Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
18:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
友人生日更係要出來食餐飯吹下水, 今次佢提議想試下W52 , 所有星期二晚我地2個就再來蘭桂坊, 估唔到星期二既蘭桂坊一樣精采想都想唔明點解D人可以晚晚浦BAR仲要喜歡企係度飲酒吹水..不過我這種宅女係唔會明白架啦.今次唔係俾人安排 , 所以2條友睇MENU研究都研究好耐先叫左..先來個麵包藍, 旁邊係用白豆整既醬..不過本身D包麻麻地配個醬都無咩特別...頭盤我地叫左BEEF TARTAR WITH BLACK TRUFFLE同白酒煮蜆, 明明上次食既BEEF TARTAR都唔係咁, 今次雖然有TRUFFLE但一D都無味連生牛肉都唔覺得好味, 至於個蜆就唔錯, 帶少少酒香D肉又鮮甜, 成晚最喜歡就係這個.今次佢地既SPECIAL MENU以WHITE TRUFFLE為主題, 店員推介我地食個WHITE TRUFFLE PASTA另外我地叫左個BLACK COD(不過又係上次食過既, 但當然又係上次來食正好多, 今次偏咸扣分扣分呀)至於個PASTA就好好味, 可能係D意粉本身少少熱再即場整D WHITE TRUFFLE令到D白松露出左少少香味, 都算唔錯, 不過睇埋個價錢我都係覺得唔值得試. 最後2條友更係叫埋甜品, CONNIE選左tiramisu另外店員推介既Napoleon, 點知店員介紹既Napoleon係超超超甜仲要係多cream真係嚇人, 成碟野最好味係個咖啡雪糕, 至於個tiramisu係無咩特別令人驚喜.其實我地由7時半就開始食, 一去到成層得另一枱客, 不過好似未夠8時就已經走左, 所以2條傻婆就由8點包場到10點幾...不過整體來講第2次再來既食物已經覺得麻麻.
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W52 - on Wyndham street, right opposite to the LKF hotel. Easily accessible to and from LKF. Great location for a nice chilled dinner before a good drink! G/F was the bar area. We arrived at around 8pm and it was pretty packed considering that it was a Tuesday night; good ambience. The lift could bring you to any of the 1/F-3/F (3/F being the "Kitchen Table" - private dinning experience). We were seated on the 2/F.Service was in general good. They managed to add an extra seat for us (originally a table for 4). Good recommendations of food by a courteous waitress. Wine and water refilled often. Plates changed swiftly. Bill came with no hassle. One slight hiccup - the waiter failed to remove the cork of our red, he had to bring the bottle away to sort it out, it was resolved at the end though Bread Basket Nice Bread Basket. It was served with some kind of hummus (that did not go well with all types of bread served, but it was nice). Was particularly impressed with the cute mini squid ink roll. It did not just look black for the sake of being black. There was really a nice mild (mild, not in a negative way) hint of squid ink flavour. Grissini was also memorable; super crispy!! Would be even better if served warmer! Cinta Senese ham served with a fresh tomato and olives bruschetta The ham was very smoky, full-body, flavourful and just romantic . Bruschetta unbelievably crispy! The tomato and olives on top paired up very well; the