Restaurant: Smoko

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

4-min walk from Exit A, Fortress Hill MTR Station
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 19:30
10:00 - 19:00
Public Holiday
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (43)
Level2 2024-10-09
天陰陰 公司個vibe又差差哋 咁啱早放就整杯咖啡chill下 唔想飲hea啡就醒起有炮台山嘅smoko🥰去到0頭緒想飲咩,就請咖啡師omakase比我🤣,於是就得到一杯black coffee做底,再加檸檬同蘋果味syrup嘅咖啡☕️ 一入落口絕無咖啡澀味,個口仲會有一浸輕微的朱古力回甘🤎 而且好似施咗magic✨咁即刻有返好心情💕💕今期嘅咖啡sleeves 係最近好興嘅nintendo系列❤️ 都係老闆自己設計的❣️ 咁啱又係我最愛嘅粉紅色❤️‍🔥所以就算佢喺炮台山我都特登make a trip去探訪Smoko🫶🏼🫶🏼已經好期待下次再去have a chill coffee break! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今次我去咗間大熱門嘅咖啡店試佢哋嘅招牌飲品,名叫Tape Coffee。咖啡店個環境幾得意,有種輕鬆嘅工業風。先講個最吸引人嘅青瓜Tape Coffee 😍,老闆嘅調配手法好有型,令人眼前一亮。飲品端上手嘅時候,冰冷嘅氣泡跳翻上面,真係有種在飲黑啤嘅錯覺,咕嚕一口,清新嘅青瓜味夾雜著咖啡嘅香醇,意想不到地悅耳。係啲生啲滑嘅口感簡直講嘢都嚟唔切,夠晒特別同開心!🎉再嚟就係杯Toast Almond Latte,我本身唔係咖啡通,但呢杯令我改觀。淡淡嘅杏仁焦香唔會過分搶戲,喺店員嘅細心問詢下,奶泡撻撻地增添咗杯中嘅層次。我選咗淡奶味,正!若有啲沈醉喺杏仁與咖啡嘅旋律中,正到唔得喇!😌而個Double Cheese & Honey Ham Bagel就算係午餐時間嘅完美選擇。芝士夠晒濃,香濃每一啖都好滿足。Bagel本身嘅質感非常好,啖啖嘅嚼勁就算咁樣都唔覺得膩口。整體嚟講,係一個幾正嘅體驗,我一定會再返嚟試下另外嘅bagel同埋新款咖啡🌟。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-04-18
great tasting coffee made to your preferred personal tastes☕️ and to go with your coffee, Smoko also offers scrumptious homemade comfort food made with daily fresh ingredients(handmade muffins, pound cakes, bagels, udon, croissants).Smoko offers very friendly service, plus an artisan handmade birthday or party cake service made to your specific request. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一直見呢間店lunch時間冇乜人所以諗住搵次去試吓,支持下小店🤧以下圖片入面個餐牌,一個set係$65👀 於是我就嗌咗Bagel 套餐(chicken + guacamole + mozarella bagel 同埋Menu上面嗰個 ‘fruit tea’) 但俾錢嘅時候店員話係$75🤔我問佢Menu上面唔係$65有bagel+drink嗎?佢話個set本身淨係包咖啡如果要Menu上面其他飲品要加$10咁我諗可能加左價喇(上一個食評都係相同order但不需要加錢,我到而家都睇唔到佢有寫加錢,加左價應該update 返個餐牌或者提醒客人,唔好收錢先講要加$10)咁加$10都無咩所謂,物價咁貴,所以照比喇。其實都期待會好好食啦(因為睇食評見到都唔錯),但點知bagel個餡好薄好普通,’fruit tea’又完全無fruit (如果menu 畫面上杯面的水果係個杯的pattern,咁應該都真係有兩片柠檬?😂 )唔可以話食物非常劣(個bagel都係熱嘅)不過都真係幾失望下😵‍💫 唔值呢個價錢,食物普通不過不失,飲品無咩特別。餐牌唔update,比錢先加價。其實$75我覺得會有更好的小店選擇,如果早知呢個食物質素,會選擇其他店舖。如不改善食物質素之下,相信唔會有幫襯下一次😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-06-03
烤雞牛油果奶酪貝果三文治 $65Roasted Chicken Guacamole Mozzarella Cheese Bagel Sandwich 貝果🥯會幫你焗返熱,所以變得外脆內軟,口感够煙韌😙 烤雞切成一塊塊咁所以好容易入口,而且肉質鮮嫩🥰 牛油果被打成泥,有豐潤細膩的口感,配上鹹香嘅芝士🧀味道就變的無咁單一👍🏼The bagel will be reheated for you so that there would be a crispy outer layer and the inside would be chewy and soft. The chicken was very tender and juicy, and the guac was mashed up very nicely, and was a perfect match with the salty melted cheese. 水果茶 (跟餐)Fruit Tea老闆話水果茶裡面用左新鮮嘅西柚,蜜桃同埋綠茶作為茶底🍵 飲得出新鮮輕盈嘅感覺,但如果無咁甜就perfect😌 This drink is a blend of fresh grapefruit and peach with green tea. It has a refreshing and zingy, but it was little too sweet for my liking. 合桃蛋糕 (+$10)Walnut Loaf Cake店員會放入氣炸鍋翻熱,所以上手仲會暖暖地😋 蛋糕充滿牛油香,蛋糕質感香軟細滑,配上脆繃嘅合桃就變得更有口感🤗The slice of cake has been reheated on the air fryer so that it was pretty warm when you get it. The cake was filled with the aroma of melted butter, with a very smooth and mellow texture, accompanied by bites of crunchy walnuts. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)