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因為COVID, 去餐廳食嘢都會洗一洗啲餐具,咁多次都冇試過好似今次咁俾侍應呼喝。一位男侍應(長頭髮,口罩只蓋口部), 見到我哋洗一洗啲餐具,用命令式嘅語氣,大聲呼喝: “餐具唔可以咁擺架”。一) 個杯我扶住,又冇倒瀉,咁你鬧咩。即使倒瀉,你都冇權鬧。二)今時今日呢啲係咩服務態度呀。冇一間餐廳會咁樣同客人講嘢,一啲禮貌都冇,態度惡劣至極。三) 連客人啲餐具點放,你都要管?關你乜事。我點食嘢係我嘅選擇。食物非常一般,但價錢昂貴。出面用呢個價可以食到更多好食嘅嘢,同獲得更好嘅services。我哋本身黎慶祝生日,食到一肚氣。老闆唔該教育下你啲員工。唔會再幫襯,亦都會叫更多人唔好幫襯。Extremely horrible dining experience with male waiter providing dreadfully poor customer services with a terribly unpleasant attitude and a lack of courtesy, forcing and ordering customers to place the cutl
一) 個杯我扶住,又冇倒瀉,咁你鬧咩。即使倒瀉,你都冇權鬧。二)今時今日呢啲係咩服務態度呀。冇一間餐廳會咁樣同客人講嘢,一啲禮貌都冇,態度惡劣至極。三) 連客人啲餐具點放,你都要管?關你乜事。我點食嘢係我嘅選擇。
Extremely horrible dining experience with male waiter providing dreadfully poor customer services with a terribly unpleasant attitude and a lack of courtesy, forcing and ordering customers to place the cutlery in ways that he wants, asking other staff to add pressure to customers so that customers will conform to his “authority”. I think we deserved an apology on this awful dining experience.
Food is so-so. No surprises but at a high price. Considering such poor customer services with this high priced food of average quality, it is not worth it at all.
Will not recommend this restaurant to friends and family and everyone reading this.