6-min walk from Exit B , Olympic MTR Station continue reading
A Western Restaurant provides different kinds of all day breakfast. The “All Life Breakfast” is the most popular one because it is huge and it includes some special food. For example, creative beet mousse cake. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (84)
Level4 2019-10-18
今日午飯嚟咗呢度食,本身見門口細細冇乜期望,但店員態度十分殷勤,一個人竟然比四人枱我,一坐低就主動介紹有乜嘢食,感覺良好。佢而家午市有半自助套餐,$58有餐湯、餐包、餐飲、沙律芝士腸仔火腿任拎,雖然選擇唔多,但絕對係有heart之作。芝士有兩三種,連blue cheese都有,salami十分好食,沙律菜都乾乾淨淨,抵讚👍正常食量來講,淨食沙律吧係唔夠飽嘅,所以我加咗$48叫多塊牛扒。本身 有啲驚塊牛扒會又薄又韌,一上菜意然有驚喜。牛扒係厚切,九成熟左右,食落去好稔,又有肉汁,絕對收貨。但餐廳都唔係冇缺點,餐湯比較普通,沙律吧成日冇晒又唔refill,我親眼見好幾個食客特登行出嚟,見冇菜又要返座位等,成件事感覺唔好,亦都令餐廳變得家庭式,唔專業。其實沙律吧咁細,有菜冇菜一眼睇晒,唔應該出現呢個問題,可能係因為全場得兩個侍應,有時見佢地做到踢晒腳。我建議餐廳一係分量放多啲,令到refill次數可以減少,又或者睇緊啲。總括來講,如果我再經過,會考慮再黎,但就唔會特登去。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
This place claims to be coffee shop but it’s total false advertisement and fake claim. 撒謊的餐廳,奇差的服務 不要去被騙。We ordered two cups of coffee, waited for more than half an hour and ended up with the waitress constantly telling us “來緊 來緊” (coming coming). Clearly that was a LIE. Nowhere needs more than 30 minutes for preparing two cups of coffees. We left there feeling cheated. Please don’t go as this place would just waste your time and not serve anything. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
都說我家的是牛魔王🤣🤣🤣說好的All Day Breakfast都變了牛扒午餐了🥩🥩🥩一星期吃了3次牛扒🙊🙊🙊翻開餐牌,我們二人不加思索、不約而同地點了份牛扒餐,一個跟餐湯、一個配沙律🥗。餐湯和沙律是不過不失,就是跟湯的餐包質感比較硬,所以沒有吃完🙄牛扒兩份,一份好吃、一份則好壞參半😢好吃的不用多說,簡單來說就是肉質好、有牛味😋👍🏻另一塊牛扒好壞參半是因為有1/3塊牛扒都是筋來的,連帶半塊牛扒的肉質也給拖垮了,肉質散、沒牛味、難切、難咬😭所以我也沒辦法吃光才離開😢 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今天下午我同朋友在這間餐廳食set lunch,我叫左 前菜要 餐湯 麵包,佢哋今日個南瓜湯十分可口,南瓜味道突出,明顯係 新鮮南瓜煲出,完全唔係粉溝出來既味道,值得一讚 主菜方面亦有驚喜,我叫咗個 韓式辣醬泡菜豬肉眼炒飯,泡菜爽口,而泡菜既酸辣味溶入喺飯入面,放入囗亦唔會太濕,係一種比較少見既韓風炒飯,加上豬肉肥瘦剛好,呢個炒飯非常好食!而且賣相美觀!值得一試!我十分推介!西餐廳黎講,我覺得價錢合理,大概90-130蚊有一個set lunch另一方面,侍應服務良好有禮,環境舒適。只不過這店鋪在內街,地點較難找,不過我們一定會再來幫襯在這推介一下 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-06-13
牛柳叫左五成熟變左全熟,唔易入口,分量超級少,明明一個set, 駛唔駛少到甘,意粉叫正常少少,但面質又係好硬,咖啡落勁多糖水,得個甜字,去食大家樂都無甘嬲,永不再去 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)