5-min walk from Exit A2, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
由2星米芝蓮廚師Shane Osborn主理的casual西餐廳。主打本地及來自日本、澳洲等地的新鮮、高級食材,和價值數萬的Josper Grill碳爐燒出的各類菜式。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (52)
Level2 2015-03-07
約了三個好姐妹到st betty 悠閒 high tea。還想著我會最早到,怎麼知道她們早就到了。好漂亮的茶壺,full of details.我最喜歡的cammomile,甘甜解渴。朋友點了烏龍茶覺得太苦,但是 Earl Grey 不錯。我們一行四人,叫了兩set,好靚鹹點比甜點精彩煙三文魚好吃沙律三文治清新開胃Scone 脆脆的,不過我個人比較喜歡文華的,濕濕的。同行的姐妹很欣賞,所以說百花入百眼。Jam ok la, 還是最喜歡文華的 Rose Jam, 沒辦法,已經先入為主了Tragic, all too sweet, the macarons are pathetic. Those chocolatesJust totally can‘t bear the sweetness. 希望有味道的層次,一味甜是不行的欣賞它的室內設計看到海景,雖然有工程進行中,斜斜的可以看都 AIA Carnival.最後結帳時,朋友說怎麼多了幾十蚊,原來那個水是要錢的。但我們沒有喝過。我還沒來之前,侍應問要不要 Distilled Water, 她們以為免費,但其實玻璃瓶裡的水通常要錢。這讓我想起之前去歐洲旅行時,我統統說 Tap water, please。 不過瑞士的水應該最貴,要百幾蚊一支。laugh die......St Betty還是一個很適合聊天聚會的地方,很悠閒舒服,不過服務員不醒目,三催四請才懂得加水,還有甜點要加把勁!!!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-02-11
很久以前有朋友帶過我來但是甚麼味道..我必定忘了這次選這餐廳原因就是因為在IFC看電影而IFC其他餐廳都沒太大興趣..所以錯誤地選了這裡這個是南瓜湯但白色那㘣形的是裡面有芝士的但這芝士味...我認真受不了不喜歡又錯了這個芝士雲吞內裡芝士味我亦是受不了真的。。。。。。錯了兩樣東西而第三樣亦是錯的這肉質不好...煮法亦不好所以這一餐算是浪費食物了我相信我下次選餐廳還是要小心點不然又會好像今天一樣浪費食物 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-02-09
I've been looking forward to coming to St Betty for a long, long time now, but nobody ever wanted to come with me because it's so expensive. Finally I was able to convince my friend to come for the set lunch which was around HK$350(!!!) including tax/service charge.WHAT A RIPOFF!I'm outraged just thinking at what we paid (HK$700) between the two of us for food we wouldn't even make for ourselves at home. I mean, we came to a restaurant because we're looking for DELICIOUS food and here we come, pay a small fortune, and get served substandard fare. It should be illegal to pull this off!Bacalao in sweet pepper sauce, polenta with black sesame, olives and pickled red onionThis fish came in such a tiny portion it was only a joke. I normally wouldn't mind because I have a small appetite anyway but the sauce was horrible (watery bellpepper flavour) and the fish WAS NOT FRESH. Texture was almost slimy and all in all like sludge in your mouth. Homemade fresh gnocchi in pomodoro sauce, Parmesan foam and fried basilWhy is this even served at this restaurant?!!! This