It is an English farmhouse-style restaurant. The dishes are always surrounding the different part of pork and focusing on English and European cuisine. According to different seasonal ingredients, the dishes will be cooked in different ways. Besides, it also provides chickens, beef, lamb and seafood for you to choose. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (54)
Level4 2014-02-12
在香港,以牛為主題的餐廳多不勝數,以豬為主角的卻不算多。位於中環的 The Salted Pig 就是其中一間。餐廳環境偌大,幽暗的燈光營造著柔和的氣氛。    用豬做主題,可以去到幾盡?看看這杯 Bacon Bloody Mary 的材料就令人驚喜。杯中竟然插了一片煙肉。這杯飲品是其他食友點的,不知味道如何,但點子就贏晒。我自己則點了棉花糖奶昔,夠甜但不過分,很喜歡。 Wild Mushroom Soap喜歡這碟份量甚足的野菌湯。味道夠香濃,未飲已經聞到陣陣菌香,內有豐富的野菌碎,相當足料。 Pork Cake吃過沙律後,來一客 Poke Cake。脆口的粉漿包著一絲一絲的豬肉,頗美味。點香辣的大蒜醬,味道刺激加倍。 Pancetta Scallop帶子與煙肉混合起來一起烤。帶子口感不俗,加了煙肉後味道較重,略略過咸;幸而有清新的豆蓉中和膩感。 Pig Cheek這道豬臉頰肉口感嫩度尚可,但不夠入味。 Pig Ear Shaped pasta豬耳朵意粉,跟貓耳朵很相似。配上辣腸肉醬,香辣惹味;而巴馬臣芝士薄片,帶來咸香。 Slow Cooked Pork Belly慢煮豬腩肉,肥膏多,油脂甚豐,夠邪惡。不過,瘦肉部分煮得未夠軟嫩,沒預期中的淋;脆皮亦有些硬。 Canadian AAA Beef Short Rib吃了那麼多豬,不如換口味來一客牛肉平衡一下?這份牛肋骨挺大份的,軟嫩度尚可,但個人覺得牛味不算濃郁。 Norwegian Salmon挪威三文魚幾滑嫩,亦算多汁;以白酒、檸檬、忌廉調味,頗討好。 Pork Knuckle在一眾主菜中,推薦這個主打的咸豬手。大大盤豬手已切件,做到皮香脆、肉嫩滑,在味道和口感上都很不錯,且不油膩。令人吃完一塊又一塊。 Creamy Puree & Eton Mess最後是甜品時間。幾款之中,較喜歡朱古力曲奇,煙煙韌韌又不會太甜。配綿花糖奶昔是絕配。 總結今晚感覺,寬敞而氣氛十足的環境,能讓人在柔和舒適的餐桌畔,與友人共聚歡樂的晚宴。部分食物有改進的空間,但 Poke Cake、咸豬手等主打菜色值得一試,雜菌湯亦做得不俗。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-01-27
Thanks to Try it for holding this dinner.It is a system that matches tryers to buyers, as well as restaurants they also feature snacks and drinks to try.Since my last visit, there is a new British Chef Anthony Fletcher on board and the dishes tastes so much better.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ The salted pig board:As you can see the scotch egg was decent and better than my previous one.I did not even get a whole one last time, it was just half an egg covered in coating and the egg yolk was a bit hard.The bacon was smoking, yet it was nice and crispy.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Pancetta scallops on peas and broad bean hash with cider dressing:This was my favourite especially the peas in creamy cider dressing. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Grilled romaine lettuce:The grilled romaine lettuce was uniquely done, it was a whole lettuce cut in half and grilled flavoured by the anchovies on top.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Crispy fried chicken:When it came, you could already smell that Southern coating on the fried chicken.Luckily I got the chicken thigh which was tender and the coating was tasty and crispy with a hint of spicyness.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
