3-min walk from Exit B, Causeway Bay MTR Station
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE Apple Pay Google Pay PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (139)
Level1 2024-01-31
雖然裝潢看著很漂亮 但是整間餐廳只有一個侍應生 響應速度非常慢 上菜速度非常慢 基本沒什麼基礎服務 侍應生對菜的具體情況也不清楚的 我旁邊桌的客人因為一直沒有人回應直接生氣走人 等菜等到狂躁 肚子饿的时候千万别来 因为你可能饿到崩溃之前吃不上饭!!味道也没什么特别值得来的 等一道菜等四十多分鐘都不上 只上了甜品 等到下午兩點多實在受不了就走了总之就是很生气很不好的体验!!!!店家從頭到尾也沒有一句道歉 很無言真的不會再想來第二次 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
時間過得好快未嚟得切回顧2023,2024就已經過咗一個星期😪 今次想介紹喺銅鑼灣到訪咗兩次嘅「𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚅𝚒𝚋𝚎 𝚁𝚘𝚘𝚖」,佢哋食物質素好高同有新意😍 唯獨可能人手不足,飲品等候時間較長,差唔多主菜都食完先有野飲🙈《 秘製沙嗲汁煎腸粉 | 慢煮牛面頰 》$188 5 / 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟哩道菜成功將中式煎腸粉帶到另一個境界😍 惹味嘅沙嗲汁淋係焦脆嘅腸粉上面,唔單止吸收到醬汁嘅鹹香亦不失咬口🤤 沙嗲汁嘅花生味更係好突出👍🏻 而慢煮牛面頰肉質細嫩,而且每舊都好厚,筋肉分明😋《 蕃茄奶油意大利飯 | 黑毛豬叉燒 》 $178 4.5 / 5挺身嘅意大利飯被鮮甜嘅蕃茄奶油包裹住🤤 酸酸甜甜好醒胃👍🏻 而黑毛豬叉燒肥瘦均勻,充滿油脂香,真係入口即融😍《 鳳梨酥巴斯克芝士蛋糕 》 $68 4.5 / 5食過咁多款口味嘅巴斯克蛋糕,鳳梨酥口味真係第一次見🥴 還原度都好高,皆因蛋糕入面有好多菠蘿乾粒,伴碟亦有餅乾碎,一齊食嘅口感同層次都好相似👍🏻 而面頭嘅奶蓋算係中和番蛋糕嘅甜膩,相當有創意😋整體環境寬敞,燈光明亮,食物美觀又好味😋 係差在唔夠服務同有時會上菜較慢🤏———————————————🏠環境舒適度:💛💛💛💛👅舔脷回頭度:💛💛💛💛💛📸打卡able度:💛💛💛💛🙇🏻‍♀️服務滿意度 :💛💛💛——————————————— continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-01-06
Surprisingly good 👍🏻 We ordered a flat white , pistachio latte and a cheesecake; everything was good .I had a flat white, which had a balance taste of smooth milk and coffee , recommend for coffee lover ! My friend had a pistachio latte , which she loved it a lot ; good choice for people don’t drink coffee ! I am a crazy dessert fans.. very impressed the cheesecake, not too sweet 😋⋯⋯reasonable price and spacious seats, nice place to hand out with friends for tea . We finished everything and forgot to take photos 😂Sure will be back again ! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-12-27
12:30食飯時間想食個沙律,去左登龍街冇咩選擇就入去呢間比較新既餐廳,兩個女仔叫左兩樣野,沙律及朋友叫了卡邦尼,等到13:15問個侍應請佢幫忙跟下order,侍應回覆「呢度全部人都係度等緊」,我地等左45分鐘,來了一個沙律(場內只坐了3成客人)朋友趕返工,只好叫佢轉外賣,接著佢立即就包了外賣出來,我就叫佢埋單,埋完單我地走左先記得原來係餐,連餐飲都冇叫到,一定係自己唔啱啦,侍應冇義務問你餐飲咩啦?! 食飯時間都坐都3成客人係有原因既,別信那些密集式好評! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-12-07
已經好幾次經過呢間餐廳,今日就同朋友入去試下個lunch~環境舒服,燈光明亮~朋友叫咗個all day Breakfast 加杯開心果鮮奶~我就叫咗個叉燒蕃茄意大利飯,跟餐送黑松露忌廉湯,再加多個牛油果吞拿魚他他~上菜一刻,令我眼前一亮!!!食物CP值很高!!!最驚喜嘅就係個叉燒意大利飯~完全係中意合璧,常餐飯都食得好開心,好滿足!!!!員工服務態度非常之好,餐廳衛生亦都一流最後埋單$400有找,值得推介 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)