我揀咗兩個石窩飯。野菌牛肉石窩飯 $98Beef & Wild Mushroom Stone Pot Rice配料好足夠,有芽菜有波菜紅蘿蔔絲同埋有野菌,仲有會流心雞蛋,蛋汁配飲非常好食,牛肉好入味,好淋。👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻雞肉蔬菜石窩飯 $88Chicken & Assorted Vegetables Stone Pot Rice配料同牛肉一樣多,呢個係泡菜汁雞肉,一啲都唔鞋,加埋韓式辣醬撈飯一齊食,好食!濟洲三多水 $16呢度有水買,可以買定一枝水上機。可樂 $10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)