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Review (47)
Level4 2011-09-20
很久沒到過apm,原來有不少新食肆,今次試了樂家蒸籠料理。六時正,一個食客都沒有,就連接待處也沒有人,當我打算擅自走進店內,終於有侍應出現。近窗的位置剛完成清潔,所以不可坐。我認為應該早點清潔、預備晚飯的黃金時段呢!我們吃了~日本麻醬牛肉冷扁烏冬($70):一看見我便覺得有些失望,牛肉實在太少了,只有兩小片。把麻醬與烏冬拌勻,吃了一條烏冬,竟然是暖的!豈料未吃第二條便發現有一條頭髮在烏冬內,憑頭髮的顏色和長度可以肯定那並非我們的!馬上要求更換。沒多久,第二碗送上了,嘩,大有改善!牛肉份量稍微增加,而烏冬真是冷冷的!牛肉很嫩滑,每片都薄薄的,像吃火鍋時用的牛肉;一絲絲的蟹柳有水份;冬菇很多,又香又軟;最重要的烏冬很彈牙,加上麻醬,開胃又好味道!羊卷肉蒸籠($68):侍應一打開蒸籠的蓋已嗅到濃烈的羊羶味,我不喜歡吃羊就是因為怕了牠的羶味,但朋友十分欣賞,認為很有羊肉味。羊肉數量頗多,鋪滿蒸籠的面層,羊肉底下有很多椰菜,汲取了羊肉的肉汁,所以也有些羶味。吃羊肉時有兩種醬油可沾~一種是有少許辣味的紅色配醬,另一種是有些胡椒味的半透明配醬。惠顧蒸籠料理加$20可以有白飯、麵豉湯和波子汽水,變成套餐。麵豉湯:普通貨式,除了少許蔥,就沒有其他配料了。波子汽水:有原味和桃味,我選了後者,味道一般。可惜汽水送來前已打開,無法體驗把波子捅進樽內的感覺了。總括而言,樂家蒸籠料理的衛生一般,但「有壞包換」,食物味道算不錯。七時前入座有八五折,算是經濟實惠。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
It was also my first time at this place, and I got to say it was an alright experience. We came here at around 12:50pm (lunch time) which to my surprise, we were seated instantaneously. The cart seats were pretty spacious so I'm not complaining. Now moving onto the food...FoodA preview of lunch menu.It was quite a large bowlsaki (salmon)maguro (tuna)ika (squid)a token ebi (botan shrimp)Pieces of noriamai tamago (sweet egg)uni (1/2 tablespoon of sea urchin)kani roe (crab roe)kappa (cucumber strips)kamaboko (pink fish cake chunks)I was very surprised that the fish were all FRESH, and the rice was just right. Thank goodness!! Though this was my first time here, I have to say I really liked this dish and was very pleased they took the time to chop up the cucumbers into fine strips instead of big gross chunks which I despise. It would had been perfect if the kamaboko were cut in thin slices, but over all this dish was quite delicious and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND itMost fried food's got this taste to it as if the oil's been used over and over again ∞ times. Like I said, I dunno if it's got to do with what time of day you go or the mood of the chef etc, but the fish was really good. No nasty reused oil aftertasteTofu in soya sauce + bonito flakes (cold dish)Miso soup was alright, had generous amounts of kelp and tofu...but it needed more miso and less salt.Bottled Coca-cola (Didn't take a picture, but it came with the set)StaffVery helpful and on the ball. (It must be because there weren't that many people during that time);)Wait Time0 minutesOverall ImpressionExcellent! I would definitely go back again because the lunch was definitely worth every penny (10¢ or 20¢ in HK). I was also quite impressed with this place because they actually do provide you a generous portion for what you're paying. This meal was $72HKD + 10% tips= $79...pretty good dealTips?If you can, you should try to go at around 12pm when there is less people; before the lunch rush. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-06-15
在APM尋晚餐。在這間店的門口看看時,有店員向我倆推荐一下看到不用等位,又看到是蒸籠料理,便試試。點了豚+蝦蒸籠,用70元點了餐牌上的海膽1板或者,是小女見識不多,首次見到一板海膽是這個SIZE!!(這兒的一板是外面的1/2)再加15元1客甜蝦SASHIMI(唉,原價是40元/.\)這個SET:對豚+蝦蒸籠,98元吃了2隻開了一半的蝦,豚是OK的,但只有4片而蝦..點解蒸完可以咁乾?!椰菜切得大大小小...海膽1板,在餐牌上沒有圖示,雖然都放在一板上,但....明顯有點那個!!!再點一個半價的蕃茄豚肉讚岐烏冬湯底如媽媽錯手加了SALT一樣,不過豚肉味道不錯,可惜所謂的讚岐烏冬,從平日的所食的來比較,看來不是讚岐烏冬!!!!!!!如街市買到的10元3包UDON。最後,是點了GRILLED FOOD.尚可以。環境+服務+衛生是OK~總括是次,有朋友可能覺得是我的要求高,但.....吃過後有點覺得物不所值..(海膽+甜蝦SASHIMI)雖然未飽和有15% OFF (7點前ORDER),但亦都走人。我不太建議去試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2011-06-05
我黎呢間食過1 次 覺得好味 wo! 所以再帶朋友黎食 tim呢度d 牛舌都燒得幾好味 仲有我最鐘意既 "土豆雞" 超鐘意食~好惹味 又好味每次黎必叫當然仲有蒸籠飯 牛小排 & 羊排都食過 幾好食 唔會話好淡 ar又~ 幾鐘意佢下面配"菜"好健康連埋配上既汁1 齊食 ~正!!不過雞肉既蒸籠飯就唔ok, d雞比較大陣雪藏味芝麻醬冷麵 大份夾抵食 仲有試過其他野都好味架 每次食都捧住個肚就 不過好好味~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-06-03
咕唔到簡單一碗豚肉飯會如此叫人驚喜! 飯上蓋滿豚用,只加少許豉油,一隻切開了的半生熟蛋,就是如此簡單。豚肉好軟,有肉味,無雪好耐嘅味道。蛋嘅生熟度剛好。不過最驚嘆係米飯。雖然唔敢確定係咪日本米,不過粒粒都圓圓地,彈牙有米香,真係用靚米!!!lee餐又健康又好食。會再黎食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)