7-min walk from Exit A1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
67108760 (WhatsApp)
This restaurant offers a nice view of Kowloon Park. It is helmed by a chef who is overseas Chinese in the Netherlands. You can enjoy authentic Dutch dishes served with Netherlands ingredients here. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Tue
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
18:00 - 23:00
Thu - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (125)
週末到朋友推介的🇳🇱荷蘭菜餐廳吃午餐🍽️ 訂枱時店員已WhatsApp Menu作參考,入座後亦很主動介紹餐牌和推介菜式。午市有2-course Lunch Set Menu ($148起) 和 5-course Dutch Tasting Menu ($398) 選擇,整體食物味道佳,窗外仲望到廣闊尖沙咀景色,值得再去👍🏽 點了2-course 的🐣烤雞肉配奶油蘑菇醬和🥩荷蘭牛扒拖鞋包餐前首先來🇳🇱酥皮條小食,伴有芝士、豬肝醬及酸瓜小食串,酥皮條可能放咗一陣,口感略為唔夠酥脆。是日餐湯係🍅蕃茄湯,蕃茄味很濃,少少酸好開胃,好好味!🐣烤雞肉配奶油蘑菇雞肉夠滑嫩,蘑菇醬調味好惹味伴有粗扁薯條,配上自家調配醬汁,醬汁以蜜糖、洋蔥、沙律醬及芫荽調配,味道好味又特別,誠意推介👍🏽 🥩荷蘭牛扒拖鞋包層次鮮明,牛肉又好味,脂肉分明,不過少許部位有少少生,會難啲咬開。拖鞋包口感又脆,包上醬汁都好好味,味道好夾😋到訪當日餐廳表示只有支裝礦泉水($48)提供,不過朋友早兩星期去係有tap water 提供 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
而香港很少聽到有專門做🇳🇱荷蘭菜的餐廳,我亦從未荷蘭菜,甚至連荷蘭菜有什麼東西吃也不知道;這次朋友帶我來到這間在尖沙咀廣東道的荷蘭餐廳,餐廳很多食材都是來自荷蘭,地方雖不算大但有大大的玻璃窗,可以看到尖沙咀的景色這次點了由廚師發辦的8 courses套餐,每上一道菜都會稍作介紹,基本上都蠻好吃的,我最喜歡前菜的蟹肉酥皮撻和酥皮龍蝦湯,一直以來對酥皮的東西不太感興趣,因為感覺較油膩,但這裡的酥皮最酥脆而且不會很油🇳🇱《The Dutch House Restaurant》📍尖沙咀廣東道116-120號海威商業中心16 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-22
The Dutch House Restaurant 的獨特魅力,從菜品的介紹中可以看出廚師對荷蘭美食的熱愛和對食材的用心。荷蘭菜以海鮮和農產品為主,擁有豐富的口味和層次,讓人在品嚐時能感受到當地食材的新鮮和獨特風味。 🍽🌿🦐大廚陳國文將荷蘭美食帶到香港,將荷蘭當地飲食文化推廣至更廣泛的受眾,展現了對荷蘭美食的熱情和對創新的追求。餐廳的裝潢營造出家的氛圍,讓用餐的人感受到溫馨舒適的氛圍,加上梵高風格的作品點綴,營造出獨特的藝術氛圍. 🎨🍷從牛尾肉波波到龍蝦濃湯,再到烤雞和黑啤酒燜牛肩,每道菜都展現了大廚的烹飪技巧和對食材的用心. 🍲🍗🍤 最後以流心朱古力Waffle為結尾,為整餐增添了甜蜜的尾聲. 🍫🧇我更詳細地描述一下 The Dutch House Restaurant 的菜品,讓您更加感受到美食的味道和風情:1. 「荷蘭小食」牛尾肉波波及腸仔:牛尾肉波波經過慢煮處理,肉質鮮嫩多汁,搭配腸仔的香氣,帶來豐富的口感和風味. 🥩🍖2. 「荷蘭煙熏鰻魚」:橡木煙熏的鰻魚質感嫩滑,油份豐富,配上沙拉和酸菜,展現出獨特的煙燻風味,是一道絕佳的開胃菜. 🐟🥗3. 「荷蘭新鮮青口」:大隻的青口肉質厚實,鮮甜可口,帶有海洋的清新味道,讓人回味無窮. 🦪🌊4. 「脆皮龍蝦濃湯」:每一碗湯都用上半隻龍蝦熬煮13小時,龍蝦的鮮味與湯汁的濃郁完美融合,帶來豐富的海鮮風味. 🦞🍲5. 「荷蘭北海野生原條龍脷魚」:龍脷魚肉質實在但仍保持嫩滑,搭配獨特的調味,展現出荷蘭海鮮的獨特風味. 🐟🍴6. 「招牌荷蘭烤雞」:使用30種香料烤製的蘭農莊雞,肉質鮮嫩多汁,需要提前三天預訂,展現出大廚對烹飪的用心和熱情. 🍗🔥7. 「黑啤酒燜牛肩」:牛肩經過黑啤酒的燜煮,肉質鮮嫩多汁,帶有濃郁的啤酒風味,是一道讓人回味的美味佳餚. 🍖🍺8. 朱古力心太軟流心朱古力Waffle:甜品方面,朱古力心太軟搭配流心朱古力Waffle,帶來甜蜜的結尾,讓您在甜品中感受到幸福的味道. 🍫🧇這些菜品結合了荷蘭的傳統食材和烹飪技巧,呈現出豐富多樣的荷蘭美食風情,如果您對荷蘭美食感興趣,不妨前往尖沙咀廣東道的 The Dutch House Restaurant,品嚐正宗的荷蘭菜,感受不同文化帶來的美食饗宴. 🍴🌍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-21
HolidayCouple had finally returned from their 3-month Europe trip. One of the numerous “I-never-thoughts” they came up with was that they never thought Dutch food would taste that good. Having previously heard good things about this restaurant, I decided that we should try together. Dinner for 4. Loved the nice open space as we walked in. Wine list was reasonable. Went for a bottle of Burgundy red.We decided to go for 2x 8 courses Tasting Menu ($1,388 pp) to share, plus some add-ons. Initially very keen to try the Roasted Whole Chicken but was told 3 days’ advance order was required.Here’s what we had.