Restaurant: | The 5B Private Corner |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
8-min walk from Exit B, Tsuen Wan West MTR Station
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96601425 (WhatsApp)
This upper floor cafe is a good place for friends gathering as the wooden design bringing out a casual dining vibe. It offers Western-style dishes with imported ingredients from different counties.
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Good For
Romantic Dining
Private Party
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Online Booking Service Not Available
[Tsuen Wan Café] $100 Cash Coupon
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今日特意嚟到呢間餐廳試佢嘅慢煮黑毛豬,餐廳環境有日式嘅感覺,有唔少紙牌遊戲同書籍。去到用QR code落單,叫咗出名嘅慢煮黑毛豬,叫咗8成熟本身都諗緊豬可唔可以唔全熟,但嚟到都ok,咬落好嫩口,只係有少少筋配菜薯條偏幼,無特別,沙律菜無咩汁,我配咗啲蘋果醬食,都ok整體感覺唔錯
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5B private corner之前幫襯過兩次,非常好食,尤其是佢嘅慢煮黑毛豬配蘋果醬,朋友都讚不絕口。今日嚟開南豐紗廠附近做嘢,特登上嚟食個午餐,平日lunch hour呢度真係爆曬棚,今日被安排坐window seat,雖然坐高櫈唔係幾舒服,但對住個海景都幾chill。今日同同事一人叫咗一個餐,我係all day breakfast,如圖所見係好豐富,個牛角包都好脆夠熱,但同事嘅豬扒意粉就唔係好得,塊豬扒好韌,咬到牙都軟,唔知咁午市時間太忙,啲肉煮到過曬龍,不過呢間工廠餐廳整體水準都係唔錯,下次睇下再畀唔畀機會佢。
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下個月生日👧🏻朋友已安排生日飯🎂今次揀左間好隱世既樓上café 仲可以望到小海景🌊好闊落又任坐唔嬲 ~又可以boardgame任玩🩷訂位備注「生日」🎂有生日歌 + 甜品碟 會幫手影相📸食物質素唔錯!!! 一定會再encore~📍慢煮西班牙黑毛豬配自家製蘋果醬賣相好吸引!!!!廚師推介8成熟🧑🍳外面少脆唔會好韌以香煎+慢煮方式去整黑毛豬🐷肉質好腍好粉嫰💕食落去都油脂甘香🥩肉味唔錯自家製嘅蘋果醬🍎真係可以解膩 好fresh主食仲可以揀意粉或者薯條🍟意粉用香草🌿橄欖油炒過 好香~📍香草烤雞烤雞上枱見到金黃色💛個外皮好香脆,切開都係啖啖肉👅肉質好Juicy唔會好乾身~整體好濃香草味🌿 薯條份量都ok🍟如果可以炸得再脆D 就好了👉🏻👈🏻📍炸魷魚圈可以喺晚市set用優惠價加配~大約有10件 炸得好香脆😆魷魚🦑好煙韌 當小食share很可以!📍焗朱古力心太軟可以喺晚市set用優惠價加配~生日可以寫Happy Birthday🎂🎉仲有個靚靚生日backdrop打卡 💯好用心機佈置心太軟配雲呢拿雪糕🍦真係好夾切開係朱古力🍫流心!!!好邪惡
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