Sai Sha Road tom Bar + Grill, both in the decoration pattern of arrangement or a unique European style. It uses dark brown for the design of melody, combined with the surrounding green plants as a decoration, engaged in a great fresh feeling of freedom. The main restaurant with an open design, giving a spacious open-Young sense of space. Accompanied by floor outdoor lounge windows, people can enjoy the fine wine and fine food while at the same time can also glimpse Ning Jingyi's suburban landscape. seats are available inside and the design are elegant and comfortable. It is the best choice for wine talk. Charcoal-Broiled restaurant's main dish is the steak, some seafood imported air-mail. Using the most fresh and high quality materials, to bring endless taste for the guests to enjoy. Store also has a bar,different styles of Cocktail & Wine. continue reading
Good For
Special Occasion Dining
Private Party
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Wed - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Grilled King Prawn and Rib Eye Steak Pan-fried Goose Liver Honey Balsamico Char-grilled Angus Sirloin Steak with Red Wine Sauce Assorted Seafood with Ink Spaghetti Cream Sauce
Review (41)
Level4 2016-04-28
今次同男友黎呢到食, 感覺上唔太多人, 望入去明明有空台, 但係我地都要等10分鐘先有位. 入到去感覺環境唔錯, 燈光柔和, 佈置都幾舒服.坐低叫左個香煎大蝦配意粉 同 芝士肉醬千層麵, 個意粉真係有d令人失望, 大蝦既size正常都有手掌咁大, 但係呢到既大蝦連頭連尾都大唔過我隻手掌, 個意粉咬口唔錯, 但無乜味, 連醬汁味都係得蒜味. 反而個千層麵加返d分, 千層麵上好多芝士, 肉醬好香再加少少香草味, 而且麵層厚薄適中, 啖啖肉醬, 好正 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-01-16
同朋友去馬鞍山玩,見呢度環境唔錯,就入左黎LUNCH喇~我叫左個肉眼扒,朋友叫左個大蝦意粉.肉眼扒份量都相當大,牛味都濃,夠腍,無鬆肉粉果陣怪味,唔錯啊食完坐低傾下計又幾舒服WOR!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-11-19
上週末放假,打算入西貢遊下車河,路經西沙茶座,見到路邊嘅木屋甚有渡假感覺,就停車睇吓有咩食。就係咁,誤打誤撞去咗呢間Tom Bar &Grill。呢間餐廳應該係由户外改裝而成,窗邊位開揚,亦有冷氣。初時望到餐牌lunch set價錢約$110,心諗呢度咁隔踄都咁嘅價錢?原來,都係值嘅...膽粗粗試下英式fish & chips,通常一般fish & chips一係就唔夠脆,一係就魚唔好食,不過呢間嘅炸魚同薯角,確實有驚喜喎。炸漿好脆,放耐咗都唔淋,切落唔鬆散,魚肉亦新鮮。配埋Tartar sauce,完全提升魚嘅鮮味。薯角亦要讚,夠脆得黎又唔柴皮,外層有味,唔洗下下點茄汁。第二樣叫嘅係芝士肉醬千層麵。芝士多,肉醬濃濃牛肉味,但我覺得個千層麵就淋咗d。但整體滿意。呢間餐廳的確令人有驚喜,但waitress 方面,笑容欠缺。而且今次坐近門口,並唔係每位客人都有手尾,開完門都會關門,搞到成日門常開,飛昆蟲入黎又走冷氣。建議可以加返個門較變自動關間。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-11-03
秋高氣爽,最合郊遊,去擺泥涌看人界鳶後,便來到西沙茶座附近覓食。西沙這間Tom bar & grille開業已有八年了,當年駕車經過見其以深木色系的巴峇風格作裝潢已躍躍欲試,但每次不是飽着肚子駛過便是約了朋友到西貢開餐,今次..係機會喇小志強..在門外看餐牌時已有個姐姐出來招客,被安排在最近門口的一張枱,每每有唔生性客人進來後不關門,是日我便作了多次門僮,開餐廳的,八年也察覺不到門較的選擇錯誤!?點主菜後心多想着是日餐湯會否不止一款便向姐姐一問,豈料姐姐立馬青雲上身,扳著臉邊走邊回應只得忌廉湯一款,飄走的速度令我想跟她道個歉也來不及,其實我還想點餐飲的。點餐飲的重任便交托在另一個小伙子之上,果然,小伙是充滿熱誠的。先來的湯和蒜蓉包都只是微暖,湯是普通大快樂的貨式,包上有牛油與蒜蓉本已沒有不好吃的理由,加上牛油特香,如果能熱一點更好。美式炸魚薯條配他他汁,炸魚厚身,肉質不錯,脆漿夠薄,邊皮沒有多餘的脆漿塊,吃到盡頭仍是魚,不俗。芝士肉醬千層麵,芝士和肉醬配搭得天衣無縫,好吃。往厠所之通道能一窺廚房之部份,眼見一位廚師正從一個碟將肉醬用匙羹 ‘不’ 到另外一隻碟,難道那些肉醬是從八方雲集得來的嗎?但從我那碟的賣相完全看不出來,肉醬是怎樣煉成的?我望唔透... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-06-14
在泥涌出了一身汗,是時候吃個下午茶,補充一下體力。沒有去著名的西沙茶座,卻去了旁邊的Tom Bar & Grill。很寫意的餐廳,佈置有氣氛,看著陽光普照之下的西沙公路,車輛高速飛馳地駛過,一窗之隔的我們,彷似待在一個時間停住了的時空。點了兩個Tea set,一律$75。公司三文治放得滿滿的,很豐富。薯角剛炸好,還在冒出熱氣。外層香噴噴,薯仔味香。三文治卻一般。麵包烘得過久,變得太乾太硬。餡料看上去很多,可是吃下去很乾,口感欠豐富。煙肉硬得誇張。Tiramisu味道普通,跟平常吃到一件件的Tiramisu差不多,沒有咖啡香和酒香,唯一可取是不太甜。食物一般。只為一個稍作休息的地方,坐夠吃飽,便繼續出發。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)