Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
07:30 - 21:30
08:30 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (115)
週六下午在Pacific Place逛了很久都不知道吃什麼,既想食飽又想好好飲杯咖啡!最後來了petit cafe,坐在戶外心情特別好!咖啡好喝,食物也很好不錯!蘑菇芝士多士很好吃,橄欖包的香味非常強,用的是有質素的包。另外,牛角包也很新鮮,非常crispy!好一段時間沒來,但質素依然有保證! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Visited on a rainy day looking for more salad options. If you read my previous review you will know that I am not from this part of town. One stop away from TST, Petit Cafe makes it quite tempting to cross harbour for more eateries and obviously salad joints.The cafe is small and packed, which adds to the charm. Decor is nice and modern, and the sandwich/pastry counter is very appetizing with overflowing baker's essence.The salad counter is what you wold expect from simplylife. I saw the same assortment of choices at their Landmark simplylife cafe. However, ingredients are fresh and taste is good. Portions are also very generous despite ordering a small bowl, it was so packed it ended up looking like sedimentary rock.Being the aggressive eater that I am, I ordered a parma ham panini as well. Very crunchy bread with soft inside, perfect texture after heating it. However, yes I know parma is supposed to be salty, but these particular slices of ham were too salty for my tastes. My constructive suggestion would be to add some rocket into the panini to balance out the flavours.To the negatives. It's really hard to get seats especially during times of inclement weather. The internal space is small and tables are very packed. The outdoor seating helps a lot to alleviate the situation. Wishful thinking, hope Pacific Place can enlarge this shop, granted they have enough GFA of course. Better yet, give them a bigger space like part of The Continental? OK no more side track, peace out.Beard Rating:7.0/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-03-07
As a frequent visitor, came for a grab away salad around once every week. As a big fan of their salads, spot their new pumpkin 🎃 salad and tried without a second thought. It’s the roasted kind, beautiful orangy color not that sweet and taste very carbo-intense. Not my favorite from their lovely variety of choices. I love their pesto pasta salad and broccoli, my must have every time. Love the roasted crunchiness of the broccoli from here it’s very unique simply delicious but a bit too salty😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-02-10
放假空閒既星期六 最岩自己一個靜下 享受下一個人既自由🥰🥰過到黎金鐘有時間停下飲杯咖啡 食件tart 成件事真係好美好🤣🤣😆我叫左杯cappuccino同埋一個berries tart~已經夠我慢慢嘆🙈杯Cappuccino夠哂濃郁 而個berries tart又唔會太甜 罪惡感都少啲😂😂個tart既曲奇皮係硬硬地個款 唔會太淋 岩哂我係我鍾意既質感☺️☺️berries又夠哂多 啖啖都好清新配埋coffee真係好幸福😚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-02-05
喺大型商場想搵唔係集團經營嘅咖啡店應該冇咩可能😂 呢間cafe雖然都係大集團旗下,不過唔緊要,佢嘅食物同咖啡質素一啲都唔差呢間有三文治,pastry同沙律提供。小編去過兩三次都係食佢個沙律,因為三文治同pastry喺pp同地鐵站唔少舖都有,同埋啲沙律都已經係pack好哂咁賣,所以反而係為左佢個自選沙律而黎。沙律有兩個size揀,大嘅$80左右,可以揀5款:細嘅平二十蚊左右,但就細好多同少啲選擇。小編係同朋友share嘅,所以就叫左個大嘅,其實都食到好飽😂 佢有8-10款沙律簡,唔怕揀唔啱口味。小編最鍾意個pesto長通粉,味道唔濃唔淡,啱啱好 其次就係西蘭花,粒粒都好大😂 其他都好食,未食過不妨試下。佢堂食同外賣都係比紙盒,環保人士可以自備食物盒呀小編淨係飲過espresso,都ok嘅,唔可以expect係獨立咖啡店嘅味道。呢度平日lunch time會非常多人,好難搵位,所以同朋友一齊最好就早啲去,或者外賣去出面平台坐,同埋堂食都會比較嘈同好密集,未必坐得舒服,非繁忙時間坐喺度食野同做野都係唔錯嘅選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)