8-min walk from Exit E3, Tin Shui Wai MTR Station; 近屏山文物徑, 坑尾公廁對面 continue reading
The must-try signature item, Tomato and Egg Pineapple Bun, is a pioneering creation. Coupled with a cup of milk tea, this is the ideal afternoon snack. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Restaurant in Yuen Long (2014-16)
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
08:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 17:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (464)
蕃茄豬扒米+招牌芝士鹹牛肉蛋豬仔包+再加多杯凍奶茶(每次都係我嘅必食之選)由元朗搬到去天水圍都一直有幫襯😂,雖然對於住喺九龍嘅我,但我對華嫂冰室嘅愛都無減少🥲,因華嫂冰室其他分店都無咁好食所以無計啦唯有入到黎天水圍食。蕃茄豬扒米平日黎食蕃茄湯會俾週末味道更加濃郁,但我對佢嘅愛不減😂。招牌芝士鹹牛肉蛋豬仔包今日叫嘅時候,姐姐話:「好多好多人叫包😂😂😂」點知差唔多食哂米粉包就到了。評分:上癮程度:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️美味程度:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️外貌程度:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️價錢低食:⭐️⭐️⭐️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-10-08
疫情期間完全唔敢出街,今日因為要幫個女做兒童身分證,所以被迫全家出動!搞掂之後就去咗華嫂食早餐,實在太掛住個鹹牛肉包同埋芫荽皮蛋湯底,我就最最最最緊要食佢哋嘅煎魚餅,又香又薄又脆,當然唔少得杯奶茶啦!我覺得搬咗之後舒服咗好多,如果唔係太熱嘅話坐出邊都幾休閒,坐入邊所有冷氣嘆!不過雖然搬咗,但係枱嘅數量都係差唔多...即係都要好似以前咁繼續等位,我哋三個人10:30到都等咗半個鐘先有位,但係泊車就方便左! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-04-05
元朗店是富有原始風味的店舖,但位子偏僻在村落裏面,需要有車。而且,位子和位子之間好迫近,所以能外賣就外賣。同時,平時都會要排隊!招牌菠蘿包有大大件牛油,厚實的蕃茄切片和超滑炒蛋。菠蘿包外脆內軟,外賣還有餘溫,而且不會有太乾身的感覺。這個一流!豬扒菠蘿包甜味菠蘿包加上咸味豬扒,本身以為味道會好奇怪。但是聰明地加上微酸的芥末醬,讓兩者能夠互相配合,味道意外地配合和好食。菠蘿包保持一貫水準,外脆內軟又不乾身。最後加上生菜,食完一個也不覺膩!比較可惜的是奶茶冰花外賣回家就已經溶化了,變成了普通奶茶的味道。可能要下次再試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-03-28
合規brunch 三人前!勁滿足🥁🌈💋孖寶真係無得去打家劫舍,個樣太易認😁😍老闆娘認得孖寶,真榮幸,好開心😍不枉我地晨早溜溜帶 茂利dy 嚟吔好嘢💖超過50年嘅承全美食, 真係 又有喜又有愁!從前總係人太多,匆匆忙忙,趕趕急急!呢刻 今日冇咁趕急,真係 另有一番滋味😋仲可以同靚靚老闆娘聊天,拍照留念🎉😚個蕃茄湯係近期愛吃的一款湯品!呢度味道適中唔好留下嗰個咁甜亦都冇三哥 嗰個咁淡💓 加芫茜皮蛋魚片頭魚肉湯米真係唔錯💝 應該真係冇味精我飲咗成碗都冇口渴😁 另外一個芫茜皮蛋肉片 米粉朋友都讚不絕口! 仲成碗食曬😜 三條茂利分享埋嗰個招牌菠蘿油同埋個水牛芝士包都仲可以,咁你話掂唔掂🥰 不過可惜呢!就係成日要排長籠,同埋好早買曬㗎啦! 大家要小心注意 避免 白行一趟🤣💖🙏🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-03-23
I finally made it to this spot! I love little local cafe spots like this but was not waiting a long time on the weekend to sit in a hot cafe. Therefore I finally got a chance to come during the weekday and was sat within 5 minutes. I sat on a table with other people which killed my experience a little and I was not blown away by the bun. The bread was good but the sandwich was not for me. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)