Restaurant: | TamJai SamGor (Zone N, H.A.N.D.S) |
Info: |
To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
Opening Hours
10:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
想吃辣的时候就来三哥打卡二糊辣米线 特别的香辣味,浓浓的汤底加入细滑的米粉,腐竹和豆芽超级吸味麻辣肚丝 味道是不错的,就是有点咬不烂。,有点扣分新的饮料,不记得名字了,哈哈,但是好喝,里面是冰沙,吃完辣辣的以后,喝一口冰爽的甜品,太舒服了环境还不错,人多时要拼桌,上菜很快
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星期六食lunch時間,人多預左要等,已經早d,11:50 入座未試過佢一黎就比QR code 手機落餐,都估係人手唔夠其實手機落餐仲好,慢慢揀,發現原來麻辣可以揀多麻,不過冇少米11:57落order,預左要等得耐,淨係見到不停出外賣,唔出堂食客,不過車手黎到都不停催等左25分鐘催單,員工敷衍一下,第30分鐘再催單,話趕時間先認真幫手,等33分鐘終於先到,問題係唔催🫠🫠做唔切就唔好接咁多單,又或者同客講定要等幾耐,真心想走人砂砂湯底,好有公仔麵味精味,我頂唔順…..食食下有條綠色野,初初以為係菜樣物體,但係研究咗好耐、佢攣攣地、綠色分布唔平均、扯唔斷、質地。好有可能係百潔布既絲。同職員講到廢事,一定敷衍你。所以我都係投訴食環、同埋電郵佢公司投訴。
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唔知點解食米線🍜有種吸引力,永遠都唔厭 三哥米線🍜一定係我首選麻辣湯底🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️難得今日有人陪 齊齊食辣🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️一星期食幾次都唔算過份呀😆😆😆😆😆
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喺附近睇完牙醫 好肚餓咁就諗住求其食啲嘢 所以入咗去譚仔三哥米線平時食開蕃茄湯 跟住見到佢有新嘅口味 仲要係期間限定咁就試吓啦我最鍾意食期間限定嘅嘢我叫咗10小辣 因為本身唔食得辣反而我覺得因為佢呢個係超級酸嘅濃湯可以叫五小辣都得 酸得好過癮 生魚片冇乜骨當然都要小心食 另外佢嗰個辣蘿蔔我覺得好好食 脆卜卜 好啱呢個湯底 另外叫咗竹笙反而覺得竹笙配呢個湯底,唔係好夾因為啲竹笙,吸晒啲酸味 真係好鬼酸酸到呢埋眼早知叫墨魚丸!
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今日專登去食新推出嘅~酸菜鯛魚嘢米線,湯底酸味太重,辣味只有指天椒VS麻辣湯,麻辣湯底好味啲!鯛魚有五至六片,多骨。價錢$51 (另自選一款$5的食物),飲品要加$10。分數:60/100應該麻辣湯底配魚片會好味啲
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