7-min walk from Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (4)
Level1 2024-07-21
應約去既壽司店,地點離灣仔中心位置有點距離,位於灣仔藍屋後面內街,需要小小時間去搵⋯當到門前,比人感覺有種隱世小店既感覺。原本以為普通壽司店,估唔到竟然有omakase ,店內餐牌有日文同中文,有omakase set,單點亦可。店內環境舒服⋯裝修一般 讓人有點意外既壽司店。主廚係日本人,識講廣東話,而且食材新鮮,雖然位置有啲難搵,但整體食物質素新鮮同味道真係唔錯👍🏻 份量都可以👍🏻價錢適中,可以值得一試⋯ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
應日本人朋友邀請,去試咗一間舊年11月新開嘅壽司舖。地點係灣仔不過距離灣仔地鐵站有少許距離。成間舖俾人一種隱世小店嘅feel一共8席,Menu有中文有日文,大將松本さん係日本人但識講廣東話👍🏻 樓面除咗大將之外有一個Staff會幫手落下Order斟下酒咁。廚房就有另一位師傅,主要負責非壽司同卷物嘅部份。有OMAKASE SET亦可以鐘意食乜就落Order。無限死一定要食SET呢點唔錯😌 OMAKASE SET有兩種,分別係「華」HKD780 同「幸」HKD1280。老實講,女仔點「華」份量都好足夠,如果唔夠喉想食得多啲/想encore可以另外Order。整體嚟講,CP值相當高嘅一間小店,值得一試。雖然地理位置稍微有啲唔方便,裝潢一般,但食材嘅新鮮度同味道絕對驚喜,香港地呢個價錢有呢個食物質素,絕對係物超所值。大將👨‍🍳松本さん 海膽:鬼滅のうに continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Haven't you gotten tired of general sushi restaurants soon?This restaurant is of course a taste, but the location and interior are very hideous and comfortable.There is also a menu like an izakaya, so it's worth visiting at least once.The satsumaage was especially delicious. The grilled fish is also very well cooked. Other than sushi, these two menus are highly recommended.We recommend that you make a reservation as there are limited seats. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-29
日本朋友介紹一間新開嘅壽司舖,喺灣仔吉安街,地點有少少難搵,係內街車房附近。裝修簡單,與其說係一間壽司舖,我覺得更加似係一間居酒屋,雖然冇串燒、揚物品食物,但因為餐廳可以散叫食物,又可以叫 omakase 餐,適合想食唔同種類食物嘅朋友👍🏼我哋最後決定一人叫一個 Hana 之後再散叫自己鐘意嘅食物就唔每一件評價,不過總括來說,個壽司飯雖然唔係用赤醋,但係勝在食材夠新鮮,好多都係即日空運到港,而且豉油比例啱啱好,味道同口感唔錯。日本師傅嘅刀工,雖然比唔上香港出名嘅舖頭,但性價比好高👍🏼店內仲有來自名古屋旣日本鰻魚,我哋選擇咗白燒原汁原味,燒得外脆內軟,口感一流而且9點之後仲可以去,唔難book 枱,好適合想要食江戶前壽司又要日本人師傅既朋友唯獨是店內經理服務一般,要提醒佢先記得斟茶,可以再做好啲就更好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)