6-min walk from Exit C, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
XinRongJi is a restaurant with Zhejiang cuisine and originated in Taizhou. The restaurant only uses the freshest ingredients and uses high-quality seafood. It also provides dishes such as bittern (salt) tofu. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2019-24)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
*Last order: 2:30pm; 10:30pm
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (76)
Level4 2024-11-20
裝修很漂亮,環境很優美、舒服,地點在灣仔地鐵站旁也是非常方便。服務員的服務也是殷勤、有禮、主動,我點讚。但問題也不是沒有,例如:之前已經与餐廳溝通有多少人來吃飯,結果用餐時,家人問為什麼北京填鴨每人只有一塊?!之後的麵粉皮用來配/夹咩好?當天有其他賓客在場,他們雖不說什麼,但我們就是感覺失禮。另外因為當天賓客眾多,之前家人要與餐廳商量安排菜單酒水的時候,自然會截圖分享給其他家人,以商量食物與酒水的意見。本來也沒有什麼,直到我個人看到餐廳員工在通訊軟件的頭像後....這樣說吧,我不知道其他長輩與家人的看法,反正不同人有不同政治立場我也尊重,但我來說說我的看法吧!反正我就是有點驚訝!請別誤會,我的意思是他非常辛勤努力,落力為廣大食客進行政治教育與思想工作呢!講真,我在上海這餐廳吃了這麼多次,也不敢擔保大上海的黨員員工會這麼賣力做政治宣傳(?)請問這品酒師是隱蔽戰線上的地下黨員嗎?感覺像看偵探劇,很有趣。除了用餐體驗不錯外, 食物的整體水平,大家說也是不錯的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-09-09
一家四口食飯 兩男兩女 全部成年人1. 鯧魚飯 (好味+份量多,大概6-8碗)如果怕其他餸份量少,食唔飽,就必嗌呢個飯2. 乳鴿(有肉汁有乳鴿味,但係好似有啲唔夠嫩)3. 原味黑毛豬仔排(一般般,但嗌咗都ok嘅🤔)4. 紅糖麻糍 (飯後甜品,一碟6件,好食)5. 葵花雞 (唔抵…至少我食唔出咩特別,可能特別在少啲肥油?另外份量係比較少🥲覺平時屋企煮啲雞仲香仲多肉汁仲嫩滑)6. 時令醉蟹 (超高性價比,1隻$128約3量重,平時我怕剝蟹麻煩都覺得呢個必食,蟹黃超正,可惜時令菜,下次唔知仲有冇,同埋我情願唔嗌雞同其他餸,淨係食呢個都得)7. 韮菜炒豆乾 (因為鯧魚飯同湯太多….最後呢碟完全冇人食😅)8. 椒香鮑魚 (頗辣,鮑魚有口感不過食唔到甜味,可能因為太辣?)9. 豆腐蝦乾蘑菇湯(唔知真正菜名叫咩,不過ok,份量都係超多6-8碗😅)呢外真正想試嘅酸菜魚、片皮鴨、花膠湯反而冇嗌,可惜🥲 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-04
又過嚟新記食飯,每一次都覺得好好食,呢個醉蟹同埋醉小龍蝦差不多好多次都會點、扁皮鴨同所有餸菜都一向出色食物又新鮮、青椒鮑魚我好鍾意食同埋個蘿蔔、佢哋嗰個甜番薯同埋乳鴿都好好食、個沙蒜麵我覺得好食過甬府嗰個😆同埋佢個炒魚翅都做得好出色。佢呢個蒸雞啲雞係好滑嘅。個和牛扒又好食、仲有我成日都叫嘅冰粉❤️這裏是我在香港永遠都唔會覺得失望其中一間很喜歡的餐廳🍴食物質素同服務都很好❤️係一間高檔次嘅餐廳當然價錢都比較高位但係我覺得佢嘅食物質素係值得 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-01
I have been a loyal supporter of XRJ since it opened its HK outpost. Tried the Beijing XRJ last year and found it not as impressive as the one in HK. So very excited to be back, particularly when it was dinner organised by the Professional Food Critic. The evening was off to a great start with a string of delectable appetisers. Particularly memorable ones for me were the drunken mantis shrimps and my all-time favourite deep fried cutlassfish. Both of which were incredibly fresh and flavourful. Cutlassfish were deep fried in sheer coated batter to a delicate crisp. The showstopper of the evening was definitely the sautéed fish fin with eggs (現拆蟹肉席前炒翅) that was prepared by the table. The fish fin was perfectly sautéed and packed with wok hei. Our room was heavenly aromatic after service. The meal ended with black truffle iberico rice dumplings. I was wowed by the glistening surface when it was served. The glutinous savoury mass marked a very fulfilling ending to the meal.To top it off and to the Professional Food Critic’a greatest delight, the restaurant specifically sourced and served us with gigantic bayberries for dessert.Overall, XRJ remains to be ahead of its game in terms of refined Taizhou cuisine, showcasing the best seasonal ingredients and top culinary skills. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-25
20240331🌧️Sunday🌹🎊「新榮記」第一家店是在1995年10月1日創立,在台州以大排檔起家,現在中国已經火紅火綠,分店遍佈杭州北京上海深圳。🤔為什麼叫「新榮記」?老闆名字張勇,因為榮與勇在台州的方言里是一個諧音,加個新,欣欣向榮的意思,所以新榮兩個字就是欣欣向榮的諧音。🌟「新榮記」2018年在香港開業不足一年已摘一星。😎入口頗隱蔽,推開門後見到一排米芝蓮框架,頗有氣勢,但係見到條樓梯個腦立刻呈現❓❓❓🥢餐廳主打台州的浙江菜🍊店員奉上餐前小食,介紹老闆有自己的果園種植,十分甜及多汁。🐟餐廳供應黃魚,從東海捕獲,肉質更為嫩滑🧑‍🍳今日可借的負責烤鴨的廚師休息🦆👍服務員態度無微不至🌟米芝蓮一星中菜廳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)