提供以豬肉為主的菜式。焗豬手及豬耳粉很不錯。環境舒適, 服務好, 價錢亦合理。可以一試。Innovative pork based menu;Very decent pork knuckle;Comfy decor, good service and decent drinks list;Great background music selection!Definitely worth a try. Decor:Located at the L. Place, it had a spacious interior with a bar area and plenty of widely spaced out tables. The whole place was down to earth and had an air of casualness. It somehow felt like eating inside a cottage in the countryside.  I've been here once for lunch. I was quite impressed by their pork knuckle so I didn't hesitate when invited to try out their new menu. These were what we had that night:Wild mushroom soup:The texture of the wild mushroom soup was rather thick. It was very aromatic and had some chopped mushrooms in the soup, which we enjoyed. The bit of cream and olive oil also enhanced the taste. Perhaps the stock was made of pork? Anyway, this was very good. Pork cake with smoke chilli aioli:It was a bit sweet and a bit spicy. These pork cakes did not use minced pork, they used shreds of pork meat instead. Interesting appetizer.Caesar Salad with sourdough, parmesan & anchovies:An interesting variation of caesar salad with anchovies added. The lettuces used were fresh and crunchy. The parmesan used was rather rich. The anchovies gave the salad a nice kick. I enjoyed this too. Pancette Scallops on pea & broad bean hash with cider dressing: The pancetta bacon around the scallops were slightly tough. The cider dressing was quite overpowering and made the scallops fairly sour. Fortunately, the timing was good so the scallops retains its juiciness. Being a fan of mushy peas, I liked the broad bean hash.Pig cheek with carolina pepper sauce & granny smith salad:The cheeks were placed on a bed of chopped green apple (granny smith green apples). We were quite surprised about the texture. We thought it would be rather soft like pork neck but in fact those were lean with flavourful meat taste. Pig Ear Shaped Pasta with spicy sweet fennel sausage & parmesan:The pig ear shaped pasta was essentially a thicker and springier version of conchiglie. This was quite spicy with a very nice fennel aftertaste. Somehow this had a comfort food type quality to it. I enjoyed this a lot.  Slow cooked Pork belly with roasted apple puree and local greens with chillies: This really had pork taste but the skin was really tough. I'm more used to Chinese style roasted pork belly with a crispy skin.The local greens (kale), however, were very good. Surpringly better than many Chinese restaurants. Pork knuckle with sauerkraut & creamy mustard sauce:Salted Pig's signature: This English version was well marinated yet less salty than most German pork knuckles I've had before, which was good. On the other hand, it was less crispy.* Nevertheless, it did not disappoint. Always good with sauerkraut. The creamy mustard sauce was an interesting condiment.(*I had this again after this tasting. This time it was a lot crispier.) Norwegian Salmon with lemon, courgettes, basil & white wine: It's not easy to do pan fried salmon well. Usually its either too salty, too dry or both. This was surpringly good, it was succulent with pronounced umami.  Creamy Puree& Eton Mess:I don't have a sweet tooth but I really enjoyed the modified Eton Mess (made with banana instead of strawberry). We also had some nice homemade cookies - (usually served with milkshake but not this time because we all had quite a lot of drinks) - which was a lovely end to this great evening. Finally, a special thanks to Smashing Pumpkin & Carmen for inviting me. I could not end this review without mentioning the great background music selection here which included classics such as:What a feeling! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-01-16
