Restaurant: TamJai SamGor

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

4-min walk from Exit B, Fortress Hill MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (101)
Opening Hours
10:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay UnionpayQR PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (9)
Level3 2024-04-20
今次係我第二次幫襯譚仔三哥,第一次嘅經驗已經非常之差,但是隔已經有一段時間,而且非常趕時間而且十分肚餓,所以決定俾多次機會佢。我叫咗個下午茶小窩米線(酸辣湯底)加杯凍檸茶走甜,等咗15分鐘。我問阿姐:點解整個米線會整咁耐,佢居然答我其他人都等咗好耐。所以只有無奈繼續等。見到米線後,我正在奇怪點解只有啲零零碎碎的豬肉牛肉及兩片超細的豬潤就沒有其他了,我再看看圖片,他們應該有一些牛丸魚丸及墨丸,但係我撈極都唔見。所以,我又問嗰度啲阿姐,佢哋答我:「應該有你繼續撈下就有」,但我就話撈極都冇,佢哋先死死到氣叫廚房俾返三粒迷你丸俾我。如果佢佢啲米線好食我都冇咁嬲,但係實在好難食,我食咗兩啖就走咗!我發誓以後都唔會再幫襯佢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-04
譚仔三哥米線蕃茄湯底是我最愛的選擇。這種湯底味道鮮美,口感滑順,蕃茄味濃郁,吃起來非常舒適。配上細緻的米線,讓人回味無窮。這道菜色香味俱佳,讓我胃口大開。經過一家又一家的試吃比較,我認為譚仔米線蕃茄湯底是我嚐過最好吃的米線之一。無論是冬天還是夏天,這道湯底都能帶給我驚喜與滿足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
平日去譚仔三哥 米線大家就食得多「三哥乍醬飯」你又試過未?今次趁下午茶Me time時間品嘗譚仔三哥嘅全新口味😋我揀嘅D餐只需以$40超值價🤩就可以一次過嘆齊:三哥乍醬飯 + 雙餸迷你米線 + 熱飲♨️三哥首次推出嘅全新「三哥乍醬飯」白飯🍚份量十足面層舖上滿滿惹味香濃嘅獨門乍醬再加上大量酸甜爽口嘅酸菜令人胃口大開🤤 仲有助中和乍醬嘅濃味食起上嚟啖啖清爽 不油不膩 令人回味😋創新配搭 味道出奇地夾而下午茶餐嘅「迷你米線」就可以揀2款/3款指定配料;仲可選配清湯/麻辣湯底(麻辣湯底:可自選辣度)🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️米線 ➕ 三哥乍醬飯分開品嚐嘅話就係雙重滋味😋我自己就鍾意將乍醬飯混入湯中一同品嘗化身成為湯飯白飯將湯底精華盡吸 仲顯得特別美味添就算天氣幾咁熱 都唔怕冇胃口啦🤤大家都不妨試一試創新食法😍三哥今次推出嘅一系列Me More下午茶餐價錢由$21起 夠曬超值又親民最重要係充滿彈性 提供超多組合任君選擇無論係輕食或重份量嘅要求都一應俱全主食選擇包括:白飯🍚、三哥乍醬飯、迷你米線,過小橋米線及2款全新三文治🥪另外仲提供可自選配料嘅全新小食咁多選擇 搞到我都心思思😍下次一定要再去試吓其他全新配搭😝 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
態度差 服務差 叫咗唔應人 望咗你一眼就算 幾個職員都係咁嗌咗個過橋 啲面少到勁誇張 反應咗都無用 一副理所當然 係咁架喇嘅樣 仲要串串供 仲未計係咁有烏蠅飛 胃口無曬仲要成肚氣 平時成日食譚仔 耐唔耐食下三哥 都覺得三哥好食過譚仔 但無諗到呢間可以做得咁鬼差 湯底仲要好一般Poor attitude, poor service, no response to people, even if they look at you, several staff members are like thisI crossed the bridge, the faces were too small to be exaggerated, it’s useless to react, it’s a matter of course, it’s like a fight, I have to make a confession, but I don’t think about it, there are flies flying, I don’t have an appetite, I’m going to be angryI usually have a solar eclipse, Tanzai, I can't bear it, and the third brother thinks that the third brother eats better than Tanzai, but I didn't expect it to be so good. The soup base is just average continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-12-18
天氣凍想食碗湯麵,所以去左外賣碗麵,點知要我係條街食風20分鐘。一碗普通的米線要20分鐘先出到餐,除非你超級得閒無野做,否則趕時間的人真係要好好考慮一下自己有沒有足夠的時間去等。講番碗米線,咪以為耐心地等左20分鐘,個廚師會特別用心去煮,令到碗米線特別好食,結果d米線明顯未煮夠時間就出餐(硬硬的),明明叫左墨丸就變左魚蛋,連個湯底的辣度都肯定低過我點的級數,唉!水準如此,想留住d客返轉頭再幫襯,真心難。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)