awful pasta dish is so mediocre I could cook something better with a bottle of tomato pasta sauce. I love gnocchi but this watery tomato thing tastes suspiciously like something that came out of a can! For shame!!!! At least give me some truffle for the love of God!Honey glazed soft pork bellyThere was nothing soft about the meat. It was a fatty, nearly dry pig. The opposite of what it SHOULD have been: succulent and tender. The person in the kitchen clearly doesn't have an idea of what he's doing.Caramalized poached pineapple served with coconut sorbet, Havana rum foam and oat biscuitThe best thing I had at St. Betty. Final Verdict: Never coming back. This restaurant is a complete disgrace and to be honest I would even call for it to be shut down to be replaced with a place that actually does a service to mall-goers and diners in IFC. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-02-02
鄉下婆出城,要在中環泊車,首選當然是IFC啦!要泊車唔俾錢,咁就要消費啦!出街食飯,第一件事要有位,唔好浪費時間排隊,受伙計面色,在IFC就千祈唔好去飲唐茶罅。咁幫襯鬼子佬,可能會好D。我地到之前20分鐘電話訂座,是有座的,還讓我們坐在大窗戶前,有維港景色,就沒什麼不滿意了。老外伙計有記性,記得客人的名字,招呼及格。星期天中午的餐牌,當然是食Brunch啦,經過一輪研習,普普通通的早午餐興趣不大,煙肉、水煮蛋之類的,已經冇吸引力。進場的時候,看見有人在吃蛤蜊意大利麫,我呢D鄉下婆,平時在大埔街市買餸,海產要幾新鮮有幾新鮮,我煮海鮮意粉都幾好ga,冇理由出街食我的私房菜!包喝紅白酒的menu,都唔OK(我要開車嘛!)最後決定食ROAST BEEF,每位HKD328,兩位起,仲要同waiter講,趕時間啊,快!燒牛肉,果然是三成熟,好!配菜有南瓜、菠菜、土豆,配兩種醬汁,兩個外表香脆、內裡空洞的“麵包”(好好食)我地好努力,不過無法完全“消滅”食物,不是食物不好,是實在有點“撐”。這個餐有甜品,今天是蘋果金寶,好食!點解淨得文字形容,冇公仔睇?食飯就正正經經食飯,影乜鬼嘢相啫?想知點樣,咪自己嚟食囉。推唔推薦?推薦!建議,三個人來,點2位燒牛肉,另加一個沙律、一個甜品,咁就唔洗嗮嘢罅。吖,仲有,呢個餐系冇咖啡嘅。鄉下婆,就系咁計算嘎啦,唔好見怪。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-12-04
5月5日, 今個月係我地2人世界嘅最後一個紀念月喇~ 當然都要浪漫慶祝一番啦, 所以我地揀咗嚟IFC嘅ST BETTY嘆番個下午茶~::: Afternoon Tea Set For 2 ::: $398呢個Tea Set都有幾多野食, 由下而上分別有三文治、鬆餅同甜點, 有咸有甜, 作為嗜咸嘅我, 同嗜甜嘅呀菲都十分適合~ 成個點心架咁上枱, 都幾靚, 擺切都好有心思~ 比例上其實偏小, 樣樣野都係細細件細細件咁.一層一層, 底層係三文治, 中間就係鬆餅, 頂層就係甜點~ 三文治有四款, 分別有火箭菜沙律、蕃茄sasa、烤牛肉同埋三文魚, 每一款都好有特色~ 火箭菜同蕃茄sasa呢2款以素菜為主嘅就好清新, 而三文魚有油香得嚟又唔會好膩~ 最好食嘅係烤牛肉, 肉地唔會韌味道亦唔錯~ 另外仲有d麵包仔, 食落甜甜地咁都好香~鬆餅有4件, 亦都有附上2種jam同clotted cream, 本身個鬆餅味道都唔錯, 而搽jam食就多咗一份果味, 個jam本身都幾好味, 提子味夠濃橙味帶少少酸, 可以中和番鬆餅本身滯膩感. 反而搽clotted cream就雖然多咗油香, 但有點兒太膩...甜點有6款, 每一件都小小地一啖食晒, 唔會好滯, 但就無乜邊款特別出色. 不過樣樣都偏甜, 所以最後來一杯咖啡就啱啱好~我地分別要咗杯decaf latte同凍咖啡, 咖啡味唔錯, 好香, 正好為呢個tea劃上一個完美句號~其實呢度可能唔係食物行先, 而係個海景, 一路嘆住個tea慢慢欣賞個景, 好寫意~  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)