3-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Housed in one of Hong Kong's most iconic landmarks and considered a historical site dating back to 1888, The Pawn brings you an exciting restaurant and bar concept with al fresco dining in a unique space across two floors, 1/F Botanicals Bar and 2/F Kitchen. Rustic & traditional cooking, The Pawn's new menu offers seasonal dishes with the best quality ingredients cooked simply to bring together all the flavours. continue reading
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:15
18:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 14:15
18:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 14:15
18:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
Delivery Details
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (245)
Level4 2021-07-27
✨Chips With Truffle Mayo薯條粗身 完全唔脆 薯味偏淡個醬幾好 帶微酸 松露味濃✨Bottled Negroni由Gin vermouth campari混合而成✨Cup of Vanity以Belvedere做基底 面層蛋白 加上多種果汁而成食物飲品都好一般 環境唔錯 服務非常差 由坐低開始就不停比人打擾首先不停催你落單 野食都未食完飲完都會不斷叫人加野如果唔加就會不停暗示叫你埋單 一個鐘內唔同店員黎講左起碼四次 最後甚至直接遞張單埋黎話有客等位但其實只係半場滿 我隔離枱嘅客人都有同樣情況 對方即時同店方理論而我哋就覺得好掃興 轉場算了如果想傾計呢度唔太適合 其實去飲嘢多數係為傾下計 成日比人打擾 真心冇癮以呢個價位同區有好多選擇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
this is the first visit to the Pawn. we have a big group of 10 adults with 3 kids at different age. I need to thank the Assistant Manager Anthony here for delivering us the great fpod with wonderful service today. We have had a wonderful Sunday brunch with free flow for Moet champagne here! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-05-20
I was there to try the tasting menu at The Pawn last week, food was average but atmosphere and enviroment were great. we had a room where 4 of us had decent privacy space to enjoy the food and converations. Red Prawn linguine was perfectly made with Al dente linguine and fresh red prawns. Derserts were also the highlights for the night including special recipe on Tiramisu with a bit of lime taste, very smooth Panna cotta and jasmine tea chocolate Patfait. Carbonara the pasta was made a bit too hard and the Lamb Chop was a bit gamey. Overall it was a great night. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-05-20
