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Review (11)
Level4 2017-02-04
We are all familiar with the common chocolate brands like Cadbury, Godiva, Lindt, etc. Nonetheless, are you satisfied with them? The endless desire and hunger for the spectacular chocolate seem to be impossible to erase, however the decadent of Valrhona’s chocolate can absolutely make my day (perhaps yours as well). I was flattered to receive a box of Valrhona X Christian Lacroix Chocolate Crus around Christmas, four selections of simple yet delicious chocolate crus in one box. A little background of Valrhona, a historical French chocolate brand, was established since 1922. The delicate creation and production can ensure the high quality for every chocolate, hence they becomes the supplier for multi grand and luxury restaurant, such as The Mira, Peninsula, etc. It cannot be found at most of the international supermarket like CitySuper or Marketplace, and Great Food Hall at Pacific Place is the only location where it can be found. Back to the crus gift box, the eye-catching box was designed by the famous fashion designer, Christian Lacroix. It made use of the elegant and royal patterns, which make the gift box look simple and glamorous. There are four gift boxes for different types of chocolate, this sharp pink one is referring to the dark and milk chocolates. Each gift box includes 16 pieces of four flavored chocolate, Cappuccino, Salted Caramel, Grand Cru Tanvariva and Grand Cru Guanaja. People who fancy in bittersweet or even dark chocolate, would totally enjoy and appreciated them. The creamy fillings coated with the dark chocolate, it can balance the sweetness. My favourite is the Salted Caramel, cuz after all girls are more into the sweet thing lol. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-02-01
其實成日都會路經金鐘太古廣場嘅Great,每次見到呢間朱古力店都好想試吓。咁啱有同事調職,咁就諗住買盒朱古力送俾同事。行到counter,一個女售貨員走埋嚟向我介紹佢哋公司不同款式嘅朱古力,喺我仲十五十六諗緊買邊款朱古力之際,女售貨員隨即好樂意咁攞出1款經典朱古力俾我即場試食,我打開一試,咦~係72%嘅黑朱古力喎,口感好滑之餘,朱古力嘅香味仲好突出,而且亦唔會一味死甜,果然富有層次於是我二話不說,立即買咗1盒。臨近新年,我又買咗1盒多款不同可可度數嘅朱古力番屋企與家人分享,而屋企人亦大讚好味更值得一提嘅係,經理Amii真係好親切,每次都毫不吝嗇咁送片裝朱古力sample俾客人試食,仲要多謝客人為佢哋品牌做宣傳。佢向我講,文華酒店都係用佢哋公司嘅朱古力㗎,果真有一定嘅級數。總之,每次離開呢間店嘅時候,客人總會感受到咩叫賓至如歸嘅感覺 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-02-16
每次同烘焙店買材料,朱古力一定會選Valrhona,卻不知原來這來自法國的品牌,除了甜品製作用的朱古力,還有直接品嚐的朱古力,更重要的是,零售店已登陸香港。情人節收到Valrhona,既驚又喜。為了送我一盒最好的朱古力,做足功課,這夜搖身一變,成了專家,向我解釋不同的濃度,不同的味道,口裡沒說甚麼,心裡其實感動不已。男友叮囑,一定要寫食評。聽著他形容,店員如何熱情地介紹各式各樣的朱古力,知識豐富之外,更散發著對朱古力的無比熱愛,甚至感染到他,聽得我也想親自拜會。除了介紹,店員亦慷慨地給他試食,務求選對最適合自己的朱古力。先是自選的精品朱古力,比包裝朱古力,會甜一點。簡單卻浪漫的設計。有33%-85%的選擇。選了3款,細心地預了媽媽的份兒。85%的Grand Cru Abinao,70%的Sensation Palet Or和66%的Fraicheur Truffe Caraibe。頭兩款硬脆的外殻,包著濃滑的ganache。第一顆較稠,口感較強,雖是85%,但仍算甜。最後一款則是黑朱古力粉,為帶奶香的ganache添上一層苦澀,既有層次,又降低甜度。Angelina的熱朱古力,雖然夠稠,卻甜個半死。男友於是自製熱朱古力,把可可粉和牛奶逐少混和,隨個人喜好加糖。可可味很香濃,苦澀而不帶酸。手裡拿著暖笠笠的杯子,滿口朱古力的一刻,覺得自己是世界上最幸福的女人。口感不夠滑,有空再研究如何沖出完美的熱朱古力。最後,是一盒由33%到85%,8種濃度的朱古力,每款4塊。一口氣試勻8款,看似瘋狂,卻能真正體會到濃度的漸變,甚至同一濃度,也可有不同的味道。喜歡黑朱古力的我,卻對64% Noir  Manjari一試鍾情。在口中慢慢融化,濃郁的味道,帶點黏的口感,感覺很強。33% Lait Tanariva 奶味重得像Kinder。66% Noir Caraibe眾款中口感最幼滑。85% Noir Abinao澀中帶甜,內心一片複雜。70% Noir Guanaja最平衡。試完恍如經歷了一個有高有低,有起有跌的旅程。雖然你大都選了黑朱古力,但味蕾的理智已被心裡的甜絲絲蓋過。情人節快樂。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level6 2013-07-13
反正經過金鐘太古廣場第二期 LG 層 great food hall ,兜一個圈!見到有兩間朱古力 Godiva 及Valrhona! 好奇走到 "Valrhona" 一問菲籍俊男店員,原來朱古力來自法國!  有不同款式以克計算的朱古力、片裝朱古力、禮裝朱古力、還有烘焙用的朱古力...等等! 我發覺這品牌在甜品店也出現過! 我在店中細看期間,熱情的男店員送我 3 片朱古力 ( 有售一排 6 片裝朱古力,即是送我半排朱古力!) 非常慷慨! 他告訴我,遲些 9 月會轉 Packing !  可能是這個原故吧!所以盡量清咗現有 Packing 的朱古力!他給我 3 片不同可可濃度的朱古力!分別是 40%, 66% & 70%。40% 可可濃度朱古力牛奶味重!質感幼滑不甜膩! 66% & 70% 可可濃度黑朱古力兩者可可濃度相若!甘苦程度也差不多! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-01-11
屋企間唔使都會有些好東西放在桌上,多是阿妹的貢獻。這天,有Valrhona的朱古力豆及朱古力奶,果然很有聖誕氣氛。朱古力豆不是甜得要命的那種,但味道香醇,口感爽脆,美味可口。另日,又煲了朱古力奶來喝,是濃得化不開的,而且我即煲即飲,熱騰騰的,自然正斗。聖誕期間,屋企還有很多好東西,另文介紹。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)