Exit F1, Causeway Bay MTR Station
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The decor of this Chongqing hot pot is simple and comfortable. It offers the famous Jiugongge spicy hot pot which is popular in Chongqing and it provides double- flavor hot pot too. You can enjoy hot pot and noodles with Chongqing flavor at lunch time.
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Opening Hours
*Last Order: 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 23:30
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 23:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
The staff don’t know how to communicate in English despite the restaurant more tailored fit for tourists. Please get people who at least know how to speak basic English. It’s inconvenient how the staff still spoke in Chinese to us English-speaking tourists.
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打邊爐 同 減肥係咪永遠既敵人?宜家終於世界大「酮」!進行緊生酮減肥既人可以無拘無束放心打邊爐喇因為 渝味曉宇 推出生酮火鍋除咗啱生酮減肥人士之外仲有重視健康又喜好火鍋嘅你而度身訂造我哋點左生酮鴛鴦湯底分別係 養生花膠雞鍋同埋 重慶辣大紅鍋花膠雞鍋味道好滋潤而且雞件都好滑辣鍋方面更加係驚喜平時生酮減肥就一定要同辣椒say拜拜估唔到依家唔止可以打邊爐仲可以食埋辣食得出同平時嘅麻辣鍋係有唔一樣但係味道依然引人入勝另外仲叫咗兩杯生酮飲品生酮雜莓梳打生酮雜莓汁雞尾酒兩杯都清熱解渴配菜方面 叫左 海帶麵專為生酮而設 健康又好味海蟶 好新鮮手打蝦滑夠彈牙功夫萵筍片 配咩湯底都好入味現炸豆皮 香口爽脆珊瑚蚌 鮮甜爽口韭菜豬肉水餃 皮薄餡靚咬落去啲湯汁爆出嚟 正土豆片 鍾意食爽口嘅就可以唔使淥咁耐鍾意食淋啲就可以滾耐啲 百搭不厭美國Prime牛小排肉味鮮香 唔同湯底配搭肉汁都有唔同層次嘅變化食到停唔到口最核心係平時打邊爐都一定會自己溝醬嚟點而呢個生酮火鍋係配備埋 生酮豉油 比你點一個好完整嘅配套令到你生酮減肥中都可以食得安心而且食得夠過癮
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火鍋都岩生酮朋友一齊食🍲渝味曉宇 X 生酮達人唐貝詩推出左生酮火鍋🍲,岩哂生酮既朋友,可以出街食飯零負擔有幾款生酮湯底可選擇,今次我試左🐓花膠雞鍋,生酮友 都可以一齊分享呀!今次我就4個人一齊食,真係放心唔怕胖💕💕💕仲有#生酮 必食既食品推薦,我揀左海帶麵,好爽滑又飽肚💭 生酮雜莓飲,冇糖零負擔💭仲有生酮醬油添😻🔸火鍋湯底:養生花膠雞鍋🔸生酮雜莓飲 🔸海帶麵🔸黑毛豬腩肉 🔸美國Prime 牛小排🔸海蝦 🔸珊瑚蚌🔸美國桶蠔 🔸龍躉片 🔸 鱔片🔸貴妃蚌🔸聖子🔸豆腐 🔸淮山條 🔸油麥菜🔸蝦滑 🔸黑松露墨魚滑 湯底清淡,啱晒唔鍾意食濃味嘅朋友♥️龍躉片啖啖肉,美國Prime 牛小排好爽口聖子、海蝦好新鮮~珊瑚蚌、貴妃蚌好彈牙,上碟時會有埋烚既時間提醒⏰,好貼心~今次仲叫左生酮海帶麵,外表似粉絲,食落好爽口,好清爽,所以食完都零負擔又飽肚
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/ /生酮火鍋🍲食住都可以瘦生酮鴛鴦湯底❤️❤️養生花膠湯底(+$20)|重慶辣大紅鍋🌶用咗三黃雞加入花膠、新鮮蟲草花、杞子及鶏湯等餚製!其肉質嫩滑,皮脆骨軟,味道鮮美😍😍鶏湯選用老雞、鶏腳餚製 6 小時,餚至皮散膠質溶於湯中!另一個揀左麻辣,小辣岩岩好!美國Prime牛小排🐮呢個牛味超重,打邊爐必叫!稻田毛肚✨毛肚超爽口!淥一陣已經食得啦!嫩牛肉🥩叫左普通淥落麻辣湯,嫩麻辣牛肉,超正!功夫萵荀片 超爽口!黑松露墨魚滑🦑黑松露超濃味🤩🤩食落仲有墨魚粒,超彈牙鮮活海蟶🦞超鮮甜,淥10秒就食得!海帶麵🍜用咗海帶製成的麵條,主要是纖維接近零卡,食落比一般麵質爽脆!油條🍢吸哂湯嘅精華😍紅糖糍粑即刻整,熱辣辣,外脆內軟!配埋黃糖食,超正呀😙生酮雜莓梳打🍹生酮糖作為代用糖,無糖飲料!📍 渝味曉宇重慶老火鍋 (渣甸中心) (銅鑼灣)銅鑼灣渣甸街50號渣甸中心8樓
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As more people pursue Keto diet nowadays, Xiao Yu Hotpot has recently collaborated with Lydia Tong and integrated the ketogenic diet concept into hotpot. The menu was designed by Lydia based on her knowledge and experience of ketogenic diet, with the appropriate choice of ingredients, people on keto diet can also enjoy a scrumptious hotpot meal without food guilt. The fish maw and chicken broth is newly launched with the menu. It was cooked with three yellow chicken, Goji berries and fresh Cordyceps flowers. The taste and texture of the soup was more plain than the usual one but still flavourful enough for me. They also offer a healthy alternative for noodles, the Kombu noodles (海帶麵), which is almost calories-free. For other Keto ingredients, US Prime short ribs and chicken slices were also recommended. Apart from food, the shop also offers Keto drinks and seasonings.
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