5-min walk from Exit D1, Central MTR Station continue reading
The restaurant specializes in traditional American Dessas-style barbecue. Their authentic wood-fired smoker is specially ordered from the United States. The meat is tender and juicy roasted in the traditional low-temperature slow-cooking method. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 16:00
18:00 - 00:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 16:00
18:00 - 00:00
*Last order: 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (55)
Level1 2024-12-18
Went with 2 other friends for dinner and ordered the beast platter which was $388 per person. Huge disappointment. Whilst some items in the platter had 3 pcs such as the ribs, onion rings and bread others such as chicken breast and sausage only had 1 piece. Upon asking the waiter if they made a mistake because there were 3 of us but only 1 piece of sausage and chicken, he said just use a knife to cut it. The meat was cold and chicken rock dry. With starters and drinks it cost over HK$600 per person. Honestly for this price, I rather go have buffet, even meat there would taste better. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-31
香港少見既美式烤肉店,我覺得幾失望既,大部分肉類菜式肉味好淡,肉既煙燻味亦唔算獨特,醃菜仲好食過肉,試一次就夠🙈Bone Marrow ($138)牛骨髓食落唔香,只覺油膩,反而旁邊多士仲好食🙈Texas Fish Taco ($48), Beef Brisket Taco ($48)兩款Taco都好食,炸魚嫩滑,牛胸肉濃味Loaded Tater Tots ($98)炸薯寶幾香脆,薯仔味普通,表面既手撕豬肉乾左啲,單點既手撕豬肉就冇呢個問題Beef Short Rib 500g ($688)牛肋骨,質素唔值呢個價,肉質軟冧同有輕微既煙燻味,但係肉味唔夠,鄧記既牛肋骨價錢平啲,肉味仲要濃郁得多Pulled Pork 200g ($198)手撕豬肉,係咁多款肉類當中最好食,多肉汁又有明顯煙燻味All American Brisket 200g ($228)美式烤牛胸肉,有幾件偏瘦既肉食落有啲鞋,半肥瘦既就香口好食Spare Ribs 500g ($198)烤豬肋排,似又乾又瘦既蜜汁叉燒,肉味極淡,太劣食到一半放棄左🫠價錢: $550 (有加一)環境: 7/10服務: 6/10味道: 7/10性價比: 5/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-10
前排去The grounds hk搞嘅聖誕活動,可以坐喺「草地」睇大電視電影,並外賣Basehall食物▶️ MEMPHIS BEEF ($125)18- Hours Smoked Beef Brisket Mozzarella Mac & Cheese 18小時慢煮煙燻牛腩配芝士通粉芝士通粉超cheesy惹味,呈金黃色🧀不過如果可以硬身少少質感會好啲18小時慢煮煙燻牛腩好正🤤入口即溶,附有適當比例嘅脂肪🐂仲重牛味面頭仲落咗唔少其他調味料襯托貴少少但牛肉足料高質! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-16
我以前覺得美式漢堡包唔會好好食,但今晚在 Smoke & Barrel 品嚐的 Memphis Burger 之後改觀,除了是食個之中最好之外,牛肉確有質素!Memphis Burger $168真心頂級?靈魂是充滿煙燻香的牛胸肉,邊位脆脆地之外,最邪惡是脂肪,就係因為夠肥,令整個包非常juicy,材料仲有一層炸洋蔥圈,倍增口感,配合生菜青瓜蕃茄等基本材料,層層疊,份量十足!精彩不只,Smoke & Barrel 另一特色是超多辣醬選擇,十款之多,實在陣容頂盛,分別在不同辣椒製造及混合其他材料,例如我最喜歡的一款是混合了蜜糖,入口唔算辣;一款混合了黑醋,味道討好。Memphis Burger 是 off-menu 食品,只因配合11月的 Delicious USA 2023 Food Festival 才有供應,有興趣就把握時機喇!完美配合,添加了side dishes:Jalapeño Cornbread $78Jalapeño Cornbread 是有辣椒粒的麵包,又係新嚐試,估唔到好好食!鬆軟似蛋糕的玉米麵包食食吓有少少辣,層次變化,有點喜出望外;更配上我喜歡的 honey butter 蜜糖牛油,心水推薦。New Orlean Slaw $68白菜及洋蔥絲的混合,酸酸爽爽很開胃。Mac’ & Cheese $88芝士通粉配上煙肉粒,極度有鹹香,配啤酒一流,但對我來說就是過鹹了。活動詳情:https://www.delicioususa.com.hk/restaurants-2023/ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-10-21
今日同朋友去咗中環The Grounds睇戶外電影,同喺傳統戲院入面睇戲嘅感覺唔同,呢度環境佈置到好靚好舒服,成個vibe好chill,我哋可以坐喺啲好舒服嘅長凳上面,戴住個無線headphone,望住個戶外嘅大銀幕睇戲,簡直係夜晚同朋友去放鬆嘅一個好體驗!今次我哋睇嗰場戲係1987年”Good Morning, Vietnam”,呢一套三十幾年前嘅美國荷里活片一啲都唔悶,有啲情節都幾滑稽好笑,反而同呢個戶外睇戲場地啲vibe幾夾!飲食方面,舉辦方有個網站列咗20幾間喺中環嘅餐廳俾我哋揀,入面嘅餐廳有中式、西式、日式、越南、泰國、印尼等等唔同國家嘅菜式可以選擇,仲有唔同嘅啤酒、白酒、紅酒、爆谷等等可以選購。我哋揀咗喺中環雲咸街Smoke & Barrel,嗌咗個Memphis Beef with Mac & Cheese,有5塊18小時煙燻而成嘅beef brisket,燒牛胸肉用低溫慢煮嘅方法喺煙燻爐入面烤,令到外層有蜜糖嘅香,內層肉質又軟又腍,肥瘦適中,咬落去好似唔使點用牙就咬得開,肉汁豐富,加埋個甜甜地嘅BBQ醬汁同乾蔥、洋蔥、青蔥、幾片醃黄瓜做配料。Mozzarella cheese拌勻嘅通心粉鋪咗係底下,份量都幾大,每一啖都食到濃厚嘅芝士味,口感好滿足,下次去門市食嘢朋友可以嗌呢個主菜試下!📍中環雲咸街30-32號雲咸大廈1-2樓位置就腳:🍊🍊🍊🍊餐廳環境:🍊🍊🍊🍊食物味道:🍊🍊🍊🍊整體CP值:🍊🍊🍊🍊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)