5-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (4)
A Western and Hong Kong style restaurant, Tai Ping Koon is a landmark restaurant that gracefully combines Western with Asian flavors. Their menu is quite extensive and their souffle is a must try. continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (215)
Level1 2025-01-06
今晚兩個家庭8個人去完玩。就去左好幾年無去既太平館食飯。點知2025年第一餐晚飯就奶曬野。去之前都有諗過可能質素會有落差。但真係估唔到可以差成咁。以前最愛既豬脾飯。而家變左白恰火鍋豚肉片加生抽。un到不得了。完全食唔到。叫個侍應過黎。佢話豬脾係咁架啦。話最多換過碟。之後一邊哼歌一邊拎走左。換完返黎完全無分別。之後完封不動擺係台面。其間聽到隔離枱客講:「嘩塊牛扒叫5成熟。出盡力都切唔開。點食阿。」其他野總有雞皇飯。干牛河。牛脷。乳鴿。雞翼。全部野都比一般茶記差9條街。你收呢個價錢。總好意思話收最低消費。比咁既質素客人。總有咁既服務。我諗就算你唔洗交租都遲早玩完。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2025-01-05
Tai Ping Koon is one of the oldest Chinese Western restaurants in town. They are famous for their nostalgic and classic decor and also their monster baked soufflé. They were established in 1860 as a restaurant serving soy sauce western cuisine(localized western food) and they used to be a “fine dining restaurant” that cater famous people. They state that Swiss Wings are from them and is their most popular dish…I feel like Swiss Wings aren’t really for me but I really love their roasted pigeons, they are so hot and I love how crispy their skin is, the ox tongue is also a must try, the meat is unexpectedly tender and well marinated☺️ overall I wouldn’t say their food is anything that would wow you but I would say TPK is more like a “heritage”, after all, they are one of the oldest restaurants in town and it would be a highlight of your trip if you are here to visit. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-01
去完大館睇「曲詞印記 - 顧嘉煇x黃霑x粵語流行曲」展覽,行經士丹利街太平館餐廳,突然好想懐舊一下😆太平館係老牌餐廳,歷史悠久,由1860至今年2024,足足有164年歷史。推開大門就由紅色樓梯上去,裝修保留懷舊風格,侍應大多上左一年紀,服務態度好。下午茶時段$126可以自選4款食物連2杯飲品🥤我地揀咗1️⃣芝士肉醬意粉🍝2️⃣咖喱牛肉撈米🍲3️⃣炸豬扒沙律🥗4️⃣香蕉班班戟🍌食物雖然份量不大,但水準甚高,非常美味又有溫度😋🥤凍阿華田🥤凍檸茶本來都好想食招牌疏乎厘,但要留肚食晚飯,唯有下次先食。加一後,是日消費$139💰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-22
➲ 中環 太平館餐廳高級版大排檔。入座每人一個餐包,加牛油,十分港式食法。唯一不足係張枱太細,道道餸上得好快,完全冇位擺。➳ 招牌二人套餐 ⁽¹⁰/¹⁰⁾套餐好抵食,包捨:海龍皇湯、六隻太平館瑞士雞翼、煙肉炒雜菜、太平館干炒牛河、椰汁奶凍、凍奶茶。雞翼超大隻,招牌瑞士汁;湯有幾粒蝦同扇貝,蝦味唔濃;雜菜中規中矩,口味偏清淡;干炒牛河牛肉片比例好多又無乜根,有鑊氣;椰汁奶凍超級好食,軟滑入口即溶,無得散叫好可惜啊!奶茶都與眾不同,唔係茶餐廳嘅茶底,店員叔叔都話識貨!➳ 烚鹹牛脷 ⁽⁶/¹⁰⁾四大塊牛脷,質感柔軟,有啲鴨胸質感,唔夠爽口。➳ 星洲炒米 ⁽⁸/¹⁰⁾炒得好乾身,咖哩味唔夠,但勝在夠鑊氣。➳ 太平館式焗梳乎厘 ⁽⁹/¹⁰⁾超巨大,成個籃球咁大,好快塌快啲影相。外層麵包薄脆,裏面泡泡蛋白感,蛋味濃濃的,有啲甜。⤵ 太平館餐廳中環士丹利街60號地舖#hkfood #hkrestaurant #hkcafe #cafehk #hk #hkfoodie #hkfoodblogger #hkcoffee #hkcoffeeshop #coffeeinhongkong #cafeholic #foodblog #foodblogger #foodreview #香港美食 #香港食評 #中環美食 #太平館 #梳乎厘 #牛脷 #奶凍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
百年老店當然唔洗我幫手做宣傳,係我lee d 街客怕冇位就真,當日早上訂12:30的枱,佢哋安排咗個有間隔嘅卡位俾我哋,正!今日繼續低碳飲食,叫咗鹹牛脷、羅宋湯、周打魚湯、瑞士雞翼、乾炒牛河、啫喱。用咗啲quota去食兩啖暖笠笠嘅餐包,真係要一上枱就食,之後放咗一陣再食已經開始硬。鹹牛脷非常腍,配菜簡單,貼地窩心的一道菜。炒河配余均益辣椒醬,河粉冇碎唔太油,小朋友食咗大半碟👍 瑞士雞翼脹卜卜,有焦香味,expectedly good. 周打魚湯比想像中鹹香,配餐包啱啱好,最後嘅鮮綠色啫喱加花奶係兒時回憶嘅重點,在昏黃燈光及木裝潢中像綠寶石。staff 上菜速度頗快,同我哋傾有講,餐廳到一點已經座無虛席,很高興見到老店能夠有活力地承傳落去。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)