Opening Hours
08:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
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Review (31)
Level2 2025-01-18
餐廳係商場地下位置,坐位較開放式,私隱度相對較低,但食物質素高,服務都很好👍🏻1. 餐包味道: 6.5/10推薦: 6.5/10麵包香脆,牛油質地剛剛好,鹹甜道適中,味道香滑,配合法麵剛剛好,很開胃🤤2. 蘑菇湯味道: 5/10推薦: 5/10湯很大碗,質地較稀,味道較淡,相對普通的蘑菇湯,略嫌蘑菇味不夠重。但旁邊的丹麥條,好酥脆香口。3. 芝士洋蔥湯味道: 5/10推薦: 5/10湯很大碗,質地較稀,但洋蔥味很淡。湯裏有洋蔥絲和麵包。雖然芝士給很滿,但兩者並沒有很配搭🤔4. 鵝肝醬配多士味道: 7/10性價比: 8/10 ⭐️推薦: 8/10 ⭐️鵝肝醬好多,而且味道不油膩,旁邊還有較清新的醬配搭,能減低鵝肝的油膩感,而且多士香脆,兩者非常配搭👍🏻 但鵝肝醬單吃,還是會有一點負擔,建議配搭多士和旁邊的醬一起吃😌 鵝肝醬非常多,性價比高⭐️5. 黑松露薯條味道: 8/10 ⭐️性價比: 8/10 ⭐️推薦: 8/10 ⭐️薯條好大份,新鮮炸起,上面有黑松露和芝士粉,令味道昇華🤤 想更加邪惡,旁邊還有黑松露醬和蕃茄醬💕 顧及到不同口味的人,重口味的能沾醬一起吃,而沾蕃茄醬能令味道回覆清新,令人食完想再食多條👍🏻6. 紅肉腸炒蜆味道: 8/10 ⭐️性價比: 8/10 ⭐️推薦: 8/10 ⭐️蜆的份量相對多,沒有沙🥰 味道香濃,紅肉腸令味道更香口,較平常的煮法不同,值得一試👍🏻烤春雞味道: 7.5/10推薦: 7.5/10雞的外皮香脆,上面有蒜香片增加口感,可惜肉質不夠嫩滑,但味道香口。反而薯泥比較出色,味道香滑綿密,有淡淡牛油味,再配搭雞汁,令味道更豐富❤️牛油果三文魚柳味道: 7/10推薦: 7/10較為清新的三文魚柳,與傳統煮法不一樣,較着重三文魚的鮮味,利用檸檬汁和三色椒令口感清新,而牛油果香滑。味道較淡,重口味人士可能不太喜歡🤣法式焦糖燉蛋味道: 7/10推薦: 7/10上面的焦糖很薄,輕輕一敲就碎,而燉蛋內有粒粒的雲呢拿籽,味道綿滑香口。黃豆粉芝士蛋糕味道: 8/10 ⭐️推薦:8/10 ⭐️令人驚喜的芝士蛋糕,整個芝士蛋糕也是用黃豆粉做的,令負擔感減低紅莓雪糕味道: 7/10推薦: 7/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-11-05
萬聖節同幾個朋友去太古廣場行街,行到肚餓隨機行入一間叫“The hwak & Aster”,見到個menu 只有文字無圖片,都唔知咩黎,正當我地研究食甚麼既時候,有位女員工行過黎詳細地介紹及形容菜式比我地聽,最後選擇了三文魚他他,松露炒蛋,烤魚,整體黎講食物都好食,三文魚有鮮味,一點腥味都無,廚師處理得十分好;炒蛋又唔會overcooked 炒到“鞋”,仲係好滑;烤魚真心覺得正,魚肉唔會太“老”無骨,每一口都係肉,好滿足🤩而且餐廳既員工都好有笑容和肯幫忙;因為用餐時候,不小心倒瀉水,員工們見到十分冷靜講一句“No worry”,首先細心問我地有無“整親”,之後行動好迅速清理現場,再比過另一杯水,再講繼續享受用餐。我會介紹其他朋友黎試下 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-11-05
前幾日同幾個朋友去金鐘PP睇戲,未夠鐘入場,望下附近有咩食,見到呢間Hawk & Aster ,可能下午無咩客所以即刻有位,見到職員多數係外藉人士,自己英文有限公司,四周望見到穿西裝的女職員好彩識講中文,我講比佢知唔想食太飽一陣要睇戲,於是佢介紹左幾款食物(蟹多士,意粉,青口),等待食物既時候女職員同我地傾下計,有講有笑幾nice,過左陣食物到了;食完再問我地飲唔飲杯咖啡,於是再點了幾杯咖啡。總結:食物整體都好食,“多士”一口咬下去脆卜卜;‘’青口‘’feel到鮮甜;“意粉”唔太淋有彈性;最估唔到杯咖啡,拉花都咁靚,估唔到响PP都隱藏有驚喜,服務唔會太over 岩岩好,太over會令人覺得煩,會再黎試其他菜式。👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-13
I recently visited Hawk & Esker, and I must say that the overall experience was disappointing. The food was mediocre at best, and considering the price, the value for money was extremely low. It simply wasn’t worth what they charged.What made the experience even worse was the terrible service. The staff seemed indifferent, treating their jobs with a lazy, careless attitude. It felt like they were just there to get through their shifts, with no real understanding or care for customer service. They were inattentive, unfriendly, and even slightly disrespectful.When I raised a concern, instead of helping to resolve the issue, the response was to just pay the bill. It was a typical cash grab mentality, with no regard for customer satisfaction. Even for returning customers, they showed the same disregard. Honestly, there’s no reason to waste time or money at a place like this. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-04
I tried calling this restaurant 2 days ahead for a booking at 3pm. They said they only take “walk-in” customers. Two days later, I came here. The waitress said there are no seats, because all the tables are reserved. I said, you told me you don’t take reservations. The waitress told me there are no phones in this restaurant, and she pointed to her stand at the reception. (Well, so to Openrice: WHAT IS THIS PHONE NUMBER THAT YOU DISPLAY ON THIS PAGE??????) At the end, I left the restaurant as the waitress was very rude. Will totally avoid this place going forward. Thanks for your readings. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)