Restaurant: | TEA ONLY (Argyle Centre Phase I) |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
Opening Hours
12:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:30 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
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平時大多數既舖頭都係配珍珠,呢間係配桃膠,幾特別,即刻覺得健康左🤣🤣🤣 味道幾好,桃膠份量都多,有口感,推介👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼$32中杯都抵飲啦,又飽肚,可以encore
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✨六月飛雪✨購自:唇茶(旺角中心)價錢:$36推薦度:7/10-呢款手調茶入面有雪梨乾 無花果乾 南北杏 南棗同壽眉 入口清甜 甜度主要係水果同南棗嘅甜味 甜度適中 飲完好潤喉 適合秋冬乾燥天氣嘅時候飲👍🏻 果乾好足料 佔成杯飲品嘅一半😂 桃膠口感煙靭 幾有咬口 不過南北杏令味道有啲苦澀 唔太夾🥺 不過推薦比容易口痕嘅朋友👫‼️🤎✨佛系烏龍✨價錢:$28推薦度:7.5/10-呢款係原調茶 每杯都可以選擇1款配料 包括原味或黑糖桃膠 奇亞籽 同埋原味及黑糖手工啫喱 1杯都係唔超過60卡路里‼️ 烏龍茶底幾濃郁 唔苦澀👍🏻
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鋪頭:唇茶地址:旺角彌敦道688號旺角中心2樓SB06號舖💰36蚊💰Order左d咩? ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭係呢到 ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ 🥤 六月飛雪入口好清甜,飲得出唔係人工甜嘅果乾茶,本身壽眉茶嘅苦澀味較少,再加上雪梨乾、無花果乾等,入口好清香,同埋果乾落得非常足料,杯中大約5-6成滿果乾肉,其中桃膠肉大約2-3成👍🏻有d桃膠煮到好似啫喱狀咁,好煙韌好好啜,但大部分都有少少硬,如果煮耐少少會更好☺️總結:第一啖入口好surprise,個種清香甜真係味覺享受📝 以下評分最高分五粒🌟味道:🌟🌟🌟🌟粒 抵食程度:🌟🌟🌟🌟粒環境&服務:🌟🌟🌟粒(正常環境同服務) ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟
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