Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 16:30
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
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Phone Reservation Details
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (12)
Level4 2020-06-10
朋友生日本身想去九龍城食泰菜嘅 但係咁啱同事介紹呢一間:跳舞蘭 話食過覺得唔錯咁 就一於去食啦 咁之前睇過食評呢就見到有個人話個員工態度唔係幾好 🤪我打個電話講嗰陣book呢 都有啲驚 問咗切餅費係免費㗎👍🏼 一去到已經諗定要食啲乜嘢㗎啦已經終於知道嗰個悪嘅姐姐係邊個🤣其實佢只係大聲啲 不過係真係有啲串嘅(認真)一去到就當體溫先啦 已經諗定要食啲咩㗎喇生蝦:咁當然一黎到當然要食過生蝦先啦!不過生蝦一碟入面就有大有細 任君選擇就正正常常冇乜特別嘅 (如果隻隻都大隻嘅話 就好啦) 串燒雞:我就覺得幾好食嘅!因為燒得唔會過老啦同埋冇乜雪藏feel嘅👍🏼燒牛:(姐姐建議係七成 )呢個本身係超級期待~因為見到人哋食嗰張相係好靚仔⋯⋯但係有時睇OpenRice有啲相又唔一樣 好奇怪🤨但係嚟到我呢一碟嘅話 我就麻麻哋⋯🥺覺得好多肥肉 唔熱嘅(可能牛扒要攤一陣先至切啦)但係麻麻哋 建議大家除非好想試P.s 影住人哋手機個碟啲係人哋食過嘅冬陰功:正正常常冇乜特別 但有啲人覺得唔夠辣 我覺得OK嘅燒豬頸肉:呢一碟豬頸肉我就覺得唔係好好食 冇溫度嘅 唔夠香 覺得我食評中過一間泰國嗰個豬頸肉好食過呢個🥺蝦餅:正正常常冇乜特別 生菜包:正正常常冇乜特別(個人鍾意再濃味啲) 馬拉盞唔知咩菜:啊 呢隻菜最驚喜係🐛呀我都知菜係有蟲嘅 但見到個下都會😖(不能只有我見到😆)😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆哈哈真係唔好意思 咁介紹返個正嘢俾大家 就係✨椒鹽魷魚✨呢個係好好食㗎 ⚡️總結:間間餐廳有啲嘢好食 有啲唔好食 都正常嘅~所以大家根據返自己口味 如果個口味同我差唔多 就可以食我推介嗰啲啦咁🙌🏼overall都OK好多熟客去食嘅 嗰個傳說中好惡嗰個姐姐 如果你成日去 係熟客嘅話就會同佢friend囉你第一次去就會覺得佢有啲惡囉 佢有時都會過嚟同你傾吓計 問吓你覺得好唔好食嘅但係就好推介大家去食嗰個椒鹽魷魚囉哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈😜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一行七人有大有細,上網揀左好耐,睇左好多地方嘅食評,最終揀左洪水橋嘅跳舞蘭,一來方便泊車,二來看餐牌價錢唔貴鎮店之寶牛肉同串燒牛豬雞必試😋😋😋木瓜沙律、蒜蓉包都唔錯炭燒豬頸肉、蝦餅,泰國菜必叫🤫最估唔到連海鮮炒飯同泰式炒金邊粉都好好食😋😋😋七個人十個餸,連四杯飲品一支大啤都係$1200,經理姐姐仲送甜品🥰題外話,經理姐姐好好人,又好識講笑,製造氣氛,仲送左張卷留返我哋下一次再嚟食一個愉快的晚上好好的體驗下次一定會再嚟😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-01-05
萳茜好鍾意食泰菜,所以成日都想食。其實我一心諗住去另一間,點知已經....唔係度啦。嗚嗚...帶朋友黎到洪水橋,試唔到果間咪搵另一間,反正唔試又點知好唔好食姐。由於我好鍾意試未去過嘅餐廳,所以都搵到另一間泰菜餐廳--跳舞蘭。我地去到都已經係夜晚9點,問佢地都未收,但已經無乜食客同開始執嘢。見咁夜拿拿臨落order先,點左個生蝦刺身,鹽燒烏頭,馬拉盞椰菜苗同泰式金邊粉。鹽燒烏頭制作需時,所以一定要早啲叫。人少少上菜都快,然而入去聽到侍應同個廚都係泰國人就更加有信心而每樣菜水準都好平均,一啲都唔會有中伏嘅感覺,而個烏頭真係我地食哂前3味之後慢慢等先到。咁我悶悶地咪問下侍應有無泰式粉腸食,因為我上網睇到真係好吸引,係香港又搵唔到邊度有得食喎,點知又俾我傾計傾到有一味侍應特別推介而個餐牌又係無嘅菜-->就係粉腸豬皮生菜包聽到都想試,侍應話我知,如果想食就預早前幾日打去落order,等佢地準備。咁我一定會返黎 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-09-29
家人聽朋友推介話洪水橋有間好味嘅泰國餐廳於是今日專程黎食.一行5人叫左好多野食老闆娘好好人直言擔心我地食唔曬,可以落住先,一陣再嗌最終嗌左青木瓜沙律、冬蔭公湯、串燒、馬拉盞炒通菜、烤魚、小食拼盤、椰青、咖哩蟹同蒜蓉多士.老闆娘好好人除左比建議我地嗌咩食物仲轉左張大少少嘅枱比我地方便放食物期間都有過黎傾下計問下食物如何.第一碟上嘅係青木瓜沙律(小辣)味道真係好地道好夠味,小辣黎講都幾辣家人覺得好好食不過由於太夠味變左之後上嘅冬蔭公湯同馬拉盞炒通菜都好似唔夠辣咁🙈.咖哩蟹好好味蒜蓉包比較薄身可以更容易吸咖哩汁蟹肉都唔錯,唔會黏住曬喺殼不過蟹鉗好似比較多水.其他食物不過不失餐廳仲送左碟椰汁糕家人話係好天然嘅椰味唔錯.整體黎講老闆娘好友善食物都唔錯下次有機會會再黎 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-09-06
I want to have a happy lunch during relaxing weekend. But I have a very bad experience Once I had ordered the lunch and waiting. Suddenly I heard a woman is roaring. I was thinking if the customer dissatisfied the food quality and blame the waitress. I feel shock it's the waitress is blaming the girl (should be customer) lolActually I understand argument can be occurred for any situation. But just feel strange that the waitress needs to blame again and again and use the loudest sound to roar the girl? I had witnessed that she was repeat and repeat to blame the girl and the girl seems was still keeping good attitude. This waitress is fat and in short hair style. She should be Hong Konger as bit different with other staff. Mostly they should be Thai. I feel bad to witness this scene as really affect my mood to have lunch. Really can't be relaxing! How come the waitress can be impolite like this. She doesn't respect the customer, the boss, the restaurant even herself! If I am her boss I must fire her immediately!The food is very good in this restaurant. But I'll consider whether I'll come again if still have this waitress! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)