3-min walk from Exit C, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
11:30 - 02:00
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 02:00
14:00 - 02:00
14:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay WeChat Pay UnionpayQR
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Live Music
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (10)
Level4 2024-12-20
The Wanch,位於灣仔謝斐道90-92號豫港大廈1樓。 灣仔謝斐道有很多酒吧, 今次即興到The Wanch, 睇舞台劇之前食晚飯。 晚餐 ~ Satay Skewer $138、 Portobello Mushroom $128、 Cumberland Sausage $168 、Beer Burger $168 、 Sex on the beach $98、 Coke $38、 Coke Zero $38。 🔸Satay Skewer $138 ~ 三串豬和三串雞, 兩款味道都不錯, 最正係個沙爹醬, 香濃惹味。 🔸Portobello Mushroom $128 ~ 芝士焗爙大啡菇, 裏面有滿滿的芝士和菠菜,陣陣香味。 🔸Beer Burger $168  ~ 牛漢堡唔夠肉汁, 口感偏乾,幸好有香脆的粗身薯條。 🔸Cumberland Sausage $168 ~ 香腸拼盤反而有點失色, 味道普通, 份量少。 🔸Sex on the beach $98 ~ 原來冇happy hour, 酒味都算重。 食食下仲有live band添, 氣氛唔錯,下次會再嚟。🏷️溫馨提示~ 整個用餐體驗均屬個人分享意見, 只作參考😊。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-29
在灣仔lunch,要$100有找,還要食物極優質,地方乾淨舒適,枱不迫,不會限時吃,The Wanch 絕對是首選。$98 午餐,先來的沙律已是驚艷,菜是極新鮮脆口,蝦是好味,但被新鮮芒果粒比下,沙律温度非常適中,微涼,plating 又很用心,完全是極級的Appetizer 。主菜烤雞竟然是半隻,醃得十分入味,香嫩,連伴碟的薯條也是行貨,新鮮炸,吃停,伴菜也是新鮮烤,紅蘿蔔、椒、西蘭花、椰菜花,全不欺場。甜品也求其,梨芝士餅一件,是,一件,不是一口,還有blueberry and strawberry 配,是得了。餐送冰檸茶,我加$15 的咖啡,配芝士餅,簡直是完美無懈可擊的一餐。友人的pizza set $118,dough 是新鮮製,新鮮焗,無得彈。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-13
呢個鋪位轉左做Wanch後, 完全唔知佢係有Lunch 食. 直到某天發現樓下的Menu. 決定黎一次. 點知食過返尋味. 環境十分寬敞. 而且人唔算多. 唔會好似茶記咁催你走. 可以慢慢享用. 重要食品超高質.  佢的meun 係輪流每星期轉, 大約係兩至三轉. 所以到咁上下又會食返同一樣的食品.由於黎過數次. 今次的Menu之前全部都食過. 知道個魚相對一般. 所以叫左另外三款. 前菜係湯或者沙律.今日叫左甘筍湯. 個湯好濃同埋充滿甘筍味. 佢的沙律都唔差, 試過有吞拿魚沙律. Beef Bourguignon $98個牛雖然係慢煮但不至於入口即溶. 有d咬口. 但調味無得輸配埋個好滑的薯蓉. 超好食.Prawn Pesto Penne $118呢個長通粉絕對推介. 蝦係超新鮮超大隻. 食落口重好爽. 配埋長通粉同埋佢的醬. 超飽肚.Pork Belly Roll $128呢個豬腩卷平時食lunch 比較少見. 個皮好脆. 啖啖肉. 唔會痴晒牙. 岩晒d食肉獸. 伴碟有南瓜蓉同埋其他蔬菜, 個南瓜蓉都好好味. 蔬菜份量都唔少會有pepper 調味.除主菜外. 重有甜品, 呢間的甜品真係超高質. 一d都唔流. 今日係朱味力蛋糕. 曲奇餅底配上濃濃的朱古力, 上面重有碎的朱古力口感十足. 食完佢成個lunch真係超滿足.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-06-30
I come here for the live music festival! For each night, the restaurant invite 9 to 10 bands to perform here and yesterday night I listened to several types of music which I enjoyed a lot! The atmosphere, there is very good, people come in front of the stage and dance together we drank together and we share a lot of fun here!There are several years and also white wine, red wine. I didn’t try the cocktail, but looking at the menu, they serve some classic cocktails and with the reasonable price. If you like music, I definitely recommend this place for you, you’ll enjoy it! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
疫情期間得悉The Wanch結業,城中少了間僅有的Rock & Roll酒吧,為此感到惋惜💦 去年路經舊地,發現The Wanch在舊舖旁默默地重新營業了✨ 新舖有兩層,舞台和用餐區大了許多,或許少了份搖滾的粗獷,但從用餐角度出發,環境真的舒適不少💖午餐時段提供套餐,試一口餐前湯就知道廚房製作用心❤️ 「Rotisserie Roasted Chicken」烤得均勻入味,雞皮灑上百里香提升味道層次🌿 雞肉軟嫩幾乎沒有肥膏👍 伴菜有法邊豆、薯仔、翠玉瓜及紅蘿蔔等,非常豐富。「Bangers and Mash」備多種香腸和酸菜🧅 到「Stonebaked Pepperoni Pizza」上桌,不禁笑了 🍕Pizza上的蔬菜和Chicken的伴菜是一樣的🤭 套餐含甜品,是熱情果撻,酸酸甜甜為大大滿足的午餐畫上完美句點🎉The Wanch幾乎每晚都有不同樂種的現場演出,別錯過囉🎸🥁🎵🤟🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)