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Signature Dishes
魷魚酥 雞蛋仔
Review (38)
Level1 2018-06-13
點解可以做到粒粒雞蛋仔都係空心既❓ 大埔地鐵站店店員態度差,手摸完垃圾桶又處理食物俾我,吹漲以前都好d 既,而加樣樣食物都變差。唔見意大家去大埔地鐵站個間買雞蛋仔。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-03-13
心血來潮,突然想食碗仔翅…呢間就最方便不過~放工時間特別多人,要排隊先買到…碗仔翅,有好多菇同木耳,略嫌少了粉絲…味道也不錯~另外,要了煎釀三寶…魚肉比較黏,口感有點奇怪…稱不上好味,最好食應該是紅腸吧,如果有得揀都唔會再黎食三寶… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今天去完大埔攞料,回家前走到人頭湧湧的大埔墟火車站輪候,目的是想買一份煎釀四寶去「氹氹」我快要餓扁的肚子呢。太多人排隊搵食,我想這間小食店年中都賺不少了。我選了紅腸﹑青椒﹑豆腐和魚肉球。首先試青椒,看到它青青翠翠的表面,咬下去卻有很重的菜青味…是不是未熟呢?但明明炸好了放在櫥窗上。心裡很狐疑…這還不止,那塊釀在青椒窩裡的魚肉,咬起來很韌,沒有彈牙感,很差。小妹心想:莫非這間的魚肉水準不行?便趕快去KO碗裡所有和魚肉有關的食品。最可惡是「炸魚肉球」,小妹咬下去的感覺:如同嚼臘。很差!我未曾試過這種魚肉黏著牙齒的噁心感覺。沒有爽口感,即是想將魚肉球咬開兩邊,都要用牙去扯開咁,痴線!魚肉毫無味道。很傷心買錯了。然後是紅腸,也是有一層魚肉黏在紅腸上面的。不幸的是這魚肉又老是黏著牙,不幸中的大幸是魚肉薄薄地只佔一小部份,我還吃得到標準紅腸味道和感質。但整體感覺已打了折扣了。最後是豆腐,被之前這幾款破壞感覺了。這個普普通通,不提也罷了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2012-05-20
夜收工諗住買野食,見到Snack epress有腸粉賣,好過無得食,點知未食就一肚氣佢地無指明左手邊賣腸粉燒賣,右手邊賣炒面,人人都唔排隊行埋去叫,邊個知有分呀!行到去等咗陣,到我咪叫「唔該腸粉4條」,跟著個阿姐好快咁話「你排錯隊,下個食乜呀!」但我前一位先生係買腸粉。我即刻轉要炒麵,阿姐問「甜醬辣醬要唔要」我已經大聲話要,但佢好快咁包好份麵仲乜醬都冇,拎咗台面$10就即刻下一位。咁既態度,幾好食都唔再幫襯,可況個麵又油又冇味,早知7仔買杯麵好過 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Havent had fish shao mai for a long time so decided to get some.This snack shop is located inside the MTR, so the food is not exposed to the traffic pollution or second hand smoke.Their snack selection was ok, however the service was a bit rude.I ordered two portions and she only heard one, so when I asked for another portion, the staff got annoyed.As for the soy sauce, she put about a ladle of soy sauce in it!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)