olives did the magic and brought a whole new dimension and complexity to the taste. Would not recommend having the ham and the bruschetta together though. Both deserve to be enjoyed on its own. Fresh Burrata cheese / crisp Lattuga heart / Sicilian tomato and olive Burrata means "buttered" in Italian. Solid mozzarella as the thin outer shell. Sliced it open and the creamy cheese ozzed out! It felt so simple, so natural, so fresh - SO GOOD! Came with it: "crisp lattuga heart" which was indeed really fresh and crisp! Tomato - there appeared to be two types, fresh ones and sun-dried ones! Nice and thoughtful offer. Olivers. All went well together! Fresh Chitarrini / Hokkaido sea urchin / green asparagus This was VERY NICE!! The chitarrini was perfectly al dente (honestly, perfectly al dente) soaked generously with the creamy pasta base sauce. Sea urchin, fresh, creamy and fat. Just the right amount of asparagus. Asparagus has its very own distinctive taste, and it went very well with the whole dish putting the spotlight on the sea urchin. It somehow toned down the strong and yummy pasta sauce (in a good way) bringing a hint of "fresh-veg-bitterness". Then BANG! Reward yourself a bit of sea urchin. It was like magic. Roasted suckling pig "alla maniera Toscana" / baby potato / Topinambur / Mandarancio sauceThis was my least favourite dish of the night, still ok though. I found the skin roasted more towards the chewy-side than the crispy-side (I personally do not enjoy chewy suckling pig skin too much ). The fat proportion in each piece was slightly too much as well. The mandarancio sauce went well with the dish though; a beautiful balance of taste. Mandarancio is basically clementine. If handled not carefully, it could easily be too sweet and overwhelming. Scallop RisottoSUPERB!!! The scallop was very fresh and done just right (overcooked scallops are a waste). The heart of it was a bit silky, perfection! The risotto was well-cooked; it was rich and creamy and there was the right amount resistance and bite. It did not only taste nice. There was this hint of zesty tingle while I chewed , and that lasted to a beautiful after-taste! One of the best risottos I have had in Hong Kong!! yumyumyum!! When I first heard of W52, I only thought of B-52 (the Kahlua, Bailey's & Grand Marnier shot) and immediately I thought it would be more of a "bar" (indeed it has a lively bar area) than a nice restaurant. W52 impressed me! An enjoyable dinner. This is somewhere I will return.