香港自開埠至今超過100年歷史,有唔少古舊建築會被活化成博物館,有啲就會活化成餐廳。為咗慶祝我同A姐相識100個月紀念,我哋就嚟到前身為和昌大押,依家活化成西餐廳,位於灣仔嘅The Pawn嘆一餐別具意義嘅Fine Dine!餐廳活化後仍保留住和昌大押嘅外觀,由4幢樓高4層嘅長廊式陽臺唐樓組成。坐低之後,店員除咗向我哋推介餐廳嘅美食之外,亦同我哋分享呢幢建築物嘅小小歷史,原來和昌大押建成於1888年至1900年,現址嘅土地係仲係由填海所得,我哋都非常驚訝,原來100年前香港已經有填海技術。Bread Platter嚟食西餐,第一道菜又點少得烘焙拼盤呢?呢度嘅麵包自家製,有2款供應。其中一款係薄身,好似餅乾咁,脆卜卜好香脆;另一款就係切件長麵包,麵包軟熟,熱辣辣,搽上牛油一齊食就係A姐最鍾意嘅配搭。Beef Carpaccio用上嚟自日本嘅和牛西冷,和牛薄切,上面放有火箭菜。牛肉特意選上西冷,脂肪比例唔多,增添口感。Scampi呢個蝦超好味呀!蝦身預先切開,整到半熟,食嘅時候好似食炙燒嘅感覺。蝦頭勁多膏,好鮮甜;蝦肉彈牙,半生熟,非常新鮮。Sole原條比目魚配上香料再烤熟,所以魚肉除咗嫩滑,仲入晒味。比目魚除咗一條大骨,基本上都係啖啖肉,所以就算怕食魚嘅A姐都非常鍾意。Red Prawn意粉條條都掛上西班牙紅蝦製成嘅醬汁,勁掛汁,好惹味呀!至於西班牙紅蝦份量多,預先起殼,食得夠晒方便。Carbonara呢度嘅Carbonara除咗夠creamy之外,仲多咗份油香,點解?因為廚師用咗豬嘅面珠墩炒香醬汁,令意粉食嘅時候更香濃。Tiramisu呢度既tiramisu係將軟芝士整成cream狀,質感輕盈幼滑,而入面有唔少朱古力脆粒同綿花糖,令口感更豐富又充滿濃郁榛子味。Panna Cotta呢個奶凍非常好味,奶香細滑,最重要係加埋旁邊嘅紅桑子一齊食,好fresh又可以消滯,為呢個晚餐畫上完美句號。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
❀ The Pawn #灣仔 ❀❗️百年古蹟氣氛滿分 假日free flow brunch❗️——————————————————每次嚟到灣仔都不敢被呢幢百年古蹟所吸引🤩當年係一間當舖,但現時已經成為數間餐廳嘅所在地,今次就嚟到位於2樓嘅The Pawn!特色之處在於有露台座位,可以望到灣仔嘅眾生相,而且私隱度好高,喺餐枱之間擺放盆栽,冇咁容易睇到其他台👍🏻室內嘅裝修亦非常精美,真係別有一番風味💖餐廳大部份都係外國人,氣氛輕鬆舒適,侍應有禮。食物質素大致唔錯,想搵個靚地方好好慶祝一下可以考慮。.✷𝑀𝑒𝓃𝓊✷☞ The Sober Brunch $548假日午市只提供free flow brunch,包括頭盤、主菜、甜品、free flow飲品。因為朋友同我都唔飲酒,所以就揀咗sober brunch,包smoothie, fresh juice, soft drinks。如果想飲酒嘅你就可以揀Boozy Brunch $698/ Absolute fabulous brunch $1088,紅酒、白酒、啤酒、cider都有。覺得如果唔飲酒嘅話其實性價比相對低,如果純粹想體驗一番,唔需要free flow,可以考慮平日嘅2-course lunch,$168就可以,感覺抵食得多🤣。.♥ To Share✦ Ricotta Toast✦ Bruschetta Toast✦ Cold Cut Platter ✦ Caesar Salad✦ Yam Fries會先上頭盤,款式唔算特別,不過整體味道唔錯🤤。尤其鍾意佢嘅ricotta toast,配上無花果同埋黑醋,有fineprint 嘅影子,好好味!另外yam fries亦非常香脆香甜,配上garlic mayo,邪惡美味。.♥ Main✦ Beef✦ Mussels主菜一共有六款選擇,分別有牛、魚、雞、青口同埋兩款意粉,今次我哋揀咗牛同埋青口。牛扒佢嗰陣冇問我哋幾多成熟(可能咁啱Miss咗?),切開覺得起碼七成,心諗不妙,不過入口都冇想像中咁韌😯係有少少咬口,牛香好重嘅牛扒,視乎個人喜好。相反青口就真係必食😍當時掙扎應該嗌雞定係青口,好彩聽咗侍應嘅推薦嗌青口。每一粒青口都極之大隻,非常creamy,甚至比蠔更出色,完全唔係平時香港啲西餐細細隻嗰啲。白酒汁亦非常香,加上少少洋蔥。冇加任何忌廉,望落清淡,但好入味,推薦👍🏻!.♥ DessertMenu話係unlimited,不過嗰日我哋淨係試咗一輪。有朱古力慕絲、西班牙油炸鬼、伯爵茶泡芙。三款當中伯爵茶泡芙較為突出,冇諗過喺西餐廳都食到咁香濃嘅伯爵茶甜品。不過其餘兩款都相對普通🙈油炸鬼比較硬,慕絲唔知係咪室外較熱,完全變咗係一pat酸酸地嘅朱古力醬。。。.♥ Drinks✦ Fresh Juice ✦ Smoothie✦ Soft drinks當日果汁係鮮榨橙汁,我哋就冇試到🙈不過三款smoothie都幾好飲,真材實料又唔會太膩,分別有mango Lassi, banana & oats, strawberry & yogurt。另外soft drinks,除咗可樂之外都仲有ginger ale, ginger beer等等,選擇幾豐富。不過講真飲幾杯都飽晒,對於我呢啲唔特別好甜野嘅人來講,覺得如果有non free flow嘅選擇會就更好(cheaper)。——————————————————✨整體味道: 4.1/5 ✨環境裝修: 4.2/5✨服務態度: 4/5✨性價比: 3.3/5✨再訪興趣: 3.5/5 .💞整體來講食物大致上其實唔錯,尤其係個青口真係好好食😋不過對於唔飲酒嘅我哋來講,free flow brunch就唔係好抵🙈如果都係想來感受一番、體驗喺百年古蹟內進食嘅話,建議可以嘗試佢哋平日既2-course lunch,感覺應該更加抵食。PS當日大熱天時32度坐喺露台食都覺得OK,因為佢哋本身有遮蔭而且有好多大風扇,極怕熱嘅朋友都接受到,而且坐出面個vibe真係正好多。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)