Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
07:30 - 22:00
Fri - Sat
07:30 - 23:00
07:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
焦糖咖啡 (Caramel Macchiato) 紅木花茶 特色公司三文治 (Club Supremo) 藍莓芝士蛋糕 (Blueberry Cheese Cake) 雞肉磨菇批 (Chicken and Mushroom Pie)
Review (8)
Level4 2009-06-04
I rarely go to Starbucks these days, as Pacific Coffee is always nearby, and I can always grab the regular quiches, sandwiches and whatever takes my fancy.This visit, I came with intention to try their Honey Malt Cake, which is the same one advertised by Maxims as the Angel Chiffon cake.I would have tried the Maxims one, but it comes as a whole cake.Anyway, the one here, had the honey comb pieces in a separate little dish.When I ordered it, the staff asked me if I wanted it to be heated, which is rather weird, cos the cream would melt.She then passed me the cake, which annoyed me a bit, cos I had the expectation to add the honeycomb pieces myself and sprinkle it where I want.In general the cake tasted very nice, very soft, not too sweet, and the honey comb pieces gave it some extra sweetness.I wanted to try their Apple fritter, but I will save it for the next time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2009-04-01
我成日都係港九各區既starbucks飲下野, 順便溫下書 , 有朋友住係附近所以成日都黎e間 , 最鍾意佢環境好relax , 又唔會太嘈....仲有杯星冰樂永遠都係我去個既沖得最好飲 , 個度d staff 都好好人ga...大家有時傾下計都幾開心ga......不過星期六日就多人d啦...... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2008-12-18
岩岩食完個蘑菇pie, 雖然前幾日先寫完呢度既食評, 已經忍唔住好想再寫..個pie真係好好好好好正呀!!!!!!!!!!!! d cheese 同 mushroom 好夾. 不過係spacy左小小.我係第2間食.好似冇咁好食既..(suppose都係美心野, 應該一樣架喎..)今日個cashier哥哥串左dd..我問佢. 點解你地冇muffut 買. 我每次來都好想食..可惜冇.佢地話muffu 係9點前一定會賣晒. 而家咁遲唔會有架喇..(真係咁串..咁多人買..成$20舊架2喎..) 而家d hk人真係有錢~~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-10-30
萬聖節, 自然是 Jack O'Lantern 南瓜出場的時間了。今年星記的南瓜產品有南瓜甘筍餡餅, 還有我今次吃的南瓜蘋果芝士蛋糕 ($27)。這個 cheesecake 有兩款造型, 分別是南瓜和蝙蝠, 是放在蛋糕面的朱古力牌, 很趣緻啊。嘗了一口, 南瓜味其實不濃, 倒有少少甘味, 芝士一如星記的其他芝士蛋糕般的厚重, 可幸還算滑。蘋果呢, 好像吃到三數粒吧, 混在芝士中, 像是蘋果批裡的蘋果那樣啦。看來是中看多過中吃了。還有想在此借位寫一寫日前在另一分店參加的 Coffee Seminar, 試了幾款不同口味的咖啡豆, 包括一年一度推出, 現已斷市的 Anniversary Blend (有心一試者明年請早, 圖中的是我在講座中答問題得到的贈品, 嘻嘻)。這款週年咖啡口味偏濃, after taste 強勁, 故配些香料味濃, 如這款有肉桂味的南瓜形薑餅就最好了。幾位主講的 Coffee Masters 親切有禮, 有問必答, 絕對可以增進品牌形象! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-03-24
午餐吃過了美味的蛋波後~滿足滿足~放學後見今晚的時間尚有點空~就從柴灣來到新港城逛一逛taste~一個人在這連鎖店商場也沒甚麼好逛~又有點餓身為一隻為食ge兔仔~又係時候周圍找點菜吃正想離開之際~督見隔黎厚德商場的第一間鋪是星巴克~就即管走過去看一看了吧不知何時起~愛上星巴克的Greek Salad~三十大元~老實說~一點也不貴~起碼真材實料不是上館子那些用點生菜剪碎就是$20 casear salad的貨色好fresh好好味~Feta Cheese的濃味剛好被清新的蔬菜中和了~還有~星巴克的三文治和餡餅也是我愛這裡的原因~雖然小比不愛喝咖啡~但這裡的包包每次都會令我停下來今次就挑了個芝士蘑菇餡餅~當然~向店員交帶了烘熱堂食先坐下來吃點沙律~店員隨後送上餡餅~熱烘烘的感覺實在太好了~急不及待切開它~~~嘩~~~超正~~芝士帶點絲~溶溶的感覺~好~幸~福~啊~~~~~~~~~本來小比的胃口吃一盒沙律就夠了~為食地點了這個蘑菇餅~想吃半份就停~但邊吃邊吃~就忍不住全個都吃了~~~~~~~今次反而是最愛的沙律要放棄點點~因為每次到星巴克的餅櫃~每一日每一間鋪唔同時間都會有唔同ge餅食~所以基本上每次都可以試到新款東~每次都吃到熱烘烘的~繼續繼續! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)