2-min walk from Exit B1, Prince Edward MTR Station
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Opening Hours
06:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
$78片皮鴨好食🤤皮好脆👍而且片得好靚 $88半打蠔蒜蓉蒸都好抵食 啲蠔係即開而且好大粒🤝$42四粒小籠包 大大粒但皮薄餡多 唔會話大粒就皮厚😽上菜速度超快👏啱啱叫完即刻送到😼而且重要熱到出煙依家香港已經好少可咁嘅價錢有咁嘅質素👍好抵食!
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今午放lunch約埋幾位同事一齊去位於太子彌敦道聯合廣場的“百好名宴”共聚午飯。這間酒樓地方寬敞,光線充足,坐得都感覺舒服。我們發現了午市時段的“三五知己自選套餐”都幾扺食,分別有A&B餐。A餐$168,可以選一款粉/麵/飯+一款小食+2款點心。B餐$238,可以選一款粉/麵/飯+一款小食+5款點心。由於我們有4個人,於是就揀了B餐。“三五知己自選套餐”B餐 $238瑞士汁乾炒牛河份量都夠大碟,牛肉醃得夠入味和淋身,河粉炒得色水均勻,再配上洋蔥絲和九王,豐富了這道菜的味道。沙薑雞腳雞腳好有沙薑味,再點上少許沙薑醬汁,提升了雞腳的香味,但可惜雞腳炆得不夠淋,比較硬身。南乳炆豬手熱辣辣的南乳炆豬手端出來香味撲鼻,豬手炆得夠淋身,而且非常入味,食落一陣陣南乳的香味滿佈口腔裏,滋味無窮。豉蒜蒸排骨排骨又淋又滑,食落感覺到有濃郁的豉蒜香味,味道不錯,但可惜略為肥膩。桂林牛肉腸免治牛肉饀料十足,肉裏混入了馬蹄粒和芫茜碎,豐富了我的口感,且粉皮夠滑而不厚,再掛上了豉油汁,提升了這碟點心的香味。川芎百芷蒸滑雞熱辣辣的川芎百芷蒸滑雞端出來香味四散,食落感覺到有濃烈的川芎百止香味,雞肉醃得入味和嫩滑,十分好味。紅油抄手這碟點心皮滑肉厚,食落微微的免治豬肉汁流進口腔裏,再掛上微辣的醬汁和花生碎,感覺好味。
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1st visit: weekend 1:30pm坐在小房間 冷氣大概比大廳低幾度其他體驗okay2nd visit: weekend 1:30pm1:30pm入坐 被要求2:30pm離坐 因為當晚有酒席要擺枱(I wonder when will banquet start?)anyway 我趕時間 接受了此offer3rd visit: weekend around 1pm我二人不搭枱 不介意等位 站在派票等位櫃枱旁卻被嫌阻礙她視線熟客不用取票 可以直接入坐有幾張五至六人枱寧空置也不给客人入坐房內有幾張方枱 不擺餐具擱置在一角不放椅(有很多沒人用的椅)也不安排兩枱在等位客人入坐總结:my 3rd visit experience (if pit into video) could serve as a wonderful negative example on any customer service training. Unbelievable!The staffs there seem to ve no understanding how much a customer with bad experience could bad mouth them.
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I’m new to Hong Kong from America(State of Michigan) and I am familiar with Dim Sum. Most Saturday mornings I escort my mother in law to her Doctor appointments. When we are at the Doctor near this restaurant we attend. The food is always consistent (Dim Sum wise) but I’ve never tried their other meal sets or dishes besides a few of the soups. They have a wide variety of traditional Dim Sum dishes, one menu is in English/Cantonese as well. The other menus offer deals on some of the same items, but in Chinese only, so if you have a translation app., that works and you can save a few more dollars. The service is hit or miss, they are all friendly, but seemed constantly short staffed, so sometimes delays in putting in food order. The two types of hot tea that I have tasted are, the traditional chinese tea and a jasmine tea as well. Both are good, but I prefer their traditional tea. I love spicy, but their sour/spicy soups are bland in flavor with just spicy heat. I prefer a balance, something spicy yet tasty enough to keep me wanting to go back for the burn. All in all, a clean, and consistent Dim Sum restaurant that keeps me coming back.
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