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Review (19)
Although The Shortbread Company has closed down, there is Shortbread Teas in Central which is owned by the same people serving quiches, breakfasts, scrumptious scones, cakes and an endless selection of teas.Expats and BBC's will be delighted by this tea room.Anyway, if you still miss The Shortbread Company, you can get a free cup and saucer at the new place in Central from now until the 14th october while stocks last.Shortbread Teas is on 55 Wellington Street, which is round the corner from The Chippy which has closed down.http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/sr2.htm?shopid=139095No strings attached!!! I have already nabbed a big cup and a small cup.There are three sizes: big, medium and small.As usual, I had the back bacon sarnie with some mushrooms, the bacon was salty but not too salty and the bacon was tender with the fat trimmed off.More teapots and teaware inside the new place!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-04-01
隨意逛逛大埔舊墟街頭,竟然發現The Shortbread,意想不到的發現。環境好warm,好cozy。十點幾,過了正常早餐時間,人唔多,好優閒。餐單選擇亦唔錯,有好heavy嘅All Day Breakfast亦有light啲嘅。但今日唔算餓,只order咗Tomato and Egg Toast。味道幾好,啲蕃茄好味,多士亦唔怕太乾,Good!老板娘係度train緊個新同事,睇到佢好有heart,每個細節位都會議提點。全程都係無滋擾情況下,細心品嚐美食。 週末個帶老公同囝囝再嚟! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2012-02-27
I've been here with friends and family a few times over the last two years and everything we've eaten has been delicious, especially the Scotch pie, porridge and quiche. After reading other people's comments about the Scotch pies, just want to say that Scotch pie is not supposed to be anything like England's Shepherds pie, and the meat inside (usually beef) is not supposed to be sloppy so yes you could say it's drier... but so tasty and best served as they do with baked beans. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-11-24
期待的一天終於來臨了, 渴望一試的餐廳, 集了天時地利同人和. 終於找到一個合適的時間, 去品嚐這一家店的英倫風味.簡單的cafe仔設計, 令我感覺到英國茶吧仔的風格, 而且在大埔墟呢一個舊社區出現這樣的一家小店, 總想問他們是否選址錯誤, 這等的悠閒餐廳, 不是應該開在半山區才對嗎. 格局同經營方式, 就是茶吧仔一間, 做各式各樣的批同最出名的英國菜, All day breakfast 同Fish and Chips. 檯上更有英國常見的醬汁, 俾你用來點薯條食, 在這兒坐了一會, 看著兩名老外廁子忙忙碌碌著, 店內的英國鬼在高談闊論. 真的令人感覺, very UK. 我叫的是Scoch Pie套餐, 他們為此物改了一個中文名, 叫豬肉牛肉餡批. 再加上一句, 源自蘇格蘭. 看見這樣的食物, 真的有如回到英國的心境, 頓時, 有點不能自拔.套餐, 包了湯, 是日的餐湯是一碟非常濃香的西蘭花湯. 正宗的外國湯, 就是喜歡把菜打成蓉, 再加少許忌廉同調味來做湯. 這樣的湯, 留住了蔬菜的原汁同原味, 保留了應有的纖維質, 熱熱的, 濃濃的, 充滿了英式的田園風味. 主菜來了, 一個小小的英式肉批, 加上沙律同茄汁豆. 帶點硬的批皮, 豬肉牛肉混合的餡料, 也許帶點不尋常的腥味, 不習慣的話, 也是挺嚇人的. 若是喜歡的話, 這一個半腥半羶的味道, 配上一等的奶茶, 是絕對的香口. 再者, 相伴的沙律同茄豆, 令我感受到一個非常英倫的感覺. 最後是奶茶, 淡淡的English Breakfast Tea, 用純鮮奶沖調, 用來配上英國的食物, 有一種美妙的感覺. 茶淡奶香, 食物就味濃羶香. 淡茶沖走多餘的咸味, 咸味又補回茶淡的不足. 不相伯仲的配搭, 好令人覺得舒服. 慢慢的嘆, 慢慢的食. 店子雖然未見full house, 但人客一樣是不絕的. 不過, 始終覺得, 這一家小店, 出現在中半山, 會比較現址的大埔墟來得更加合適. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-10-06
家住大埔的我其實好鍾意搵呢D地方坐~~(至LIKE人情味)如果有好嘢食直頭會做咗飯堂,其實我第一次食都係食佢既早餐,但認真講真係一般,但好在,我俾咗第二次機會佢,佢個蘇格蘭批真係無敵咁好食,下午去食LATE LUNCH真係不為過(亦係至抵星期一至五中午會送湯、包同嘢飲~)講返蘇格蘭批:佢批皮鬆脆,入邊係免治肉的內餅,好香,我鍾意既佢實在的感覺,實在的意思係佢食到好香既肉味,好過D大餐廳肉餅無肉味而且中間好JUICY,中午係襯沙律,無咁‘流’晚就襯焗豆同薯條,薯條真係好好味~~一個女仔食一個就比較辛苦,但如果SHARE就好啲今次我就食咗英國既名菜fish n chip個魚好新鮮,至少無雪味炸得不錯整體其實係滿意。呢間餐廳真係好啱傾計,(而且入到去都唔好趕時間)如果要趕食其實嘢算啦!~會煮得要時間即係代表佢係即叫即煮,唔係咩都整定先MA!~我之所以鍾意呢度係因為真係好有人情味,老闆娘又NICE,老闆同我估係老闆個仔(外國人X2)都係好好人,得閒會出嚟同客傾計,(雖然我食咁多次都無同佢地傾,可能次次去襯都有細路幫襯,佢地就會去搵細路傾計同玩)又見到D客同佢地交流得好開心,但只係入嚟飲杯水都好歡迎。(題外,再講真係可以由杯水睇到誠意,佢D水係真係放檸檬,係好香的檸味,飲得好舒服)除了誠意之外,我覺得呢度嘢食味道好實而不華,感覺好HOMEMAKE就好似個蘋果批咁!~(又一必食推介之選)係好明顯傳統的蘋果批,蘋果好大粒啊!~而且好有蘋果味,但當中所用的蘋果係偏酸,可能係怕個批底膩因為佢個批邊你一放叉拮入去係鬆脆到直落碟邊個隻一放入口就就知佢好足料,鬆脆既邊入口一陣酥酥既感覺,之後嚮口入邊溶化,個陣牛油味就嚮呢個時候湧出嚟!~一字記之曰:正!個FD即刻笑我,唔怪得之要同侍應生講:“唔介意錯手切大舊D咁啦!~”加上佢D價錢真係唔係太貴,而且係合理。所以真係要俾機會呢D有心機既舖頭,幾時都話好食既嘢唔一定係貴,而好食既細舖一定要支持,唔係的話,執咗就喊都嚟唔切。香港,有特色既食店賣少見少了 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)