3-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
18:00 - 02:00
Mon - Thu
18:00 - 01:00
Fri - Sat
18:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (17)
Level4 2025-03-08
Twenty Fifth Hour (中環)中環士丹利街24-26號13樓a very good speakeasy bar in central🫶🏻睇佢嘅Menu已經覺得佢好有心思 有代表唔同嘅時間嘅cocktail 由daytime較light到nighttime較strong嘅選擇都有 今次試左buzzy squad (a chrysanthemum ginseng drink) 好特別複雜嘅味道 又有菊花香 又有少少人蔘嘅回甘味🤤飲完酒仲有熱辣辣好足料嘅雞湯飲添🤤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-24
呢度雖然唔係地舖, 但係都有滿滿既客人, 遲啲黎都已經要等位, 所以如果多過3個人既話建議卜左位先黎🤓 酒類方面都係以Cocktail為主, 仲有個季節限定既Menu添😌Shaming Flower🌼($138)用加入左辣椒既Tequlia做基底, 再加入陳皮, 荔枝, 番石榴, 橙去調製, 第一啖入口會有啲辣, 加埋水果既味道呢個配搭幾特別同順口, 想再辣啲可以食一啖青辣椒🤩Newborn🌱 ($168)用VSOP做基底再加入唔同清爽夏日水果既元素, 入口酒精味會幾濃, 後面會飲到微微水果既香甜, 係季節限定Menu入面最易入口既一款😌最後埋單既時候就會送上一碗熱雞湯, 今次我地既係哈密瓜瑤柱雞湯, 湯頭好甜, 飲完成個人好暖🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
中環最近家非常火爆的Speakeasy 酒吧,名為 25:00 Twenty Fifth Hour。和朋友一起渡過happy Friday ..週五晚上嘗了他們家好多酒,我印象比較深刻的有三款:🌟starry night (這款爆好喝!)🌟10:22AM.上個月去的時候還有和香水品牌聯名的cocktail, 感覺他們的玫瑰草莓cocktail比較普通 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-12-28
調酒可以差到咁都算大開眼界。如果你係為酒而來,just leave ASAP. 到訪當晚,隔離檯幾位女士一路同侍者大聲嘻笑,場面好似牛郎店。而該侍者為我們上酒時,甚至無法正確講出每杯酒嘅名。認真的嗎? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-11-25
I recently visited with a group of friends on a Friday night, and I must say that the overall experience left much to be desired. I feel compelled to share my negative review in the hope that others can avoid the disappointment we encountered.First and foremost, I had made a reservation for our group of eight people, but to our surprise, we were not informed about the 90-minute time limit upon arrival. We were abruptly forced to leave when we had only been there for around 80 minutes. It is important to note that each of us had ordered at least two drinks, so we were definitely not occupying the table without spending. In fact, we even inquired whether we could extend our stay by continuing to order, but our request was outright rejected. Furthermore, the quality of the drinks was simply horrendous. This is not just my personal opinion; every single person at our table found the special menu for that night to be utterly disappointing. We were informed that there would be an award-winning bartender serving that evening, which only heightened our expectations. However, the cocktails we received were far from award-worthy. The flavors were off and overall, they failed to meet even the most basic standards of a decent drink. It was truly disheartening.To make matters worse, the wait staff at the bar repeatedly interrupted our limited time by asking if we wanted another round of drinks every 20 minutes. Given the fact that we were already aware of the 90-minute session restriction, this constant badgering felt intrusive and unnecessary. It disrupted our conversations and created an atmosphere of discomfort. It's baffling that the staff failed to recognize the inappropriateness of their actions, considering the time constraint we were already under.In conclusion, my experience at 25:00 was nothing short of disappointing. From the unwelcome time limit and the subpar quality of drinks, to the intrusive behavior of the wait staff, it was an evening that fell far below our expectations. I would strongly advise others to reconsider visiting this establishment if they value a relaxed and enjoyable bar experience. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)