顧名思義,The Salted Pig 就是以豬肉為主題的餐廳,今晚就來這裡品嚐了一頓很豐富的豬宴。餐廳以英國農莊為設計藍本,黑板、茶壺、鍋子、平底鍋等處處可見,配合木色的餐桌,格調質樸,充滿田園風味。愛莓的我點了一杯 Strawberrylicious,士多啤梨味道清新天然,甜中帶酸,而且有新鮮果肉,很合我心意,平時真是很怕那些用了士多啤梨糖漿的,那股藥水味實在難以接受,這杯 Mocktail 果然是 Delicious.以小麻袋來裝著的 Bread & Butter,多了一份簡單隨意的感覺,暖暖又鬆軟的麵包,沒有太多花巧的味道,用來伴以下的 Wild Mushroom Soup 更為適合。這個菇味香郁的野菌湯,不要以為用平底淺的碟子,份量很少,相反正因為碟面大,而且用料十足,啖啖野菌,喝完這個湯,也有點擔心吃不下其他美食。這個炸得金黃色的 Pork Cake,外層非常香脆,內裡是一絲絲的豬肉,和一般炸肉丸的製法很不同,再配上蒜香蛋黃醬同吃,味道不錯。起初以為是一個普通的 Caesar Salad,原來用上 Anchovies,比起平時吃的煙三文魚,這個魚的咸香味更濃,可能我吃得太心急,整件放進口中,變了滿口咸香味,建議以小件伴清爽的羅馬生菜和麵包粒來吃,配搭更佳。對我來說帶子和豬肉應該是不會在一起的,而大廚就將這個不可能變成可能,製作了一個 Pancetta Scallop。以煙肉圍著帶子,烹調時間比較難控制,煙肉較易焦黑,煙肉的咸香味似乎掩蓋了帶子的鮮味,幸好帶子也很爽,而鋪底的青豆蓉,味道清新,而且有嚼口。我本身也喜歡吃豬頸肉,至於 Pig Cheek (臉頰) 又是如何? 肉質比豬頸肉更軟腍,肉味相對較淡。相信很多人和我一樣,寧願吃三文魚刺身,煙三文魚也不會選擇全熟的三文魚。這個 Norwegian Salmon (挪威三文魚) 比想像中好,煎得恰到好處,魚脂甚豐,不會因烹調而令魚肉太鬆散和乾身。以豬做主角的餐廳,沒有對豬太過偏心,也設計了一個水準不錯的 Canadian AAA Beef Short Rib。肉的脂肪分佈平均,吃起來也很鬆化,肉汁和肉脂滿溢,而伴食的豆角很翠綠,口味清新,可以減輕一下肉食後的罪疚感呢。平時只吃雪耳,木耳,從來沒有吃過豬耳,有點好奇,原來只是 Pig Ear Shaped Pasta (豬耳朵意粉),眼前的是像貝殼形的意粉,配以香辣肉腸碎,惹味非常。來到這裡又怎可錯過 Pork Knuckle (豬手),在奧地利和德國也吃過燒豬手,份量也很大,大概是外國的豬多點活動空間,四肢較發達。這個豬手皮燒得香脆,肉質嫩滑,油香不膩,我挺喜歡的。一向喜歡肥肉的我,什麼東坡肉,燒腩仔,也是會將脂肪部分全吃掉的。知道有這個 Slow Cooked Pork Belly (豬腩肉),也有點期待。慢煮的豬腩肉的皮層也算脆皮身,但少了一份吃到滿口脆聲那種質感,肉脂豐厚,但我還是喜歡燒腩仔的咸香多一點。在少肉多菜的觀念下,總不能一晚吃那麼多肉,這裡也有幾款伴菜配豬肉同吃,菜芯、粟米、薯蓉、酸菜,可按個人口味配搭。最後當然也是以甜品作結,由於今晚吃得很豐富,各款也只淺嚐一口。朱古力曲奇以平底鍋盛著,曲奇質感就像燕麥餅,吃起來不太甜,與 Eton Mess 同吃是不錯的配搭。這個 Eton Mess 有著淡淡的香蕉味,而 Creamy Puree 也算香滑。是晚在柔和的燈光和輕鬆的音樂下,心情也特別好,這裡確是適宜一大班朋友來相聚,說說笑笑的地方。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-01-16
專吃牛扒的餐廳多不勝數,但主打豬肉料理的卻不是太多,早在幾年前,在中環L. Place開了一間名為The Salted Pig的餐廳,奉行Nose-to-tail食法,即是由頭食到尾,而且走西式路線。最近換上了新主廚Antony,在菜式上有了少許變化,務求令客人喜歡。店內裝潢開揚,燈光柔和,十分舒適。坐在一盞盞鎢絲燈下用餐,有種在農場內用餐的感覺。配上一杯特製的Cocktail,將心情投入豬的懷抱內,這杯Bacon Bloody Mary的特色在於那片香脆的煙肉片,配上微辣的Bloody Mary,原來將咸的煙肉片放進飲品內,夠特色又不會過於奇怪。很喜歡盛麵包的器皿,是一個麻袋,裝著幾個熱辣辣的麵包,塗上少許香草蒜蓉牛油,正好不過。麵包當然配湯是非常適合的,Wild Mushroom Soup滿滿的一大盤,用料充足,每一口滿是蘑菇粒,不太濃杰。頭盤總喜歡有一些蔬菜,就來一個簡單的Caesar Salad。沙律菜又新鮮又爽脆,但好味的地方是加入了銀魚柳,令平平無奇的沙律變得美味。Pork Cake是幾好味的,一咬開香脆的外層,肉味香濃,肉汁還很豐富。Pancetta Scallop是將帶子包上意大利煙肉來煎,不但將意大利煙肉的油份迫進帶子內,更能令帶子保持嫩滑,微脆香口。而底下墊有青豆蓉,正好中和了煙肉的油膩,相當醒胃。相反地,Pig Cheek雖有濃郁的肉味,但只有原始的豬味,要靠底下甜甜酸酸的醬來調味,有點失色。接著便是一系列的主菜,先是Slow Cooked Pork Belly,以慢煮的方法能令肉質變得軟腍,亦能保存了肉汁,再經過燒烤後,豬皮變得香脆,碟底下更有roasted apple puree,正好來中和豬腩的肥膩,不過某些部份仍然未夠軟腍。Canadian AAA beef Short Rib同樣用上slow cook的方法,以致肉質鬆化軟腍,牛骨髓的醬汁有點兒淡口,未能好好帶出美味,幸好帶點肥膏的部份顯得較為甘香。幾年前,我曾到訪這兒用餐,最喜歡就是Pork Knuckle。外皮烤得脆卜卜,肉質軟腍入味,配上酸椰菜來吃,可減低肥膩感。Norwegian Salmon賣相不錯,煎得香口,肉質雖偏熟了一點點,但這種七分熟的質感,是在嫩滑與結實之間糾纏,配上簡單的白酒檸檬忌廉,不油不膩的感覺正好。Pig Ear Shaped Pasta做成豬耳的形狀,加入辣肉醬來炒,刨一些芝士在面,意粉吃來煙煙靱靱,又香口,又惹味。Side Dish的種類不少,有粟米、薯蓉及薯仔等,款款都不錯的,特別的是那個煮菜心,好像蒜蓉炒菜心,都幾中式。來到甜品時間,有幾款甜品,最喜歡就是那個英式地道甜品 – Eton Mess,滿是軟滑的忌廉、鬆脆的蛋白脆粒及甜蜜的香蕉,每一口都令我十分滿足。雖然部份菜式一般,但大廚仍在更新菜單中,相信過多一會,水準應該會有所提高。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)