Various soups are available, including fish maw and shark fin pot; innovative homemade ingredients are available as well, such as tomato soup dumplings, cheese stuffed shrimp, egg yolk cuttlefish balls, etc. The store also owns an aquarium to serve fish sashimi. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
17:30 - 03:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Sliced Mutton Meat Balls Drunken Shrimp Skewer Sliced Pork Cuttlefish Balls Beef sashimi
Review (61)
Level1 2018-04-07
2018/04/06 晚去食火鍋,食佢個海鮮餐700幾2人,點知第一個送來既象拔蚌,一睇點解直晒既,刺身都夠膽比啲死直既嘢啲客食,真係唔怕食物中毒,跟手上咗啲海鮮,啲聖子睇落好靚,點知一食落去有味既(唔新鮮),我地睇中佢個椰子花甲蟹煲,就決定加錢換,點知仲大懠,隻蟹又細隻又梅既。大佬,成200蚊個煲都唔好比啲梅既蟹我呀!細啲都問題唔大。最慘係啲伙計明知啲丸係爆漿既都應該講聲提提呀!淨係係碟度插支旗仔當提咗 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-03-25
今次同朋友黎呢間火鍋店慶生之前經過已經好想試下1開始我地就叫左d魚生食 好新鮮d三文魚都切到好厚 超正其他肉類海鮮都好好食 湯底選擇有好多 非常好所有野食上枱時都會排得好整齊好靚令我最滿意既地方係店員既服務態度今時今日就算你去貴價餐廳d待應都可以黑你面但呢度既店員好有禮貌 而且仲好貼心幫我地蒸帶黎慶祝既壽包仲會不時留意我地既食野進度 好快就會幫我地執好枱面d野仲有代客泊車服務超方便多謝你地尋晚既招待 希望可以保持水準 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-10-07
High class hotpot may sound like an oxymoron but this is what it is - or tries to be. Kinda fun to concoct a mixed sauce according to one's preferences - the appetizer was cool diced cucumber with preserved jellyfish - the tomato-potato-beef soup base was real soup which became a yummy stew near the end of the meal. The pork we chose was quite juicy - the seafood very fresh - we enjoyed dipping geoduck sashimi so that it was lightly cooked with its texture and taste preserved - the razor clams were gigantic in size and very delicious - the prawns and stuffed meat balls were satisfactory. One note about the meat balls though - the contents were so hot that we both got scalded more than once. The vegetables and mushrooms going into the stew-like hotpot near the end provided a great finish to the meal. A note about the service though - a bit understaffed and servers seemed reluctant to serve water (which was free). That said, at $585 per head, it was a sumptuous meal which would have been better if staff could pay more attention to the service. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-08-15
我朋友都知我成日都好中意打邊爐,耐唔耐同朋友去食飯我都會主動話想去涮一涮。可能因為我都係一隻食肉獸掛。今次寫既上品,已經係同朋友之前去食,都隔左一段時日,但因為呢排再去食其他唔同既火鍋店,都係覺得呢間好食D,都想同大家分享下。講明我係食肉獸,當然叫左好多肉,我地都係睇左人地D食評再去到叫既,例如墨魚滑同埋櫻花牛,但我好似係叫開邊牛,不過都係非常之多汁又有D咬口!    汁料方面,呢到有好似9宮格甘show出泥比我地自己去調,岩晒我呢d多心,乜都想試既人,大家有冇食過福建隻沙茶醬?係勁好好食架呢個宮格岩晒我河車,調得番個陣味,當然我自己再加其他野,更岩我自己心喇。餐牌個到,好多送都可以自己配搭成孖寶甘,大家可以嗌多幾種食物,又唔會怕太多會食唔晒。呢到一定要叫墨魚滑喇,不過其他野,有D我地都係1516甘叫,藕餅,芝士蝦丸,開邊牛,響鈴,櫻花牛...........我今日叫左養顏竹絲雞花膠湯做底湯,花膠的主要成份為高級膠原蛋白和粘多糖物質、多種維生素及鈣、鋅、鐵、硒等多種微量元素,其蛋白含量高達84.2%,脂肪僅為0.2%。魚鰾中含有的大量生物大分子膠原蛋白,是人體補充、合成蛋白質的原料,且易於吸收和利用,而且花膠是無膽固醇,無脂肪之補品,對增進健康裨益好大,所以,花膠係男女老少全面食療健康養生保健之恩物。妙品中既極品。個湯個種鮮味,同我地係屋企飲既都似,但我覺得佢都有D漿口,雞肉放面,都係足料既,真心D雞油都有煲左出泥,唔係係出面D師傅雞湯,肉真係食左2-3碗都有。呢間湯底冇味精,真材實料湯底,大家冇住家湯水可以泥飲多多兩碗喇。櫻花牛,墨魚滑喇,芝士蝦丸喇,藕餅,開邊牛喇,即炸既響鈴,同其他野都上枱嚕。老老實實,點都係要放左蘿白丫,金針呢啲吸味料落去先,之後當然要放丸滾下啦,係等食既同時,我地食佢個櫻花牛,真係食到牛既鮮味,雖然有小小冰冰既感覺,但咬兩下佢油脂出晒黎,我的媽,好正呀!蝦丸勁推薦,因為睇落去,根據朋友估算,高達85%蝦黎,朋友話上枱係見得到佢係灰透明,係要自己打過蝦膠既人都會知係用蝦打出來先會有甘既樣,口感係好爽好爽,不過食個陣小心啲芝士燙口。我覺得呢到最好食係開邊牛,以前5明點解出黎食飯要食一片片自己都切到既牛肉黎打,不過開邊真係肉汁勁多,口感有啲咬口,5似肥牛一入口就溶,比較實在。藕餅我同我個朋友都未試過打邊爐食,勁新奇,因為爽爽中間夾左墨魚滑,幾得意既新體驗,不過好似平時媽咪整係鯪魚肉?係唔係呢到特別啲呢?響鈴呢到係即炸既,會配上酸汁一齊上枱,不過可能我地比太多好正既野吸引住,覺得佢係ok,未去到想再人覆桌~湯去到後面勁甜😭最後飽到上心口,都飲左成碗先走!下次試最簡單既豬骨湯底先~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-06-14
第一次食上品,聽朋友介紹話好高質素,一於試試火鍋醬油都好多選擇,睇下餐牌既價錢,比一般火鍋貴d我地叫左秘製馬來沙爹湯底,都幾香~紅酒澳洲肥牛-真係有放左紅酒落去呢個牛肉偏瘦,入口口感彈牙D。雪花肥牛片-好正,始終喜歡食偏肥的牛肉,呢個叫左2盤,量偏少。娃娃菜-分量都多,但係好似都係貴。。。。芝士腸同餐肉-呢兩樣質量都幾好,全部食晒!響鈴就一般,太薄身,而且炸得唔夠脆/。最後埋單一人$300,其實呢個價錢可以食到高質素既打邊爐放題。。勝在呢度環境好d。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)