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和朋友約了在中環吃午餐,一直也在想到底應該到那裡吃好,雖然W52一直也是自己想去的地方,卻也還是嘗試再找一下有沒有更好的選擇,結果左思右想後,還是來到這裡,因為實在找不到比這裡更吸引的地方了。*v*早在數天前打來訂了位,店員態度也是非常親切的,最後店員安排了窗邊的位置給我,雖然沒有很漂亮的景色,但在陽光絢爛的日子,被太陽光照射下吃一頓溫暖的午餐也很不錯呢。這裡的午餐是Semi-buffet的形式,價錢也隨著不同的main course而不同,不過對我來說最吸引的還是甜品的部份。之前聽朋友說過這裡的甜品在refill時還會有新的款式推出,是次見到的不只甜品,想不到連Antipasti也是一樣,一邊吃偶而會發現有新的款式出現,結果整個過程也停不下來,就是不停吃吃吃,有時連拍照也被我拋諸腦後了…….點菜後店員會送上bread basket,有三款其中最喜歡Grissini,非常香口而且脆卜卜,其他麵包都幾鬆軟的,雖然不是好夠熱,旁邊那個醬是用豆蓉製成的,味道不是很濃烈但都幾清新的。Antipasti既buffet實在非常多選擇,盡量每一款都有吃吃看,有很多醃製過既蔬菜,全部都酸酸的幾開胃,食落亦感覺材料是新鮮的,mixed salad亦有多款,其中一款是魚+蜆肉的就味道偏鹹了點。我想它是每日的款式也有所不同,是日吃到其中一個羊肉卷覺得很好吃,肉質軟腍得來味道很出。還有大家一定會留意到的parma ham with melon,切得很薄身,感覺新鮮而且味道濃郁,又不會太乾身,加上超香甜蜜瓜,很好吃呀,另外還有兩款cold cut和香腸都是很不錯的。Cheese platter有數款選擇,雖說不出名字,但其中有一款朋友很喜歡吃的,texture較軟身而且味道亦濃,但其實我更喜歡配cheese platter旁邊的脆薄,非常脆口又帶點點香草味,非常不錯的。不過等main course的時間實在非常漫長,之後店員過來解釋原來是日有人在樓上包了場,所以廚房較忙,幸好我們都不太趕時間呢,在等的途中我還再拿了一回前菜吃,哈哈。Main course朋友選了mushroom risotto,我想他應該也滿意的,我嚐了一口,飯粒外軟內硬,幾有咬口的。味道亦不錯,混合了雜菌和忌廉,香味都算濃郁而且又不會過鹹,因為事隔一日我在另一間亦吃了同一款食物,那裡的我就覺得偏鹹了點呢。而我就選了Spaghetti with King Prawn & Porcini,不知這款意粉是否這裡homemade的,但真的很特別,它的形狀是偏四方形的,吃下去還吃到蛋香而且煮得al dente,真的剛好帶點點硬身,很喜歡其口感呢。King Prawn肉質爽口,鮮味亦不俗,配上牛肝菌整個意粉都很惹味呢。雖然一直吃吃吃都覺得很滿意,但最最最喜歡的還是其甜品buffet,真的每一款都很好吃的!!!! 是日我吃過的有lemon tart,chocolate cake,tiramisu,fruit tart,泡芙,crème brulee等等等等,lemon tart檸檬味非常突出,味道夠酸很清新好吃,撻底又不會太腍。Tiramisu也是很不錯,酒味和咖啡味兩者皆有,mascarpone又夠濃滑,我只吃了一次就被其他客人吃光了…….Crème brulee蛋香頗重而且幾幼滑的,表面的焦糖脆身而且亦不會太厚,吃下去的時候還吃到點點橙味,令整個crème brulee頓時變得沒那麼膩呢。Fruit tart也是很好吃,生果很新鮮,吃了一款是blueberry的很鮮甜,而且它的忌廉又是甜而不膩,是日我只吃了一個,之後又被其他客人吃光了。但廚師出來時我還不死心的問他還有沒有,結果他說fruit tart就沒有了,不如弄拿破崙給你吧!! 哈哈,那一刻實在覺得超級幸運,雖然明知他不是特地弄的,還是覺得很貼心呀。結果拿破崙也是很好吃,分別是藍莓和紅莓的,兩款我也吃過,因為它的酥皮脆得來還帶點牛油香,加上那和fruit tart一樣不膩的忌廉在中間,真的吃多一兩件也沒問題。其中有一款我覺得很好吃但不知道是什麼名字,它是四方型然後一層層酥皮的,內裡有著類似custard的東西,它的酥皮非常香脆不在說,我咬一口幾乎散到周圍都是,而且custard香甜得來還帶有點點酒香,非常好吃。以上的我全部都覺得很不錯,但其實之後我最懷念的還而是其chocolate cake,那一刻覺得吃一件已經很夠,但其實它真的很好吃的,吃下去感覺light得來朱古力味依然香濃,我在第二天起床時想到的也是它……最後再以一杯咖啡為這頓午餐畫上句號,雖不是很好喝,但仍然覺得很滿足呢。總結整頓也吃得很開心和滿意,當然最開心的是甜品的部分啦,我在第二天已經覺得很懷念很想再吃一遍了,所以非常推介大家來吃吃看呀。是日在這裡渡過了很快樂的時光,我的笑容好像一直不曾消失似的,所以這裡的笑面是給定的了。實在很感謝朋友請客,下次再輪到我請你吃好吃的東西啦。*v*
