2-min walk from Exit D1, Causeway Bay MTR Station
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It is managed by Chef Vanne Kuwahara, the owner of ‘蕃 YORONIKU’ which is famous in Tokyo. The signature dish is Hiyama A5 Kuroge Wagyu Beef which is well-flavored and juicy. The cuisine is very creative, such as the Hiyama A5 Kuroge Wagyu Sandwich.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
Public Holiday
Public Holiday Eve
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
3月果陣曾經食過哩間和牛蕃店內供應任食A5日山和牛牛味濃郁 油脂豐富店員見差唔多食完 就會主動幫你refill牛肉有係日本食和牛嘅感覺除左和牛 仲有海鮮 小食供應哩間應該係我係hk食過最好食嘅牛肉放題🐂可惜想再食嘅時候發現已經結業只可以睇相回味下🥲
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本來係同事推介呢間燒肉出左放題,再加上燒肉質素唔錯就決左試一試! 店員一見我入嚟都唔無比水比menu我,都係我出聲問先比我,觀感上就無咁好,後來又被告知lunch時段暫時無放題,最後我哋決定食lunch set燒肉,性價比就認真唔高啦,值唔值得就見仁見智~
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之前經過門口都已經想試但往往期望越高 失望越大論裝修環境:中上由下面大門,行上餐廳,樓梯偏暗但有海洋燈光加持幾有feel,個人認為幾靚ge六點未到 已經到餐廳登記埋填資料入去都未夠六點但係話用餐時間到七點九 (說好的120分鐘任食燒肉呢? 仲要七點三已經last order)只有兩個餐簡單黎講就係"有和牛"同"無和牛"嘅分別每論邊個餐,餐牌後面都係任食揀個平嘅試吓先 (好彩揀個平ge)燒肉最愛搭啤酒 可惜兩個飲品放題都無啤酒唯有另外嗌不過都唔平,三百毫升盛惠88揀完餐會有頭盤海鮮拼盤只上一次 無得再嗌任食一向都係首輪嘅野食係最令人滿意海鮮係新鮮嘅 連肉都係靚啲肉類:豬腩片好細塊,頭盤有幾粒荔枝,侍應叫用豬腩肉夾住黎食,都幾過癮,荔枝味豬肉雞肉,意料之外好食過牛肉,真係好嫩滑牛舌,又乾又靭,好很難食,第二間啲牛舌上檯係紅色,呢間牛舌係深色,好似燙過再拎去雪,但侍應話係生㗎喎安格斯牛,得首輪叫靚啲,之後嗌都麻麻地。加上切得唔夠厚身,燒兩燒變牛肉乾蔬菜:首輪上咗一堆蔬菜,無再嗌過小食:吉列蝦 - 好似用甜蝦ge size, 炸完出黎淨係食到炸粉,條蝦肉細到睇唔到春卷 - 唔脆又無餡咁辣和牛他他壽司 - OK,不過食唔出係牛肉他他,件壽司唔大件,可以一試唔撐胃麻醬冷豆腐 - 不過不失 (豆腐加芝麻醬咁都出事就奶野啦!)枝豆 - 都係不過不失,無落鹽,所以好清新 (笑)中華沙律 - 都係中華沙律,份量唔多,鍾意可以嗌螺肉 - 都係螺肉,都係份量唔多,非常好炸雞塊 - 負分,舊粉大過件雞炒雜菜 - 甜豉油炒菜芝士甜蛋 - 負分x100, 難食到暈,玉子都算啦,呢舊野不知所謂芝士年糕 - 咬落只有成口油溫泉蛋 - 不過不失其他:迷你和牛漢堡 - 好好食,成個餐最好食係佢,包係脆,肉又夠味,唔乾身沙律 - 首輪黎咗一份,唔錯,不過無添嗌湯 - 首輪黎咗,好好飲,好CREAMY冷素麵 - 素麵就預咗無乜味,幾好,食到熱辣辣食碗凍野都唔錯醬汁:Default : 和牛蕃秘製醬汁 & 香橙荷蘭醬汁另外試咗:黑椒汁(好黑椒 - 中),咖哩汁(唔係好咖哩 - 中下),柚子胡椒汁(好柚子胡椒 - 中上)純粹個人口味~120分鐘放題,75分鐘已經嗌last order, 會唔會略嫌早咗啲呢。。。anyway, 由於我地試過好多小食, 都好飽 爐都自己熄埋食埋個甜品就走lu.總括黎講,呢個價錢,可以有其他更好嘅選擇如果只有個漢堡好食,咁呢間野就唔係食燒肉放題啦。。。
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Really nice restaurant and service is really excellent . Food is really amazing and atmosphere is really nice. Everything is on point and definitely worth go to back again and try other dishes . I would really recommend to my friends to try here. .
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It's my first-time visiting this place and I don't know how it's work here and the staff is very patient to explain how's things work there. Also, they are super friendly and helpful. Keep cleaning my table for me and ask me if I want more with a big smile .
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