-pastry filled with melted Gouda Cheese (semi-hard cheese typically made from cow’s milk, originating from southern Holland, with aromatic and caramel-like flavours).-Chicken liver and cheese -King Crab Salad Tartelette-Beef Meat Balls- tender and flavorful beef ragu coated in a crispy crumb topped with a dash of mustard -Frikandel Naked Sausage- a skinless coffee-flavored fried sausage (also a popular street snack in Amsterdam) with chopped onionsSmoked Dutch Eel served on a refreshing bed of romaine lettuce with cucumbers, onions and tomatoes. Another traditional dish, the eel had been marinated with sea salt and herbs and slow smoked for 6 hours. Loved its fragrant smokiness and fatty flesh; not at all like the eels we were used to with those annoying tiny bones.Mussel Pot- Dutch baby-blue mussels in a light and creamy broth of carrots, celery, leek, etc. Loved the texture: plump, juicy and sweet. Served with Garlic bread on the side for dipping. Lobster bisque made with whole lobster for 2-3 hours, covered by a dome of puff pastry.Langoustine cooked with prawn shells on a bed of wheat. Very fresh.Add on: Chicken and Mushroom in puff pastry; dubbed the Queens Chicken pie as it was apparently one of the Dutch Queen’s favorite. Dutch Sea Bass, pan-fried in a rich butter sauce on a bed of sautéed spinach. Loved it: skin was very crispy.Add on: Dutch Pork Chop coated with melted Gouda Cheese. Tender and juicy.Dry Aged Rib Eye. Equally tender and juicy.Served with fries. To be dipped in the gravy/mayonnaise on the side. Chef noted that he preferred not to serve ketchup; as the Dutch had an abundant varieties of sauces to go with their chips. Dessert: Apple crumble pie.In summary: impressive showcase by the skilled Dutch-Born-Chinese chef of fresh ingredients flown in from Holland, (especially the seafood) to their fullest potential. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-02-11
喺香港極少可以食到荷蘭菜,朋友極度推薦嘅呢一間荷蘭菜餐廳俾咗我超大嘅驚喜。之前去過荷蘭,但係都唔覺得有特別啲咩好好食,但係呢個餐廳令到我覺得荷蘭啲嘢原來係可以好好食。首先餐廳環境有極大嘅玻璃窗,可以俯瞰尖沙咀,好啱紀念日或者拍拖浪漫一下。餐廳亦都有一個位好似包廂咁,可以見到廚房,直接睇到廚師煮嘢食嘅樣。餐廳嘅職員超級有心思會講解每一道菜。講吓嗰日食咗啲咩,係廚師發辦,估唔到西式餐廳都有廚師發辦🤣大廚之後又出嚟同我哋傾吓偈,講返係因為佢哋真係會以當日新鮮嘅食材去整嘢食俾客人,聽完都覺得真係好有誠意🥺首先前菜有個自家製嘅腸仔,超級好食,我簡直想買返屋企。個腸仔有少少咖喱同埋咖啡味。 將啲朋友解釋到啊原來真係用咗呢兩樣嘢整,估唔到呢兩樣嘢整完出嚟嘅味道係咁好食!跟住仲有個炸牛肉丸,肉味香濃,超級鬆化橡木煙燻野生鰻魚沙律,呢個係朋友極力推薦嘅菜式,本身都諗住只係鰻魚,冇乜特別期望,但係食完之後超級驚喜!完全唔係平時食開嗰種日本鰻魚嘅味,味道鮮甜,肉質非常之Q彈!超特別!再加埋配個沙律汁,酸酸甜甜,非常之開胃龍蝦湯 - 龍蝦味超級濃郁,餐廳經理話呢一碗係超級足料,成隻龍蝦去煲嘅湯!同埋我非常欣賞佢個湯上面嘅酥皮,佢哋話係自家製嘅酥皮,好有牛油香同埋好鬆脆!我係一個超中意食pastry 既人,呢個酥皮真係數一數二咁好食!荷蘭傳統青口鍋 - 啲青口好新鮮爽口,食青口好最緊要就係佢汁,佢個汁有好香嘅酒味,餐廳職員亦都有解釋佢哋唔係好似坊間咁用好多cream,佢哋用咗好多白酒去煮個汁。配埋佢哋嗰個蒜蓉包點嗰啲汁食好搭!野生三文魚& (另一種唔記得咩魚)既酥盒 - 同我上面講嘅一樣,佢嘅酥皮係非常非常非常出色!原來佢個好特別嘅白汁,令人食完想再食🥹兩款魚嘅肉質都好彈牙。呢個菜式真係好特別!我朋友話呢度嘅wine pairing又抵又好飲, $188有三杯,同埋呢度嘅老闆本身係品酒師,所以對酒嘅要求都好高。好可惜我嗰日唔係好舒服飲唔到總括嚟講我覺得成個餐廳都好有心去整嘢食,整出嚟嘅味道唔係咁容易喺另一間餐廳度,職員亦都好有心機,deliver一個好好嘅飲食體驗客人。令我真心好想再去食多次嘅餐廳! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)