6160 6715
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
15:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
I went there twice. first time was with my rotarians, and i have to say it was great food and the atmostphere was unbelieveable becoz immediately walked into the restaurant, i saw a pool table. nowadays it is quite hard to find/justify to have a pool table in a restaurant. the whole setting was a great experiene. foodwise: entrees were great, i had the king prawn linguini which was execellent. in fact, the second time i went there, i had to reorder the same dish for my wife... so i can share half of her dish..Kobe Beef cheek was perfectly cooked and tender. Seafood soup was very tasty, the seafood used were very fresh indeed, looks like they are straight off from the mkt.US berkshire porkchop was nicely marinated and cooked just right. Dessert was warm choc pudding, which can be a bit more creative though.
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女朋友生日,搵個靜靜地既地方celebrate,一心就揀私房菜! 女朋友本身 little 奄尖,每次佢安排既餐廳都有水準,所以今次我都問左好多朋友,上網做左 d research!訂檯時我講明係慶祝生日,waiter問我生日位朋友叫咩名!講下地點同環境啦! 位置係CWB百德新街! 女朋友十分心急問我去邊到食飯,當打開門,佢見到張咁大既Pool table,已經自己陰陰咀笑! Haha!環境好好,有個露台,檯與檯之間距離都算遠,可以靜靜地傾下計,每檯都有座爉燭,dou romantic! Appetizer有兩款,分別係Abalone Salad & 鵝肝,salad好開胃,好好味;鵝肝雖然細細件,但個隻食口即溶既感覺真係正呀!湯係龍蝦湯,好香龍蝦味,撈埋D Cream飲真係好正! 女朋友十分欣賞!Main Dish係Lobster with beef tenderloin & Lobster with seabass,我地每款揀左一客,為食既我可以兩樣都試下XD,哈!!兩款都有半隻龍蝦,十分鮮味,size都幾大隻,啖啖肉!Tenderloin好好味,asked for medium,明顯廚師技術好,JUST MEDIUM!本人極愛食魚,Seabass 好滑,好新鮮,大讚!!!Dessert係Napolean Cake,訂檯時已order寫happy birthday係甜品上,全程都十分擔心waiter會漏左,好彩上菜時真係有寫!女朋友十分驚喜!In general, 成餐晚飯都 over my expectation,女朋友都好開心!食物水準同服務質素都 EXCELLENT,the price is not cheap...frankly! But I think it is reasonable! around 600 bucks for each! 係銅鑼灣旺區有間咁高水準既私房菜,實在難得!
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七位好姊妹實行每月一聚的 Ladies Chat & Gathering. 第一次我地隆重其事預訂左間意大利私房菜。呢間 T’s Kitchen 喺銅鑼灣 Sogo 附近,都幾方便。入到去,其實只有兩張長枱加一張標準 Snooker Table,所以環境好靜、好有氣氛。我地book左喺 Function Room 既長枱,就可以點傾點嘈都無問題。一坐低無幾耐就黎左D法包,都幾鬆軟。傾左一陣,好快就上頭盤。頭盤喺北海道帶子同魚子吞拿魚 (Tuna Tartar with Hokkaido Scallop)。呢道菜,帶子味道好鮮、好大隻,吞拿魚都好Fresh,幾岩女仔口味。第二道係南瓜湯,好濃、好甜,湯料有少少野菌,D野菇同D湯好夾味。可能我本身鐘意食南瓜,我個人幾鐘意呢個湯。第三道主菜,我叫左牛扒 (),其他姊妹有D叫魚 (Seabass)、有D叫豬扒 (Pork Chop)。估吾到個牛扒都幾大份,我叫 Medium,牛味好鮮好濃郁,而且好 Juicy。(我爸爸勁鐘意食牛扒,對牛扒都幾有要求,但我估佢黎食的話都會鐘意呢個牛扒。)牛扒伴碟有 Potato Mash,類似薯蓉,但D薯蓉磨到勁糼細,完全無渣,好似 Sauce 咁,食落口感好滑,有D似食雪糕咁。第四道菜係甜品,我地叫左檸檬芝士蛋糕加酒心慕絲 (Mousse)。甜品都吾錯,但就普通左少少,無乜驚喜,我地都同店主反映左,佢地話會改善。由於有部份姊妹正值餵奶期,吾可以飲酒,今次就無叫酒飲。如果加埋酒,氣氛應該更正。總括,服務、食物、環境、氣氛我都好鐘意。我地一致同意可以再黎呢間搞聚會。
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WoW! Amazing service! Amazing food!T’s Kitchen is certainly one of the best restaurants that I have ever been to!I went there for lunch with my parents on last sat, and I ordered the set menu.The 4-course menu with coffee/tea is only $176! Also, very good service but NO 10% service charge!! OMG!Such a good deal!!! Where can you find this bargain?!!!!!1. Buffalo cheese with salad: everything is so tasty and the sauce is very refreshing.2. Pumpkin onion soup: very smooth, very sweet, i think the ingredients are of top quality!3. King prawn with angel hair pasta: big prawn! yummy yummy! must choose this one! don’t miss it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4. Death of chocolate: not very sweet, i like it! also, a lot of choco liquid came out once i cut it, brilliant!
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這一晚已經是第三四次上來呢間私房菜,因為以呢個水準同食材,不算貴,所以已由常去的Steak House轉過來!本身都對打Pool無咩興趣,但係一帶朋友去T's,友人都會發左癲咁打,而我亦要奉陪,因為無咩地方打Pool可以係免費呢一晚同我堂阿哥,拍擋、我阿妹同佢老公,當然不小得我最愛食! 食! 食! 既老婆一齊來食私房菜!一開始當然少不了飲少少Sparkling Wine,T's Kitchen的意大利Sparkling很不錯!因為比較Dry!(我鐘意)頭盤 :(1) Tuna Tartar,呢個菜重點係溫度,如果太凍或太暖,就會錯!呢個Tartar反而做得相當適中,秘制既Sauce相當開胃,作為前菜就變得好醒神!(2) 鵝肝,很多地方都用鴨肝,因為成本平,但基本上一食就會食得出,呢度明顯好有誠意,真係俾鵝肝,因為大致都無需要太高技術去煎同焗,所以無話有一種釘一聲既感覺!加上我同老婆話左要戒食,哈哈!點知都係破戒!(3) 龍蝦湯 ,好多地方整龍蝦湯都無咩味!呢度既龍蝦湯就真係好濃味!好正!聽經理講話用好多龍蝦頭同海鮮去做,同埋要煲足一日!好厲害! Main Dish:Tenderloin,久違了的牛肉味,再試試老婆既Seabass!個汁鎖住o係個魚度!做法之高真係比美Steak House!講番個牛,通常無得揀熟度,但做出來我覺得剛好,我諗係Medium Rare多少少,Tenderloin好處就係夠肉味,本人亦係鐘意整下野食,去Citysuper買一塊細細地都貴到爆炸,所以大時大節先買來煎俾老婆食!但唔明白整來整去都無呢度個好食,我諗因為個火同技藝,哈哈!Dessert,一向小吃甜也吃了2個cream brulee!食埋阿妹!裝飾很有英國Dom Feel,服務也很Pro和友善!基本上係我去過環境最正既Private Kitchen
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