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oct 29, 11...........2人來lunch...........食咗 :1) 麵包籃 (免費)-有3款麵包,其1喺grissini,另有墨魚汁包仔同garlic focaccia-grissini脆,而個focaccia很鬆,也很有蒜味-唯獨唔熱啫-個dip(sorry,lock唔實focus)用咗應該有火箭菜,因有其微苦味,幾特別2) antipasti buffet (包咗)-佢嘅antipasti table唔大,只喺1張普通圓枱,款式算喺多-最吸住我對眼當然喺parma ham w/melon啦,3款cold cut,2-3款mixed好嘅沙律,醃過嘅唔同蔬菜,有南瓜,紅菜頭,露筍,青瓜,茄子,cheese platter等-佢嘅火腿唔會喺好長年期,不過鹹得來又有鮮味,薄得來很柔軟,而個蜜瓜好熟,好甜-其他蔬菜大多醃過,有點酸,而其1番茄紫洋蔥絲沙律好味-2款嫩粉紅色嘅cold cut都好,深紅嘅腸就估唔到辣到飛起,我只切咗1小口,真的想跳舞咁滯,即時放棄3) main coursei) spaghetti vongole (hk$195)-喺細隻嘅蜆,鮮度錯普通啦-個意粉有彈性,唔腍,已算有口咁-不過下嘅橄欖油好似多咗dii) rigatoni ($195)-呢個意粉真喺稱得上al dente喇..........不過友人就略嫌硬咗d-個sauce濃,香菇味,少"杰",剛剛夠,唔會好似湯咁-配料只有菇同火腿-因為聞說佢嘅pasta得,所以選來2款都喺pasta-main course仲有魚呀,肉呀揀,不過就要$2554) dessert buffet (包咗)-呢個喺我另1揀嚟呢道食嘅主因,尤其佢嘅profiteroles-見食友大約1/2年前嘅食評,讚過佢嘅profiteroles..........我超鐘意puff呀,eclair呀,profiteroles呀呢種甜品.........但出面餐廳嘅dessert menu好少見..........所以1直好想來-為確保1定有profiteroles,我特意喺佢哋嘅website留咗個request...........佢哋都覆得好快,confirm1定會準備-甜品種類算喺咁啦,多就唔講得-當日嘅甜品有profiterles, tiramisu,apricot pie, chestnut tart, baba, creme brulee, apple crumble, 芝士pancake同生果粒-除咗apricot pie, apple crumble同生果粒無試外,其他全部都試晒-最喜歡喺profiteroles,因佢個皮真喺好鬆脆,用力1點,就會裂,裡面嘅custard cream唔甜,好食,共食咗3個-栗子撻嘅栗子味出,不過個皮就唔喺酥脆嗰種,小軟身-而個朱古力蛋糕truffle部份很滑,也很濃-baba好有特色,平時要配以rum酒點火...........lunch嘅buffet,當然無+酒+火..........換成cream同vanilla sauce,好似soak過檸檬味嘅糖水咁,喺咁多款甜品中最有甜意的-唯獨tiramisu同芝士pancake嘅mascarpone cheese同cream好似有點溶feel,賣相變得有點1pat嘢咁 5) 水-sorry,呢度要比$$$$叫水6) 熱檸水-當然正常啦7) 熱奶茶-唔知味道如何,但最impress就喺壼奶,喺打熱咗嘅,好detail* 好多謝友請客............嗰日好失策咁無帶相機...........以上嘅相都喺用友人嘅iphone影出嚟............都好得喎~* 見buffet tables嘅食物款式都幾意大利吓...........尤其antipasti,而且煮法都好鬼佬,pasta嘅硬度唔會遷就香港人,所以我like* 服務很好...........之前喺website上留request,又覆得快.........現場waitor很熱心,又同出去搵嘢食嘅客人講解吓枱上食物...........waitress都有問我哋覺得佢哋嘅食物如何* 佢哋嘅牙籤好別緻喺我第1次見~~~~
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「像天堂...」坐下之後,部分同事有這種感覺。有兩重意思:首先是,剛剛在戶外受過盛夏高熱,這裡份外涼快;另外,店內設計以白色為基調,叫人想起人間以外的世界(當然,大家其實都未曾到過天堂,如何得知天堂的顏色是題外話)。這天主菜有Pici in Tomato Sauce,番茄醬當然不陌生,至於Pici則要請教侍應。「好似烏冬...」意式Pasta想不到用日本麵食作比較說明。「...不過質地較烏冬要韌一點。」出於好奇,點了。侍應提供的導賞很準確,也很有需要。這Pici外型確實九成似烏冬,而質地又的而且確比一般Pasta要求的al dente感覺更堅實許多,初吃也許會有點不習慣。大概也由於這緣故,這Pici特別飽肚,幸好配搭濃濃番茄醬,只飽不滯。餐前餐後的Appetizer Buffet及餐後的Dessert Buffet,前人都說過,不再細表。美中不足:這天主菜來得較慢,落單至上菜差不多一小時,往好處想,造就了大好藉口讓我們大吃Appetizer。
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